Uranus in Aries

Dear Friend and Reader: Later today (overnight Friday in some time zones), Uranus leaves Pisces and enters Aries to stay for the next seven years. As the astrology picture of 2012-2015 assembles, this is one of the biggest pieces — the presence of Uranus representing the energy surge; the impulse to enter the future. This … Read more

With Love From Borasisi

Dear Friend and Reader: Anyone who works with ideas in a public forum figures out sooner or later that most people will believe anything, particularly if it’s not true. I’ve learned as much from writing satire as I have from writing about astrology or being an investigative reporter. I’ve noticed that many readers will readily … Read more

Solar Fire, Electric Fire, Cosmic Fire

Dear Friend and Reader: In her influential 1951 book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey describes several kinds of fire — and looking at the current charts, we have them all happening right now. You can probably feel the vibes. Solar Fire comes to mind as the Sun approaches the sign Aries. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, … Read more

Revolution in the Aries (or is it Pisces)

Dear Friend and Reader: Revolution is seething in one of the unlikeliest regions of the world: not merely North Africa and the Middle East, but the United States. We might have asked when the people ruled by imams, mullahs, sultans, princes, kings, ayatollahs and ordinary leech despots were going to get restless. We might have … Read more

Egypt: For Now, the People are in Charge

Dear Friend and Reader: After yesterday’s very strange day in Egypt — beginning with early reports by numerous supposedly reliable sources that Mubarak would resign and ending with him transferring power to Vice President Omar Suleiman, but keeping the title of president — nobody can say for sure what is happening in Egypt. Today is … Read more