Aries Full Moon and Uranus Square Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: This whole week is a buildup to the Aries Full Moon. If you’ve ever read the term “Aries Point” on Planet Waves, we are about to experience its influence, in one of the hottest charts I’ve seen in quite a while. This event — an opposition alignment of the Sun and … Read more

About that Metalogue — and the Revolution

Dear Friend and Reader: I began my comments about this week’s astrology in my Daily Astrology post overnight Sunday, where I proposed we were about to experience a metalogue of some kind. That’s not a word that’s used a lot; think of it as a meta-level conversation, a conversation about what’s being talked about, while that topic is formulating. … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope, Schedule Tune-Up — and Uranus-Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: This week we have the Moonshine horoscope for you, written by upstart horoscope writer Genevieve Hathaway, filed from Australia. By the way, Genevieve’s contribution to last week’s edition — her reportage from the neighborhood of the Egyptian embassy in Cairo — went uncredited (see second paragraph). We know the street where the embassy … Read more

Not Just a River in Belgium

Dear Friend and Reader: For the first time, the United States experienced a terrorist attack on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, incident. This happened at an American consulate (not an embassy, but the extension of one) in allegedly newly democratized Libya. The attack killed the venerated American ambassador to that country, J. Christopher … Read more

Tuesday Letter: A Moment of Psyche

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re not done editing the Moonshine horoscope yet, so it’s going to wait a week. Working with a young writer who is learning to write horoscopes is giving me a new appreciation for how challenging it is to translate astrology into a few succinct sentences, and have it be helpful, accurate … Read more