The Need for Emotional Healing

Chiron Files by Eric Francis  Dear Friend and Reader: The strange sequence of events I described in Friday’s edition was actually pointing to something bigger, which we learned about Saturday morning in Tucson. Thousands of birds falling out of the sky, fish floating to the surface of the water and many other odd developments, all surrounding an … Read more

Wave Pulse One

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Most of us are pretty creeped out by all these reports of birds suddenly falling out of the sky and fish turning up dead. It’s been an unusual week in other ways, here in the days following Tuesday morning’s solar eclipse and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. On New Year’s Eve, about 5,000 … Read more

How to Cross an Ocean; How to Light a Fire

Pisces, as the last sign of the zodiac, represents the primal waters to which thought, action and memory return — and from which they emerge. Seawater contains traces of nearly every element, from oxygen to iron to gold. The history of humanity is contained in the world’s oceans, as rivers course through canyons and cities and carry everything to the shore.

Mercury Stations Direct Overnight Wednesday

Dear Planet Waves Reader: First, in case you missed Friday’s edition because you were traveling, I posted a year in review horoscope. The January monthly horoscope, called “How to Cross an Ocean,” will be posted Friday morning. This is an extended edition, previewing Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Until Light Bridge publishes in … Read more

Friend to Friend: A Bit of Quaker Astrology

Today is Christmas Eve, so I thought I would do something borrowing from an old Christian tradition. I’ve only mentioned being Quaker a few times on these pages, though it’s a significant piece of my philosophical heritage. I made this discovery as a kid, after attending Friends summer camps for five years (Quaker is old-fashioned shorthand for The Religious Society of Friends).