Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Busting the SCIF

Dear Friend and Reader: Any predictive astrologer looking at the astrology of our moment might have seen that the political environment would be boiling over the sides of the pot and onto the floor. The wide-angle factor here, the one spanning decades and indicating that something is reaching its conclusion, is Saturn conjunct Pluto in … Read more

Scorpio Ingresses of the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun enters the fixed sign Scorpio at 1:19:41 pm EDT on Wednesday, Oct. 23. If you’re into the dark and alluring aspects of life, Scorpio time can stir up deep feelings. Earlier nightfall, Halloween, Days of the Dead, the season of the final harvest all evoke a sense of transition … Read more

Listening to the World Go By

Dear Friend and Reader: One of my journalistic hobbies is listening to the scanner. All I have to do is unmute Channel 1 on my soundboard, and it comes through my speakers. I can then eavesdrop on the chatter of government. I hear some law enforcement, but mainly what comes across are medical calls, fire … Read more

Life at This Dangerous Crossroads

Dear Friend and Reader: Thursday night, I presented the Aries Full Moon in relationship to its political implications, and how it aspects the charts of the United States, of Trump, and the U.S. Pluto return. To begin understanding the Aries Full Moon on a personal level, first consider what you’re feeling right now, and then consider this. … Read more

Aries Full Moon Pumps Up the Power Aspects

Dear Friend and Reader: We are in an era of “power aspects” — rare events that shift the tectonic plates of history. This is easy to see, difficult to look at, and challenging to feel. That would be especially true if you’re feeling unstable, overwhelmed or stuck in the mire, like those three tractors I described last … Read more