Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a significant, even crucial, month for Pisces, for three reasons (among others). The first is the Dec. 4 total solar eclipse in your 10th house, Sagittarius. This is the aspiration and ambition angle of your chart, and also the one that covers accountability. Such an event is rare enough, and is designed to help you pull focus on both your goals and all matters of responsibility. The 10th goes “all the way to the top,” and that is about you taking executive power over your life — culminating a process that has been in motion for well over a year. It could also indicate a change in your family or corporate structure that places you in a position of greater authority. The second is Venus stationing retrograde in the most public angle of your chart, and one associated with your professional revenue. While it may seem like you’re swimming against the tide, you are in your element, and the planets encourage you to persist slowly and steadily. Your ideas and your presence make contact with more people thank you may recognize, and have effects beyond what you’re aware of. Money flows toward structure, so in all questions of a financial nature, always include a discussion of time, resources, and how exactly you are going to rearrange your affairs. Finally, Jupiter enters your sign to stay for a while at the end of the month. We’ve all forgotten the brief visit this past spring and early summer. Now Jupiter spends much of 2022 in your sign, which among other things will remind you that you’re a pleasure-seeking creature in a world that seems bent on terrorizing itself for a hobby. Remember that due to the presence of Neptune, it will be good to watch any tendency you may have to overindulge, and to guide your cravings into accord with what is spiritually wholesome for you. But that leaves you a whole lot of room to play.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It must seem like there is quite a bit that is outside of your control, influence and awareness. Some things (and some people) have gone missing, though you might not remember till you find them accidentally. You are also under unusual pressure, though you might not be able to give it a name. It’s important that you do, so that you can see the way that subtle feelings are influencing your perception of your existence, of your future, and the choices you are making now. You need something like what (in the days before GPS) used to be called the standard deviation chart on a ship. Vessels have their own magnetic field, which would influence the compass. But the corrections could be determined, such that an apparent compass heading of 245 degrees could be corrected to 249 degrees, compensating for a four-degree known deviation. You need something like this, so that you can correct your own perceptions, or at least nudge them in the right direction. There are two factors to be aware of. The conjunction of Pallas and Nessus in your birth sign is giving you a keen sense of the corruption of the world, and in particular, the political system. This might incline you to either ignore your observations, obsess over them, or compensate with a Pollyanna view (“all people are inherently good inside”). Second, Chiron in your 2nd solar house Aries is likely to be taking your self-esteem down a few notches from where it should be. This, in turn, could lead you to act as if people don’t care, and to take their actions personally when they are not. Sincerity begins with you. Respect begins with you. The fair and just use of power begins with you. You are still making all of your own choices, regardless of any propaganda that you are not.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The forthcoming Full Moon in your birth sign will shine the intuitive light on all that is difficult to see in stark daylight. With Neptune making its long, seemingly endless, journey through your sign, there are many times when your life and your consciousness are shrouded in fog. To see through it, you need dim light and gentle intuition. Slow down a little. This approach will be useful through the next few weeks of Mercury, Mars, and the Sun together in Libra (with Mercury retrograde). Libra, your 8th solar house, describes where you connect with the world. This is a complicated house, where everything can turn into a transaction, and where it’s easy for fear to slip in. Your role is to keep your focus on the human level. It will also help if you don’t allow petty matters to dominate your attention. There are big movements on the horizon: critical decisions, rearrangements in relationships, and most of all, an atmosphere where you can actually make progress on the business and financial fronts. Yet for this astrology to work in your favor, you will need to prioritize, which means sorting out what matters more from what does not matter as much. Certain small matters will count for more than they seem; other developments that appear to loom large will be less substantial than they seem at first. Your correct guidance at all times will be based on what you want. While it may not be easy to spot this in any given moment, you might think back on what you’ve said you’ve wanted at least 100 times the past few years. Some of that includes wanting less of certain things that still belong in your life. Libra is all about finding a balance, which is an ongoing experiment and may at times seem impossible. With one hand, work with what is practical, and with the other, keep reaching for the gold ring.