Moonshine Horoscope from Planet Waves

By Genevieve Hathaway Aries Moon — This coming month is a good time to ask the questions: Are you emotionally healthy? What does emotional wellbeing look (or feel) like for you? I’m not talking strictly about balanced feelings, but more that which you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to ground your emotions … Read more

Neptune in Pisces: A Watershed Event

Dear Friend and Reader: In 2008, Pluto entered Capricorn and within a matter of months, we saw the collapse of the banking system and a massive heist of public resources by different private entities. It was an event so perfectly described by Pluto in Capricorn (which lasts till 2024) that it was a little eerie. Many astrologers … Read more

Leo Full Moon: Thinking For Yourself

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re on the verge of the Leo Full Moon today. At the same time, Mercury is conjunct the Sun in Aquarius. So this is an unusual and especially influential Full Moon — which may be translating to feeling like there is some extra tension in the air — as well as … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope for March 2012

By Genevieve Hathaway This horoscope pertains to your Moon sign. You can look that up by casting your chart at or You may need your time of birth. The Moon changes signs every three or so days, and the closer you are to the edge of a sign the more necessary it is to know the time … Read more

Sea Changes: Neptune Enters Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is the big day that Neptune ingresses Pisces to stay until 2025, the sign of which it’s the modern ruling planet. Neptune made a kind of test run into Pisces between April and August of last year; due to the retrograde effect we’ve had a few months since then to … Read more