Inner Space for December 2007

Sagittarius: Intersellar Overdrive Dear Friend and Reader: THE COSMOS is thundering on our little Earth at the moment. Not everyone will be finding this pleasant, hearing the shocking vibration of their soul come through as a kind of last warning to get into motion; others are busting through years of resistance and karmic debris and … Read more

Pluto, Jupiter, and the Galactic Core

By Tracy Delaney and Eric Francis WE ARE currently experiencing a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto and the Galactic Core, which we have been covering in recent weeks. Exact on Dec. 11, this would seem like a highly improbable triple alignment, since Pluto reaches the Galactic Core about once every 248 years, and Jupiter reaches … Read more

Through the Spiral Door – and Into Capricorn

I GUESS we could sum up the big news of coming winter in a few words: Pluto is entering Capricorn. So recently designated a dwarf, Pluto will have this odd new reputation tested as it ingresses the sign associated with government, big corporate interests, big science and the structure of society itself. These changes will … Read more

December Planet Waves Horoscope by Eric Francis

THE SUN IS now in Sagittarius, and has made a square to the lunar nodes commemorated by Saturday’s Full Moon in Gemini. Sagittarius is the sign of the Centaur, Chiron. Many astrologers associate Chiron with Virgo, which is true enough. However, one cannot help but notice the huge Centaur standing at the gates of Sagittarius … Read more

UAC Conference, Fool Moon and Horoscopes

Making the Most of an Astrology Conference Dear Friend and Reader: I mentioned a few weeks ago that we would be providing coverage of the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in Denver, which takes place May 15-20, 2008. This coverage is based on a relationship Planet Waves has with UAC, so we are in effect promoting the conference … Read more