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are days when your whole life feels like you’re gazing through a fog, and cannot make out any recognizable shapes. Other times you may feel like you’re in the dark, which you might trust more than someone in the 18th century being handed night-vision goggles. In foggy conditions, the tendency is to focus in the zone of what would be immediately before you. What if you use the method of the Magic Eye books and rest your gaze further out, behind the book, and behind where the air is too dense to see through? You may discover another sort of vision; you may see things that are not present in the usual mundane world. You may sense presences that are not normally available and are just outside the range of normal perception. Ask anyone you may become aware of: what is your purpose in my life? This is the central question of the next two months, as Mars moves through Libra (where you negotiate arrangements), which is just where Mercury performs its retrograde maneuver in a few weeks. Meanwhile, Chiron is in Aries, insisting that you identify and focus on what you truly value, what you know you need and — shocking though this may be — what you know you want. The three are now closer in alignment than ever. The slowest-moving object in this pattern is Chiron, which serves as the pivot, anchor or docking point of your reality. Its constant reminder to assert yourself, annoying though it may be if you don’t like confrontation, is your very best friend. It is only when you do this — present yourself as you are — that you serve as a catalyst in your environment, and get the chemical reactions moving. You do not need to use words in this process as much as actions and being present; though keep searching for the language to express your agreements. That time will come, soon enough and also late enough to give you time to work that out in your reflective and circumspect way.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may be feeling disoriented by a diversity of factors, such as how difficult it is for a sensitive person who loves nature, music and critters to watch the world descend into insanity. You might call that the environmental drama: the thing going on that few people can see, which you may be noticing. Don’t let that distract you too much. A little is inevitable, but remember, the drama that the world is going through has taken many forms and has been going on for a long time. Given all the factors in your chart, your most helpful direction of movement will be inward. With many planets moving through your opposite sign Virgo, there will be plenty to draw you out, be it attraction, conflict, or the usual bump and grind of life. Yet do what you can, anything you can, to return to a state of inner awareness. It will take some focus and perhaps many choices throughout the day. You might need to opt out of social events when they are appealing, though you know you need to keep to yourself. You can trust this process: your charts describe many ways how vital it is to your wellbeing, and also that it’s a transient opportunity that you can take advantage of right now. As you teach yourself to go inward, you will make discoveries, and you will gain a kind of confidence that can only come from keeping your own counsel. I would remind you this is a direction entirely opposite to the way the world is traveling, having little to do with the controversy du jour. The content of any discussion is irrelevant. People are under the thrall of electricity, that is, digital technology, which draws humans out of their inner sanctuary (till any trace of it vanishes) and into tribes where little to no individuality is tolerated. While that will never work for you, something else definitely will — and it’s for you to discover what.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — In a little while, your ruling planet Jupiter will rejoin Saturn in Aquarius, your 12th place (house, whole sign house, solar house). For any sensitive astrologer, the 12th has an ominous tone, and few actually understand it. Yet this zone in your chart references many essentials, including your inner life and your core being — qualities that are becoming mythical figures of days gone by. Having the two most massive planets in this angle of your chart at the same time is exceptionally rare. On one level it is about you being summoned to get your house in order. By in order, I mean clarifying your deep inner experience of existence, and sorting out your priorities. It’s also about cleaning, clearing, releasing, and returning what you do not need, and do not want — including much you did not know you were holding onto. There is the matter of facing your fears, many of which are contained in the 12th, and most of which came as standard equipment from the family into which you were born. You do not need them, though you may be attached to them. Not everyone is up to the challenge of identifying and recognizing the problems that inherited, deep-seated and unconscious anxiety causes. If you do nothing else but address the matters of anxiety and unfinished family business, then this transit was a success. Yet I suggest you set a higher standard. Your particular 12th contains a special quality: more than for most people, your sense of inner being creates the community and family of choice that surrounds you. And one other: in Vedic astrology, the 12th is the house of ‘the pleasures of the bed’. Know what you want. Know what you need. And know that by clearing baggage, you open the way to cosmic ecstasy.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is in your sign now, a relatively rare, once-per-12-years event. This time ’round is unusual — part of it happens in 2021, and the rest happens in 2022. This is a gift in many ways, though let’s start with the primary function of Jupiter, which is to magnify. Before the discovery of the lens, nobody knew what this was about. Today we have the power to see things more closely, and therefore to make adjustments in exacting detail. Jupiter is now enlarging everything, including your problems, so that you can see them and do something about them. It is also enlarging your potential, your gifts, and your opportunities to both grow and succeed. Remember to keep your sense of proportion, since magnification is a kind of distortion. Also remember to attend to the details that you can now see. For the next month or so, these are likely to be details about your most intimate inner life, which is to say, how you relate to yourself. This extends into your home life, which is to say, all that happens within your four walls. In both instances, the human realm is more important than the material, at least for now. Everything related to family, social experiences, and anything involving a group are all under revision, and deserve careful review and scrutiny. The question to keep asking yourself is, “How do I feel where I am?” It will help if you maintain an ongoing, conscious dialog with yourself, which includes a review of what you thought was true in the past. It’s essential that you be working with current, accurate feedback from yourself, and observable facts from your environment. It is easy to get caught in the past, and to think what was true in the past is true today. Here is some news: it’s not.
