Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel as if your relational life has been overly complex the past year or so, though this is more about your own growth and need to experiment than it is about the conduct or intentions of others. The Dec. 4 total solar eclipse in Sagittarius indicates that you have an opportunity to clear your slate of the past, and also to find a new opening to align with others on matters of shared values and the fundamentals of life. This may also indicate situations where you recognize that there can be no reconciliation, and the opening will be one where you can move on. If that is the situation, you are likely to have plenty of past experience that confirms you are correct in going your own way. Any situation that has been at an impasse for a long time is unlikely to resolve itself. Any situation where you notice that there are shared values and room to explore has a greater chance of carrying into the future. In any relationship or partnership, here is a quality I suggest you look for, which is the mutual willingness to hold space for one another. To hold space means to be seen, respected and supported as you are, rather than as you are expected to be. It’s about being accompanied going through changes at your own pace, based on your needs, rather than on the needs of the relationship. I know this can seem daring and unromantic; relationships are supposed to be all about us, and not about individuals. However, we are not in the time of fairytales; we are in the time where growth is our prime necessity. Any relationship that serves a real purpose will accommodate the necessities of all involved to grow, change, become, and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. That is a commitment.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This month brings the first lunar eclipse in your birth sign in many years, the first of a series of eclipse events that will gradually shift your relationship to yourself and to others. Eclipses return to sign pairs (in this case Taurus/Scorpio) on an approximately nine-year cycle, so they are the kinds of events that mark decades. Generally, these involve events that interrupt the continuity of one’s life. Things that have been the same forever can give way to transitions. At other times, there may be sudden disruptions, though that does not look like what you have in store this month. The first event is a partial lunar eclipse on Nov. 19, which will serve as a reminder of many things you need to change or adjust. You have the ability to get busy with an agenda for the elements of your life that are calling for revision. This should be easier than usual; with revolutionary Uranus making its way through your birth sign, you are under the constant influence of “something has to give.” Yet you are a person of habit more than any other sign of the zodiac, and it’s not easy for you to give up your familiar territory, whether mental, physical or relational. Yet it’s important to recognize that you’re in the zone of make changes, or your life will be changed for you. You do not need to alter, amend or restructure everything at once. Rather, begin the process in earnest, with a few important decisions. The thing to watch is the underlying basis of how you come to your conclusion of what to do: that is called referencing your values. With each adjustment you make, you will come a little closer to the level of what you might call your personal constitution. You have such a thing, even if you haven’t read it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One topic the world has lost track of is mental health. Any legit healer or practitioner (even a weightlifting trainer) will tell you that the mind primarily sets the tone for the body. Even the Department of Homeland Security acknowledges that one news report can send thousands of people scurrying to hospitals with the physical symptoms of a disease or toxic exposure that they do not have. The mental realm is now at the forefront of your quest for wellness, with Mars moving through Libra (your house of health and wellbeing) and Mercury making a retrograde there between Sept. 27 and Oct. 18. The aspect pattern created by these planets may initially have the effect of pushing you out of balance. This may arrive in the form of uncertainty about decisions you need to make, which in turn may have the effect of causing delays when you really want to move quickly. This tension can be stressful, as can any sense that the world, or people close to you, are not cooperating with or supporting your efforts. I suggest you start by rolling back any deadlines by about six weeks. There are many things you’re addressing now that do not need to be finalized for a while. Your sense of pressure is an illusion or mental construct. If you take charge and consciously structure your time, you will feel a much better sense of control. If you are not driving yourself to meet some imaginary deadline or abstract sense of when you must do something, you will feel like your life is in balance. Start with the due-date and work yourself backwards. It will also help if you don’t truly rely on people who have proven to be flaky in the past. Delegate as little as possible, or as much as absolutely necessary — and only to those you trust with your peace of mind.