Inconvenient Reasoning

      Today’s horoscope is the June 2007 monthly for Lemonade, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly number 666 by Eric Francis. Aries (March 20-April 19) You need new ideas about life, and therefore you need to look for them in new places. You may be feeling this, as well as a bit of fear … Read more

Horoscopes: The Cosmic Voice of Reason

I believe in the future, I may live in my car My radio tuned to the voice of a star — Paul Simon SINCE IT’S POSSIBLE for horoscope columns to be effective without astrology itself working, we can look a little deeper into what makes this so. I suggest we don’t need to look too … Read more

Taking a Moment

      Monthly Inner Space for June 2007, standing in for weekly horoscope #665 – By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) Your chart is giving the impression you’re living at work these days. If so, I suggest you bring in a real toaster oven rather than a microwave. In fact, bring in home-cooked meals … Read more

How to be Your Own Lover

by Eric Francis  May is International Masturbation Month, as decreed nearly a decade ago by the Good Vibrations people in San Francisco and Berkeley. This is a reprint of an article Eric wrote in 2000, with additional resources below. This article originally appeared in Common Ground magazine in San Francisco in May 2000. We’re republishing it today … Read more

On Birds and Dreams

Gemini Solar Returns, 2007 By Eric Francis Dear Gemini Friend and Reader: It would be easy to sum up Gemini birthdays this year as beginning the time of completion of Pluto in Sagittarius, a transit that has been a profound influence in your life the past dozen years. That, however, is mostly in the background, … Read more