Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be getting the message to turn your attention to your finances, and if you are, run with it. There are two stages to this, one being order and organization with numbers and records, and the other being the motivation to succeed. Yet for you, this cannot have the meekest tinge of greed, by which I mean, money for its own sake. You’re usually far from that mentality, though the fear of being this way can creep up on you. The thing to focus on is beauty rather than wealth. You will know you’re doing the right thing because the effect of your actions is to bring balance and elegance to the world around you. Depending on the circumstances, this requires drive and passion. There are subtle ways to go about it, like keeping a garden, and they certainly count; they will contribute to your positive state of mind. Yet it seems there is something you want to move forward in a bolder and more public way. There’s an interesting parallel between your solar chart and that of Leo, above — you might read that entry and note the ways that it applies to you. The common thread is integrity. Care and caution are required to safely handle power in any form.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Around the time of the Aug. 1 Full Moon, a doorway to your potential opens up, and some fresh currents of energy flow into your being. While there are several important influences coming through Virgo, the connection point is Mars tapping into the wisdom and confidence of Jupiter in Taurus. Any gift is a spiritual one. Underneath whatever may be happening on the level of personality and day-to-day activity, you are connecting with a force that looks like your higher self. You may be filled with the sense of already knowing what is true, and therefore, what to act on. You will not be pushed; anything you do must be a conscious choice, based on your faith in yourself. There are also influences luring you into insecurity, overthinking and a narrow point of view. Perhaps give them a voice, though you will not really have any confirmation of whether you’re right until you take action. That means making a decision and then going with it, no second-guessing involved. This may seem like a dangerous policy, though this is a special moment, and you are ready to taste your true sense of belonging, and some fresh experience of success.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You may experience the temptation to push against an immovable object, or to take part in some other futile exercise. You have far better options. Yet the difference between now and the past few years is that Saturn in your sign will hold you to the reality principle.
You’ve had a lot of room to wiggle, which means to accept what you want as true. But there is now a filter through which all the light is shining. If that is presenting obstacles, they are perceptual: you are being asked to look at the world differently, and make your assessments on a different basis. And that would be the question, “What is true?” This is the question that we are being conditioned every day to avoid and deny.
Yet you must recognize when someone is telling you a story. It’s essential that you know when you don’t know, so you don’t respond by jumping to what seem like easy conclusions. This is asking for more than most people can offer right now, but not more than you have. What do you have? Intelligence, a measure of faith in yourself, and the ability to be flexible. Put all that to work and you will do just fine.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Speaking from long experience working with people as their astrologer, I can tell you that most never get beyond the control of their families. I don’t just mean people who cannot go anywhere without their mother. I’m also speaking of those who cannot quite recognize the box their family put them in, and how it is limiting them from doing the very things they say they want to do. Most of this involves guilt, which is the glue that holds back most progress, creativity and growth.
You have a special sensitivity here, and also, for many years, you’ve been working through this material. You’ve had little choice, with Pluto burning through Capricorn. You’ve had many opportunities to connect with your deepest childhood desires, and to make peace with the person you once were and may feel you’ve lost. You may have even reconnected with this being, who is alive within you, and wants your attention. Pluto is about to make the first of two visits back to Capricorn, before entering Aquarius to stay in late 2024.
This is an invitation to review your progress on your inner child work (which includes inner artist work, and your capacity to be spontaneous). The theme to address in these review phases is raw power. It’s about the effect of the family entirely dominating the will, the feelings and the mind of the child. We take this for granted. It’s so prevalent that people hardly notice. And yet it happens, and is central to our experience of becoming adults. This, in turn, translates to how we expect to be treated by society: generally, as infants, and as wards of the state. Pluto is here to stir up your revolutionary tendencies. Yet you will be more likely to succeed if you stay close to your own experience, and understand what has shaped you, and who has pushed you to compromise. Then you will be far less likely to do it again.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Belief, not the truth, is for most humans the final arbiter of reality. Few have acknowledged how dangerous this is, for individuals and for all of us. The result is that persuasive people — rather than honest ones — usually get their way.
Of course, the most readily available mode of persuasion is fear, and we’ve all witnessed how that works out. You are about to experience an opportunity to let go of some old, entrenched beliefs. You’ve been trying to do this for a while. They have been kicking up dust, and one effect has been a crisis of faith, as if you struggled to figure out what’s real but didn’t know it; it just felt like extreme confusion or anxiety. When that happens, it’s good to check for a mistaken belief, though if you discover one, you will need to use an essential skill for our time, which is the ability to unlearn.