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel on top of the world, as if you possess some unusual power, influence or control over your destiny. However, be cool and relax: one pitfall of Saturn in the 10th house is arrogance. While you may possess a modicum of superiority to certain others, you still need them. And while your commanding presence is capable of being used as a tool to get people in line, remember that you are either not tolerating others telling you what to do, or are doing a good impression. The dramatic tension in your chart is between being an iconoclast who makes their own rules, and someone who knows they must make a point of conforming in order to stay out of trouble. This may be an impossible setup to resolve, as described; you will benefit from another angle of approach. How about this? Think of yourself as a beacon for those who are experimenting with their true individuality. To do that, you must be open on several levels, and work with your personality and life circumstances to be a point of gathering. In this environment, one’s distinctions need space to be welcome, even if they are disagreeable, or are considered dangerous. Lower your threat level, and set the example of cooperation. Another way to describe the fundamental tension in your chart is between pushing the limits of what is considered acceptable, and using your skill and personal authority to maintain a modicum of organization: for example, enough for dinner, a project or a party. While you’re doing that, observe how people play and interact. Notice who enjoys and values keeping the commitments they make. Observe who is able to inspire others to do more, do better, or do anything at all. This will give you the lay of the human landscape, and help you refine your social skills.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your squeamish side may be getting in the way of you having fun, even though you really want to. This could manifest a few ways, including some extreme preference for what exactly you want, being risk-averse, obsessed with hygiene, or trapped in your head. The kinds of pleasure you want are not so dangerous, and anyone who says they are may be jealous, paranoid or a petty tyrant. The risks are largely psychological, and if you will, moral. You might skip the whole debate over alleged right and wrong by determining that your choices are personal and don’t hurt anyone. If sex is involved, there are a diversity of approaches you can take, though it’s reasonable to avoid situations that would require you to lie, or to tell the truth about who you are and what you want. That might seem like a risk and like it would take courage — congratulations, if you get to that place. Being honest always seems like the disaster waiting to happen. However, if you are being smothered by the pressure to seem a certain way, and to act as if you are a certain person, consider that the only reason for this is to not threaten people who are insecure. Since when do they get to run your life? (This may go back a while.) There used to be a button going around: “When all else fails, lower your standards.” Your standards are not what you think they are; they are not so original; and ultimately they tend to work against you. Uranus in your birth sign, dancing with Saturn in Aquarius, are urging you to bust out of your known patterns and set the terms of any discussion you are in. Be grateful when others do the same.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Study your relationship to whatever you consider ‘authority’. There is much tension here for you, and you may be making choices that are rooted in ideas you have not acknowledged. Uranus in your sign is restless and rebellious. Saturn at 90 degress to your sign may feel like some oppressive force is trying to get you to do something you don’t want to do (which is how most people experience Saturn). The two are in contact, in what is called a square aspect: a potential clash of the titans. You don’t really consider yourself a rebel, though you’re being pushed to resist and assert yourself against something or someone. What exactly is that? Do you have the right candidate? We live in a world where people are conditioned to give up their inner authority. This in turn opens the way for outer authority to take over, though for you at the moment, that is intolerable. The answer to this seeming puzzle is not to revolt but rather to take over your life as your own primary authority figure and exemplar. This used to be the goal of going to therapy: learning how to run your own life, and make your own choices. At least we have astrology to describe and help map out the circumstances. Once you start (or continue in earnest) to unravel this issue — running your life, making your choices — you will go through layer after layer: parents, government, various professional authorities, religion and finally, your intimate relationships. It is far easier not to do this; easier to leave the big questions unanswered and unexamined. You will meet far less resistance. You won’t annoy your friends or your partners with all of the active growth you’re doing, messy as it is. All of that is petty, and verges on meaningless, if you want a life that is actually worth living.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your life story right now is about growing into your professional commitments and emerging into your true calling. Rather than judging what this is supposed to be, consider what is so, right now, and what you are learning from it. Just that thought contains much power for change, adaptation, growth and success. This does not usually come in expected ways or expected times. Goals and ambitions are the rough draft. The process of refinement comes in the process of living and working. This calls for a blend of experimentation and discipline. You are having two of the most powerful transits in many years happening at once, and working together. The first is Uranus in your birth sign — perhaps the planet most antithetical to Taurus because it’s so agitated, spontaneous and erratic. Yet you must relate to the streak of brilliance that it bestows, and you can take advantage of freedom from your inner routines. At the same time, Saturn is transiting your 10th place (house, solar house, whole sign house) in Aquarius — one of the best transits of them all. This is Saturn at its best, by both house and sign. The peak of the Saturn-Uranus square takes place June 14. This will help you resolve the various contradictions you may be experiencing over what is the right thing to do. Your wild side is being lit up at the same time as your persistent, dependable side, and these are two things you have long wanted to get working together. Remember: this is a process of trial and error. Squares also call for you to work one leg (meaning one of the planets) and then the other, and then to keep doing that until you gradually integrate the seeming opposites. This actually works if you work it, and the result will be phenomenal.