12/21: Total Eclipse of the Moon in Gemini

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Overnight tonight we will experience a total eclipse of the Moon in Gemini. This is the Gemini Full Moon, happening with the Sun on its last day of Sagittarius, just on the eve of the solstice. So we have a rare combination of a total eclipse within hours of the change of seasons. … Read more

Let’s keep an eye on this one — or better yet, both eyes

Confess your passion, your secret fear Prepare to meet the challenge of the new frontier  — Donald Fagen Dear Planet Waves Reader: Normally we distribute the early-week edition on Tuesday, but there’s an intriguing astrological event that takes place starting today. This extends overnight and into tomorrow afternoon, so I’ve decided to run this edition today. … Read more

A Homeopathic Moment: Mercury Retrograde

eclipse of the Moon and the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice, as well as the holiday travel season. Mercury will dip back into late Sagittarius, treading in reverse over the Galactic Core, then after stationing direct make another conjunction to the core early next year. Before I get into a few other details of this astrology and what it may say about our most personal lives, I have several points of follow up on last week’s article about WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

In the Dark of Daytime

Chiron Files by Eric Francis Editor’s Note: For those following the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, Assange turned himself in on charges unrelated to the document leaks today in a London court. I am developing the story at this page on the Planet Waves blog. — efc Sometimes you don’t need so much astrology to do … Read more

The Most Wanted Man in the World

When I was teaching English 101 at SUNY New Paltz, I assigned my classes a book called  Reading the News. In its clear-headed approach to understanding how journalism works, its first chapter was titled, “Who Makes the News.” That’s a statement, not a question:  who makes the news — before what, where, when and why. We want to know about people. We want to know what they do, and we crave a window into their psyches, perhaps in search of ourselves.