The Harvest Moon & the Pegasus Syndrome

By Gary P. Caton Traditionally, the Full Moon closest to the fall equinox is called the Harvest Moon. The idea is that for a few days the light from the Full Moon allows farmers to work later, and helps them to bring in their crops. Because of the shallow angle the ecliptic (the path of … Read more

Sept. 11, 2001: Call it what it is

Dear Friend and Reader: So here we are, at the 10-year mark of the Sept. 11 incident. Wars are still being fought, lives are being taken, there is chaos in the Middle East, and everyone who boards an airplane or makes a phone call is treated as a potential terrorist. Politicians will lay wreaths and … Read more

Chiron Files: Mercury Opposite Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader: Last month in Chiron files we looked at Mercury retrograde in Leo and Virgo, called Tales of Mercury and Chiron. The two planets are related through an association to Virgo. We often associate Chiron with the healing process. Hermes, the Greek messenger god identified with the Roman Mercury, is mistakenly associated with … Read more

The Chaos Generator

Dear Friend and Reader: A few days before Hurricane Irene visited New York and New England, I picked up the I Ching that I keep in my bathroom nutshell library, and opened randomly to Hexagram 18, Disruption. This is a little like The Tower, or the rune Hagalaz, but the I Ching is more philosophical than most interpretations of … Read more

Inner Space horoscope – September 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: The Virgo New Moon two days ago set the tone for September. The Sun and Moon aligned with two different goddesses — one being Venus (the bright planet that will soon be visible in the evening sky) and the other being Isis (an asteroid, and the alignment was precise). There is … Read more