Eriscope from Planet Waves – September 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) Quite the tale of intrigue is showing up on the September radar, events that seem strange, beautiful and in some way fated. One theme is that for most people, love is based on need, and clearly you’re feeling that. Another is that what appears to be love may be one of several … Read more

The Atlantis Factor

Dear Friend and Reader: THE OTHER night exploring the astrology of the Large Hadron Collider — a particle smasher that scientists will use to study the formation of the universe — I joked that the lead scientist, Prof. Peter Higgs, namesake of the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle, was a holdover from Atlantis. It went well with … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – September 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) The time has come to set limits, and you also know that you need to exceed your prior limits. The question is what aspect of life to assign to which category? I think you need to exceed a certain value you’ve placed on playing it safe. This has grown really tired, particularly … Read more

The Uranus Factor

Dear Friend and Reader: THE ELECTION of 2008 comes down to a head-to-head confrontation between the progressives and the conservatives. Elections have a way of polarizing people, but this one is going to be special, and it may be a portent of things to come. A reader’s letter to the Houston Chronicle this week summed up one side … Read more

Virgo Birthdays: Reaching the Root of Self-Doubt

Dear Friend and Virgo: An intricate planetary dance in your neighboring sign Libra during the next two months develops the story of the next phase of your life, which as you are likely to be noticing, focuses on the value you set on yourself and your existence. In the Western world, we make the mistake … Read more