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Jupiter ingressing Pisces this month may bring with it a burst of fresh energy for you, both social and financial. Your commitments remain what they are; you still carry considerable responsibility, though you are likely to be working for something greater than you’ve accomplished in the past. Yet now you may do so with a more relaxed concept of who you are, and who you are in the lives of other people. You may feel as if you’ve been transported to another place and time. This is not an illusion because you are constantly (ongoing) in another place and time. Yet the tendency of the ego to adhere to certain facets of the past can have you feel like a permanent resident there. You may, at the same time, focus on working through unresolved business. Much of it is not your own. Nearly all of that is like a deposit bottle; someone else owns it, and you can return it and claim back your nickel. However, you will come down to the grit of what is really yours, and that you must address in a fully aware way, without a drama. Be alert to others (such as intimate partners, or others in close proximity) imposing on you a standard that is not your own. In their framework, you may be liable for what does not belong to you; that does not make it so. You are vulnerable to what I have been describing as the central delusion of society. There is idealism, denial, and obsession going around, and the goal seems to be to sweep in as many people as possible. This is not the Hula Hoop or Beatlemania. It’s much more toxic than it seems. Patrol your borders. Make up your own mind.

Taurus reading ready! Purchase here; sample below
— A. Wilson
— Cheryl Corson
“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and still he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children…his vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”
— Leo Loza
Calm, collected and attractive on the outside, raging like a tempest on the inside, Taurus is the blacksmith shop of the soul. Forge your path with this reading.
2021-22 Taurus Astrology Studio: How to Grow, Change, and Become

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The thing that has happened to humanity the past 20 years that nobody really wants to talk about is that everyone has had their identity run through the digital blender. Perhaps the reason why nobody mentions this is that they haven’t noticed. Everyone has been so busy keeping up with the digital tsunami, maintaining their social media accounts, and splitting their identity 17 different ways, half of them anonymous. Has anyone considered how dangerous that is? The result is, among other things, casting off parts of ourselves that become difficult to retrieve. Yet now is the time to call all of you back home. Now is the time to gather all of the different seeming parts of yourself into one place. This is a gentle process. The sense of reclaiming your being is not something you do with a sword. A broom is more like it; the gentle guiding of pieces and particles. Notice where you’ve given away your ability to be yourself and to choose for yourself, and then make decisions. I have what may be a bold suggestion for an astrology column, particularly in 2021. Go by one name, preferably the name you were born with. Do not list 15 things as your occupation. Try not listing anything, and be who you are. You have what I would describe as a need to present yourself to the world as one unified being. You are not Jenny of Jenny, Inc. You are yourself. Let there be no abstraction about this. Fragmenting your identity is extremely dangerous to your peace of mind. Gathering yourself is the ultimate yoga in the digital age. It’s crucial that you do this now. (There are many details here worth discussing; I will cover them in the article included with this horoscope.)
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Debbi Kempton-Smith (author of Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook) said that the best sign placement for your ruling planet Venus is Pisces. There, she will be in rare form this month. The New Moon of March 13 takes place in a conjunction with Venus and Neptune, along with the rainbow goddess Iris (a.k.a. Arc Iris). This is a picture of the good life, something to which you probably aspire. It’s also a picture of escapism, a word I’m using in my horoscope for the first time since August 1999, according to our database. The only reason I bring that up is because the public accountability angle of your chart is stronger than it’s been since, well, February 1962, when you were probably very young or not yet born. That is Aquarius. You have Jupiter and Saturn transiting your 10th house. It’s easy to ride on your reputation with this happening, or to think you have the Midas touch. Yet the real calling is to step up boldly to take responsibility for the issues of our day. This is not designed to be easy or convenient. There may not be any direct benefit to you, other than the satisfaction of a job well done, or less, having done your part to make that happen. There are no certainties, and the world and every single local community is facing a crisis that is barely understood or recognized for what it is. You have talent, experience, and other resources, and you are being called. Why you, why now? Call it karma. Call it dharma. Call it your life path. Taurus is an individualistic sign, though more than that, you wear the insignia of an officer, and are being summoned into collective service at a crucial time.
Calm, collected and attractive on the outside, raging like a tempest on the inside, Taurus is the blacksmith shop of the soul. Forge your path with this reading.
