September: From Virgo to Libra

Dear Friend and Reader: September is the month of the equinox. Whether you’re a reader in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern, the Sun soon enters Libra, which is illustrated by scales — of balance, of duality and the ones held by Astraea, the goddess of justice. To me, the thing that stands out the … Read more

Catching the Last Rays of Summer

In the spirit of catching the last rays of summer and giving the whole Planet Waves team a little extra space to breathe, this will be a “horoscope only” Friday. I’ll also be adjusting the schedule for next week, publishing one issue on Wednesday night — the monthly horoscope and a special introduction that will … Read more

Chiron Files: Tales of Mercury and Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader: Mercury is the original planet associated with Virgo, but with the discovery of Chiron in 1977, a new player got involved. Chiron is also associated with Sagittarius. The difference is that the healing aspect of Chiron is attributed to Virgo, and the questing aspect of Chiron is attributed to Sagittarius. In … Read more

On the Shores of Scorpionic America

Dear Friend and Reader: If ever there was a week during the past nine years and 11 months to wonder what is happening in the United States charts, this would be the week. The debt ceiling hostage game that ended less than two weeks ago led to a reduction of the U.S. credit rating, which … Read more

The Dog Moon & Cygnus the Swan: Ex Ovo Omnia

By Gary P. Caton This Saturday, Aug. 13, is the Aquarius Full Moon, at about 2:58 pm EDT. Traditionally, the Full Moon of August is sometimes called the Dog Moon. This is a reference to the “dog days” of summer, which were named after the star Sirius, of the constellation Canis Major (Latin for greater dog). Sirius … Read more