The Swiftly Tilting Planet

The Swiftly Tilting Planet Dear Friend and Reader: IF WE have learned one thing from doing the ongoing Mercury Retrograde news timeline, currently tracking the turning points of the end of the ‘shadow phase’, it’s that the news is difficult to deal with, and consumes a significant amount of emotional energy. If you are following … Read more

The Wheel, Weekend Astrology, Horoscope

The Wheel THIS weekend’s top story is Mercury stationing direct in Cancer. Despite its reputation for being lunar, maternal, watery, emotional and moving sideways, Cancer is an assertive, even aggressive archetype, with claws. We may account this to the strength and protective spirit necessary for mothering/parenting, or Cancer’s association with Aries (both share places on … Read more

From Political Waves

The Immutable President MAUREEN DOWD July 26, 2006 Washington – It’s too bad President Bush spurns evolution — both in his view of the universe and his view of himself. Scientists see more and more evidence that human evolution not only exists but is ongoing, as people adapt to changing circumstances with shifts in … Read more

From Political Waves

The Immutable President MAUREEN DOWD July 26, 2006 Washington – It’s too bad President Bush spurns evolution — both in his view of the universe and his view of himself. Scientists see more and more evidence that human evolution not only exists but is ongoing, as people adapt to changing circumstances with shifts in … Read more

Soul to Soul, plus weekend update and horoscope

Soul to Soul LOOKING for astrological metaphors to explain the feeling of the times we’re living in, I keep coming back to Neptune in Aquarius. What feeling? The feeling that nothing matters; the feeling of a world anaesthetized to its own pain; the feeling that no one and nothing can make a difference. Even among … Read more