By that I mean acknowledging an error of understanding (or not understanding) without thinking your whole world is going to collapse. An upcoming eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio will provide you with an opening to make some corrections. That may lead to a wider re-evaluation of where you place your faith, what you believe and how that came to be. Generally, 99% of what we know is wrong, but the only remedy for that is curiosity and joy in discovery. I suggest you dial that up.
What is true and correct will be much more helpful than what is incorrect, outdated or based on propaganda you were infused with when you were a kid. You have a parallel situation to your fellow earth sign Taurus (see above) in that a deep source of chaos is religious values that were not identified as such, as they may have been covert or presented in a secular context.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Broadly speaking, you seem to have two possibilities at the moment: live in the context of a relationship/partnership and its concept of who you are; or make your own choices for your own purposes, which means thinking as an independent person without the encumbrances of the relationship. You may have been at this juncture many times before. It’s natural for you to seek your reality in the context of others (to some extent we all do, but you’re especially drawn to this). Then as you reach a new level of self-actualization, you outgrow that situation, and need to find yourself other ways. Chiron’s presence in the dynamic is calling for a high degree of awareness of this whole process, and coming up with another way to be. And you’re under some significant pressure to work this out now. There is only one long-term solution — your relationships must accommodate not only who you are at the time you enter them, but also who you may become. In any encounter with another person, on whatever terms, you must leave yourself room to grow. And when you find yourself in the context of a relationship where your experience of yourself has expanded, you need to figure out what to do. Yet that really simmers down to one thing: tell the truth about your reality. Give people the opportunity to accept or reject you. Unless you are boldly honest about your situation, you will never really know where you stand with people. I know that most people live on completely different terms, smothered in mendacity and drowning in withholds. You’ve had enough success being real that you know it works pretty good most of the time.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Saturn arrives in your opposite sign Pisces on March 7, and I have a hunch this will bring a refreshing change to your life. This of course would depend on your mentality and emotional makeup, though here is my basic reasoning. For 12 years, you’ve been living with Neptune in Pisces, which is your primary relationship house (the 7th). Neptune in the 7th place can be isolating, though this happens in ways that are difficult to pin down (as is everything with Neptune). It also describes scenarios where the line between yourself and others becomes blurry.
It’s almost as if you have been living in a world that is not emotionally waterproof, so there is all kinds of leakage and permeation of your space. Overabundance of Neptune does not present an entirely trustworthy environment. Saturn showing up is a version of the lights coming on, and you may find yourself reassessing many people and scenarios in your life. You are likely to take a second look at events you didn’t fully understand at the time, and see them in a new light. This transit may come with the feeling of what horoscope writer Patric Walker used to call enforced changes. It may be uncomfortable for those whose lives have gradually been smothered in mendacity.
Saturn represents the opposite principle, that of let’s get real. But not everyone can stand this, as it commands them to make too many adjustments, including to their point of view. However, I suggest you go with the flow of the many changes that come to the world in March 2023. If you do your part, they will give you far more than they take away — much of which you’ll discover you did not need.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The little kid in you loves this time of year, so do it up. I suggest you get yourself one really nice holiday gift — something you’ve been wanting for a while, which is likely to have some mix of fun and practical use (rather than a luxury item). If you’re buying gifts, weigh your investment toward young people, though what they really want is your love and attention. You are like the aunt or uncle who understands children better than their parents do. Think back to your own childhood and recall how vital these people were: the ones who did not judge you, the ones who recognized that you were a person and who reminded you just what was special about you. In recent years, the so-called adults have sucked up most of the oxygen in the room and the kids have nearly all taken an emotional and social clobbering. Do them a favor and show them that you’re not afraid of the kinds of things society has been obsessed over. Adopt any distressed kid and be their honorary guardian — through the year. Make sure they know how to contact you and that you’re open to hearing from them. You may find two or three who will depend on you, and discover your utmost loyalty and sincerity.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2023 | Go To All Signs
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The little kid in you loves this time of year, so do it up. I suggest you get yourself one really nice holiday gift — something you’ve been wanting for a while, which is likely to have some mix of fun and practical use (rather than a luxury item). If you’re buying gifts, weigh your investment toward young people, though what they really want is your love and attention. You are like the aunt or uncle who understands children better than their parents do. Think back to your own childhood and recall how vital these people were: the ones who did not judge you, the ones who recognized that you were a person and who reminded you just what was special about you. In recent years, the so-called adults have sucked up most of the oxygen in the room and the kids have nearly all taken an emotional and social clobbering. Do them a favor and show them that you’re not afraid of the kinds of things society has been obsessed over. Adopt any distressed kid and be their honorary guardian — through the year. Make sure they know how to contact you and that you’re open to hearing from them. You may find two or three who will depend on you, and discover your utmost loyalty and sincerity.