What got Farrah?

Dear Friend and Reader: Tonight, a much-acclaimed television special on Farrah Fawcett’s battle with cancer will air on NBC. In what appears to be a kind of reality show, the program will consist of up-close footage of Fawcett’s sickness, treatment and subsequent decline reportedly from anal cancer. The program in effect turns her from sex … Read more

Alt Monthly Horoscope for May 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) There is a certain social magic that will work for you, if you don’t try to prove anything to anyone. Rather, let those you meet demonstrate their true identity before you assume you know who they are. Though it may be challenging, the less you say, the better. … Read more

Growing Into Our God-ness

Grand Fixed Cross:  The Scorpio Full Moon By Tracy Delaney w/Eric Francis At today’s Scorpio Full Moon, the Sun, Moon and several centaur planets form a fixed grand cross, i.e., a cross made up of two oppositions and four squares. This takes place in the fixed signs Taurus (the Sun), Leo (Elatus), Scorpio (the Moon and … Read more

Pan, Beltane and the Love of the Earth

Dear Friend and Reader: What a strange, beautiful mix of energies we’re in right now. When I was in the spiritual boot camp known as Miracle Manor, we often tossed around an expression: love brings up everything unlike itself. The only thing unlike love is fear, so if we can be prepared for that, and … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space for May 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) You are standing before a door to the universe, and you hold the key to all worlds. You might well ask what one thing you would do or create, if you could do or create anything. Let this be a mental and hopefully emotional exercise that you do … Read more