Listen to your 2021-22 Pisces Astrology Studio
The hidden realm is vitally important to Pisces: in a sense it is your home. Find your way back home, guided by your latest reading.
2021-22 Pisces Astrology Studio: Every Decision You Make

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are times when Jupiter acts like the “greater benefic” that it’s said by the old astrologers to be, and one such time is when it arrives in your sign. Along with Saturn, Jupiter (the classical ruler of Pisces) has been in Aquarius all year, and this can be itchy and scratchy. It’s why so much hidden material has been flushed out of the pipes (or more accurately, washed up on the shore). There may be some more of that over the next two weeks, and then Jupiter arrives in your birth sign or rising sign May 13. This has the feeling of a fish going back into the water; all that air of Aquarius is difficult to breathe. Take maximum advantage of this event, which lasts through July 28 (when Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius). Then, Jupiter will be back in Pisces from Dec. 29 through May 10, 2022. So you will have about a year of Jupiter in your sign, on and off. In those “on moments,” be bold about making changes, experimenting, and taking the most creative approach to existence. Do the things you love to do, and discover a few new ones. There is a deeply serious side to Pisces from the perspective of Esoteric Astrology, and you have some of the most challenging spiritual work to do of any of the signs. However, that is a reason to make sure that you appreciate your life and your good fortune. This is a discipline and it’s an important one. Keep your thoughts as positive as you can; that is not so easy these days, especially for one as sensitive as yourself. However, where Jupiter is involved, especially in Pisces, the law of attraction comes into play, and your mind can multiply whatever it is you think. This will help you see opportunities you might have missed, and notice the life-affirming people who will only notice you if your lights are on.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you’re focused on money, you’re on the right topic. Yet in the life of a Pisces, everything has a spiritual dimension; everything is a metaphor, and for you, this is about self-worth. Every decision you make is a reflection of who you think you are. At this time, this relates to every financial decision. Make each and every one on the basis of your values, as if each decision related to money is an amendment to your personal constitution. You now have Chiron moving through your second house. This is a long-term transit, though it’s well under way, and well past time for your full involvement. One critical theme here is documentation. You want every fact, and every figure, in perfect order. Know exactly what you earn, what you spend, what you have, and what you owe. Know your plastic from your cash. And remember that, like packing your bags on the way to meet your guru for the one and only time, every part of the process is integral to the spiritual aspect of this work. Let your accountant or bookkeeper be your Jedi instructor. Become the master of your life by becoming the master of your money. This is the exact opposite of materialism. This is about your health, your sanity, and your ability to participate in society. It is about having calm in your life rather than chaos. It’s about making your own decisions, based on what you know to be true about yourself. Here is the secret to Chiron. It represents the one thing you must fix about any system, with the caveat that if you don’t do that thing, the system falls apart. Therefore, thread the needle of self-esteem and finances and you cannot go wrong.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Some people are into baseball to cheer for their team. Some are into the game, and will cheer for a fantastic play by the other team. One is about competition. The other is about quality — and that is the thing you want. Your chart is about doing things for their own sake, and doing them well. This is about devotion to beauty, and to purpose, and to your own artistry. You would do well to consider everything you do to be an expression of artistic integrity, which means both beautiful and purposeful. With so many planets in your sign, and your ruling planet Jupiter so well situated, you are no doubt feeling your potential. Yet to engage that, you will need to get physical: build things, go places, conduct experiments, and gain experience with people. It is the “making real” process that has been replaced in our times with downloading an app, or with buying some new piece of technology. The quality of your ideas is your greatest asset, though those exist only in potential until you get into the workshop and start doing things with them. You need to go far enough into the process that you know you can make a mistake — and you would be well served to do that a few times. You want to get it wrong as much as you want to get it right, because those errors are essential to the creative process, and the self-creative process. Remember all the time that you are integrating intellectual integrity and beauty. Keep an eye on how things work and how they look, following the maxim “function precedes form” (or if you prefer, “form follows function”). You are on the brink of something both excellent and relevant. Let it happen.
The hidden realm is vitally important to Pisces: in a sense it is your home. Find your way back home, guided by your latest reading.
