Mars Rex in Cancer: Get Over Thyself

Dear Friend and Reader: MOST OF what astrologers do is help people get over their hang-ups and inhibitions. Astrologers work to peer into the psyche and better understand the inner workings of a person. We can allegedly glimpse the future or at least see how it’s developing. Some astrologers help their clients solve problems, but … Read more

Inner Space for November 2007

Aries (March 20-April 19) Focus on nutrition. Start with food; then start with the influence that food has on your relationships. Take the lead. Slow down and see how you feel after you eat different things and how you feel when you eat with different people. Then move onto discovering your emotional nourishment needs. You are … Read more

They Know They’re Hot

Dear Friend and Reader: YOU HAVE heard me say a lot of times that TV sucks, and now its writers are on strike. Hearing that, I immediately forgot my silly old grudge and wrote to Jeff Apter, my union president in Paris, and asked him whether I had to walk off the job in support … Read more

Scorpio de los Muertos & Mercury Station Direct

Dear Friend and Reader: THESE NIGHTS of mid-Scorpio are when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. They are the Days of the Dead: All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, Dia de los Muertos, and Dia de los Angelitos; with special days designated to honor the unbaptized, small children, those who died violently, and of … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – November 2007

A New Arrival: Eli Henry Bottinelli Jarosik Dear Friends and Readers: It’s with the greatest pleasure that I’m here to announce the arrival of Eli Henry Bottinelli Jarosik, the son of Chelsea Bottinelli and T.J. Jarosik. Those readers who call the one Internet site that actually answers its phones have probably heard from Chelsea, the … Read more