Alt Monthly Horoscope for June 2009

By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) You seem to be competing with yourself, or dealing with having a double purpose. It’s possible to express two reasons for being, but they need to have something in common rather than being at odds with one another. One of them feels a bit odd or out of … Read more

The Road to Xibalba

Dear Friend and Leader: Lately I am hearing the discussion about 2012 happen just about every day. The concept of this being an important year was introduced to popular culture by Jose Arguelles at the time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. His work is inspired by Mayan astrology, and in that system we experience a turnover … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – June 2009

By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) Have you begun to figure out that the world around you corresponds to your inner life? I will not, as many do, go so far as to say that you personally create your reality. I will say that you have a distinct, potent influence, and this has to … Read more

Perfection is not a value

Dear Friend and Leader: A couple of weeks ago, I got a suggestion from my inner guide to stop interpreting the Aquarius conjunction. I follow this voice carefully in my astrology writing. It’s given me plenty of information but never before suggested that I shut up. “You’ve been working on this for 14 years. Stop … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly for June 2009

Dear Friend and Reader: The great god Mercury, messenger, trickster and the planet of Hermes (one of the founders of astrology) stations direct in Taurus on Saturday, May 30. This occurs while we are in the midst of the triple conjunction that offers us the opportunity to shape and recreate our world. Everyone agrees that … Read more