2021-22 Pisces Astrology Studio: Every Decision You Make
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The time is long overdue for you to pull in and get to know yourself again. The events of recent years have felt like being hung out to dry. There was a time not long ago when only a select few real estate agents had their photo on the little ads in shopping carts. Now all of social life has been thrown inside out. Privacy is now a concept so far-gone that nobody understands it and few remember what it was like to be in the space of your own thoughts and feelings without the whole world invited to spectate. The alignment of planets newly in Aquarius is calling you within yourself in a way you have not experienced in years — perhaps many of them. Respond to this invitation in tangible ways: principally, less time online, more time alone, and more time in one-to-one company. Sleep more. Go places where there are not so many people, or where you can be alone outside of your house. And I suggest you stop taking on new tasks, projects or assignments, and focus instead on advancing or completing one or two long-term goals. Part of being interior means honoring what is true for you, and giving yourself what you need. These things are unlikely to have much in the way of outer manifestations, at least for now, and that is part of their virtue. Interior space means honoring what is meaningful primarily to you. The past year has run all of us ragged to some greater or lesser degree. We are being subjected to a new propaganda campaign every day. Treatment from society and many individuals qualifies as brutally abusive. Step back and take care of your spiritual needs. You are, after all, a Pisces.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A stunning collection of planets in your 12th house Aquarius, now joined by the Sun, is granting you a superpower. For most, the 12th is vexing. It’s the place where people lose themselves or get disoriented. But you are born under the 12th sign, and having planets in the 12th house grants you inner awareness, substance and energy. Whereas others may lose things in the 12th house, you discover them. While others may lose track of the past, you retrieve what belongs to you. Yet there is something even better. You contain, within yourself, a map of all the changes that society is going through. Of all people you may have the deepest insight into the nature of these movements, though you cannot take that for granted. You cannot assume you have some psychic impression and that’s all you need. To have possession of the whole truth, verify every fact and every belief against the data. You will need to do this several times, coming at each question from different angles. You will know you’re getting there when 1. You recognize how much is at stake and 2. You know what to do.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may feel like you carry the burden of truth on your shoulders, and this can be a lonely state of mind. Yet you are not as alone as you may feel, and any evidence you may have is not necessarily valid. So be careful with the witnesses you call, and the company that you keep. You want to surround yourself with those who understand Dharma: the service ethos. That means doing things for their own sake, and offering our part to hold the world together. You want such people as examples, as support, and for companionship. There are some who get it, and those who do not. Mostly you will be able to tell because, as you too must do, they put being productive over being afraid. This is the line along which the whole world is walking now. It is the thing that divides society. It may be the only real difference between people that is worth taking note of. Yet even productivity deserves critique: for whom, and to what end? Be bold about questioning these things, and asking them of yourself. Truth is not a thing. It’s an ongoing commitment to yourself and to existence.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are those days when you feel like you’re balancing the truth on your head and the fate of the Earth depends on your not dropping it. There are worse places to be, for example, living a lie as a matter of survival. While I’m on that topic, check in with that one. Whether survival means not being able to bear too much reality, or deceiving the public because your salary depends on it, this is not an option. In our times, thinking there is no such thing as truth is a way to grant oneself a pass. You can, if you want, stop doing that in all of its various forms. This will mean, among other things, organizing your concept of reality in such a way that allows for both logic and intuition. These things cannot come at the expense of one another. Though one may lead the way, the solution set to any genuine problem will be verified by both. Do not be lazy about this, or make any excuse to live in denial. Them days are gone.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For some time, your life has felt like the itchy and scratchy show. There were times the past few years when things seemed to go from bad to worse on a fairly regular basis. Yet you have endured, and your ship is upright and seaworthy. With the sign changes of your ruling planet Jupiter, and ever-important Saturn, a new regime has taken over your “executive function.” What you now have is the ability to consolidate your affairs, and concentrate your efforts. There are two things happening, generally. One is that your domain is expanding: the set of responsibilities over which you preside and are accountable for. Second is that you are drawing deeper into yourself, and becoming a more private person, even as you may still exist in the public eye. It’s necessary to work these two facets at the same time. You will draw your true strength from cultivating your inner vision: from listening to the steady, calm voice from within. This will teach you everything you need to know, such as how to work with people, and how to make your decisions. Remember that above all else, the achievements of those born under the star sign of Pisces are driven by vision. Often that is your ability to see what nobody else can; your ability to conceive of the future; your knack for being useful. Take a moment and notice the ways that both your environment and your mental state have changed over the past few weeks. Do not take too long to adapt: note the changes, and make your adjustments incrementally, but efficiently. That means step by step, always following your larger vision. You have one, and the more you trust that, the more you will notice it’s true.