Notes from Virgo: Use Your Intelligence

Dear Friend and Reader: At the recent United Astrology Conference, astrologer/activist Caroline Casey noted that Pluto has left Sagittarius, but it seems that nobody has informed world leaders of that fact. What I understood her to be saying is that the Pluto in Sagittarius vibe of obsession over ideology, fanatical religious ideas and true-believership is still going … Read more

Cue: Be One (or The Kuiper Belt Turns 20)

Dear Friend and Reader: Astrology is based on the premise that the shape of the solar system reflects the shape of consciousness. If that’s true, the edge of the solar system would represent a boundary or edge within the psyche, a place where familiar territory ends and the unfamiliar begins. Over the years, this boundary … Read more

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

Dear Friend and Reader: September begins with the Sun in Virgo and ends with the Sun in Libra. Along the way we should have relatively clear sailing; astrology during the prior eight months of the year has been all kinds of turbulent. There has been this feeling of swimming against the tide. The Pisces Full … Read more

Welcome to Virgo (and Your Monthly Horoscope)

Dear Friend and Reader: Wednesday afternoon, the Sun ingressed Virgo, beginning the third and last month of the season. This is always true of the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. At the end of each of those signs, the Sun begins a new season. Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Though … Read more

The Folk Art of Therapy

Dear Friend and Reader: For a few years I’ve been wanting to write an article about how to pick a therapist. I know that there are those for whom opening up a real discussion about their lives is burning in their soul. Others know they’ve been dealing with the same problems over and over for … Read more