2020-21 Taurus Astrology Studio: The Taurus Guide to Radical Transformation
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The world is in a crisis of what psychologists are now calling ‘executive function’. This is about people not being able to show up on time, follow instructions of more than two steps, cooperate with others, set and keep basic goals, make decisions, or take responsibility for their choices. Your chart, however, has the executive function angle lit up by the most exciting astrology in a generation. However, you could be inclined to take this in theory rather than in practice. Here are a few keys to making it work for you. The first one is that you’re likely to have your own way of wanting to get things done. If you are surrounded by other people, you must use leadership, charm and confidence-building to get your way. Those are crucial elements of working with others, if you have the concept that you know needs to be implemented. To do this, you must work closely with higher-ups, as well as colleagues and those who are in a service role. To do that, you need to be a master of communication. As a Taurus, you’re not one to over-share, though I suggest you do. What to you feels like saying too much will probably be just right for everyone else. Make sure you ask people their positions on important issues, so you know where they stand, and so they know you care. One last thing: a combination of factors is suggesting that you allow your curiosity to lead you. Remember that in life as in journalism, we need to know who, what, where, when and why. Only people who ask those questions can truly be in a position of leadership. Use what you know.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun now joins Jupiter and Saturn in your 10th solar house — the one about your mission, your reputation and your sense of responsibility to the world. These are all the same thing. Because the sign involved is Aquarius, you need to be among people who are true to their ethics. The specifics matter less than the integrity factor; sincerity is of the utmost importance, and it is rare to find in professional environments that depend so much on various unstated intentions, and unsavory allegiances and agreements. In planning your way forward professionally, it is therefore essential that you understand the lines of accountability. Ethics are only possible among people who are true to themselves. Therefore, it’s not what claims people make, or what tee shirt or button they wear, but rather the depth of their commitments. You will inevitably be in a position of leadership in whatever you do, and that means it’s more important than ever that you discern who is real, and who is not.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You will be happier if you can admit you’re wrong. It’s not the being wrong part that will make you want to dance. It’s the part about being liberated to do what is right for you, what feels good, and what is productive. Those born under the sign Taurus are famous for their stubbornness, which can manifest as persistence, or as momentum, or as believing in something. That, however, can lead you to miss the obvious. If you find yourself defending an idea or a point of view, try taking the other side of the issue and make your best case. You don’t really know something until you can come up with the best arguments against it. Many people who become the most knowledgeable in a field begin as skeptics. They have their doubts, and try to prove something wrong, and then end up figuring out that it’s true. Life is much more fun if you look around, stay curious and are not attached to your point of view.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Mars has entered your birth sign after spending more than six months in the most sensitive and mysterious angle of your solar chart. Well, mysterious only if you have not been alert to a well-orchestrated endeavor to help you figure out who you are. And if you’re feeling that with confidence and certainty all of a sudden, be aware of what don Juan Matus called “clarity,” one of the enemies of humanity. That is about thinking you know when you don’t know. It should be called “false clarity”; however, I take his meaning to be pay attention and challenge yourself every time you think you know something for sure. You can only take action based on what you know at the moment, though you can also pause, pending additional information — and that is what the planets are urging that you do. Your determination could turn to aggression. So pause and reflect before making any decision that could backfire on you.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One of the most challenging elements in the life of a Taurus is to change your ways. This can be a source of deep conflict. For example, imagine you know there is something you need to alter about yourself or your life pattern, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot do it. This can be about anything from adjusting your diet to quitting smoking, or adopting a more positive outlook. At the root of this is changing your mind. One would think that thought would be the most flexible of all substances, but it tends to be one of the most rigid. Uranus in your birth sign is doing its best to shake you up at every possible opportunity. These are mostly minor quakes, which will compel you to rearrange your beliefs and thought patterns each time they happen. This, in turn, is designed to teach you flexibility and adaptability, which I suggest you adopt as your ongoing yoga practice. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn have now reached the midheaven angle of your solar chart. This is calling forth a new level of commitment and responsibility. Such are never convenient, nor ever easy. Rather, the nature of Saturn in Aquarius is to persist, and to cultivate impeccability. And the nature of Jupiter in Aquarius is to base your mission and purpose on getting along with your brothers and sisters. The world is brimming with excuses and opportunities to disrespect people. You are now the beginning of where this ends, and where a new approach to life commences.