Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Dear Friend and Reader: March is the month of the vernal equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, and this will be a vibrant, exciting moment. The Sun ingresses Aries on March 20 in a conjunction to revolutionary, inventive Uranus, then makes a square to Pluto — an echo of the future when, during the next … Read more

An Extra Pisces New Moon Horoscope

Dear Friend and Reader: This is an off-week for the weekly horoscope, but Priya Kale is standing in for me on our other channels — the iPhone app and in the newspapers. Since we have the work edited and ready to go, I’m sending it out to you. This horoscope is an interpretation of the Pisces New … Read more

An Ocean of Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader: Spring 2012 looks like it will be a season unlike any other in our lives. That season begins March 20 with the vernal equinox, when the Sun enters Aries. That will be big news of its own, though before we get there, we are experiencing some of the most extraordinary Pisces … Read more

Schedule Update and the Pisces New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: This note is being sent to the main subscriber list and our product customer list, together. Reminder to horoscope subscribers that this is a ‘Wednesday night’ week; there’s just one horoscope mailing, on Wednesday evening EST. This week I’m recording some overdue birthday reports and the forthcoming Spring Report. Today is … Read more

What’s Your (Pluto) Sign? Wait — Let Me Guess!

Dear Friend and Reader: Twenty-twelve is going to be a big year for Pluto. You could say it’s always a big year for Pluto, but this is the year of the Uranus-Pluto square you may have heard about. It’s the aspect that’s the “sign of our times” and which is going to make the next … Read more