Beyond Hopeless

Dear Friend and Reader: Following a New Moon conjunct Vesta in the sensitive first degrees of Cancer, opposite Pluto, it was quite a week for The Personal is Political. Let’s not forget the Venus-Mars conjunction. It’s fair to say that anything that happened in the news this week was about all of us, whether we … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – July 2009

Introduction: A Season of Eclipses Dear Friend and Reader: This season we have two New Moons in the sign Cancer, the second of which is a total solar eclipse, and two penumbral eclipses of the Moon (each at the time of the next two Full Moons). This highly unusual combination of solar/lunar events will seem … Read more

We’re There! Now What?

Hubble refit goes off without a hitch Earth’s eye in the sky — well, its most famous one, at any rate — is back in business after a lengthy, complicated and daring mission by astronauts in the Space Shuttle Atlantis over the past week, as recapped by The New York Times. The Hubble Space Telescope has now been … Read more

Vestal Solstice: The Sacred Space of Self

Dear Friend and Reader: Northern Hemisphere summer begins Monday with a series of planetary events, and as often happens, events in close proximity describe a theme. When the Sun makes its ingress into the cardinal sign Cancer, it will be conjunct an asteroid called Vesta. This magnificently complex asteroid, I believe, holds the key to … Read more

A Case of Denial

Dear Friend and Reader: My original theme for the week was to explore how the economic ‘downturn’ will help people find their roots. Without so many distractions of success and money to chase and houses to flip, we have a chance to do what’s important to us; to scale back the pace of our lives … Read more