Growing Up

By Eric Francis IT MUST BE terrifying finding out you live in a dormitory contaminated with dioxins. Imagine: you’re 18 years old and you’re having a great time at college. Then one day at the end of the year, you find out that your building had an electrical fire so long ago that nobody remembers, … Read more

End of Sign Monthly for Taurus

Taurus Solar Return, Part Four You seem to be watching calmly enough as others go through a kind of crisis: a growth crisis, or perhaps if they are the lesser-evolved or less conscious type, some other kind. In any event, you are witness to a transition. You may marvel at the feats of someone confronting … Read more

New Paltz May 10: There’s Nothing You Can Do That Can’t be Done

TONIGHT I get to speak to the campus community for the first time in 16 years about the dioxin and PCB situation in its dorms. In other words, speak about the moral blight, the slowly unfolding environmental crime, the incomprehensible scandal, located on top of a hill in the middle of town. After writing about … Read more

Lemonade for May

Aries (March 20-April 19) As an Aries, you are an interesting, even excellent, mix of bold and insecure. Because you tend to plunge ahead despite your fears, you are less at their mercy than are most people. But this month’s astrology has you doing an interesting dance, as you confront what seem like vast, all-consuming anxieties … Read more

Such a Timeless Flight

ASTROLOGY allows us a way into the underlying energy patterns of the world. We can simply be aware of the patterns, or study them; we can take more elaborate steps to utilize them, to plan, to look for opportunities and warnings, and to get some feedback from the seemingly inanimate world around us. As Rick … Read more