Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You will need to review all the decisions you made this past year, and make sure that you were working with full information. While this could lead to some regrets, it will also help you make better choices in the future. Jupiter in your sign last year suggests that you may have been susceptible to the one thing that most Aquarians would say they have no interest in — following trends. There are many reasons for this, ranging from yielding to social pressures, to not knowing when you do not know. While Jupiter is soon to depart your sign, Saturn remains with you, and Pluto is on the way. (Pluto arrives in early 2023, though this influence is so powerful you must be alert to its influences now.) Here is the real question, so far as I can tell. What is your response to fear? You might think you take a logical and pragmatic approach. You might be sure that your intelligence will never betray you. Yet those things are merely grease on the floor, if you are reacting to fear. That is the thing you want to keep a pulse on: what causes you worry or anxiety, and then what you do about it. Due to certain facts inherent in your sign, the question expands to what causes others fear or anxiety and what they do about it — and what they think you should do. Many people are silently consoling themselves with the notion that none of this — meaning life — really matters; we all come back, we’ve been here many times, we get eons to work out our karma. Others around you pretend to trust authority, but are really delegating responsibility for their lives to others. To be true to yourself, it’s time to decide if these things really apply to you. One last thing: do you really trust technology, and those who sell it?

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One role of Aquarius is to bring people together. The question is, for what purpose? Your own, or something you’ve been told to do? For some natural and friendly experience, or to submit to the will of others? What is not written in astrology books is the two-faceted nature of your sign. In one expression, Aquarius is about individuality and freedom. In another, it is about everyone believing, thinking and doing the same thing — though this cannot happen, the effort is what matters. Aquarius is the sign whose natives refuse to brand themselves liberal or conservative, as they can have distinct elements of both. The question today is, where do you stand? When you look at the world and see what those in authority are doing, do you agree with it? How closely are you looking and listening to what people say — that is, besides their claimed anxiety over one particular news item? Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, and it’s currently populated by the two largest planets. Jupiter has a way of setting fashion trends, and we are currently in “do gooder” territory. Just like Cola-Cola sold people turtle doves, a cozy home, peace, love and harmony in the 1970s, we are now being sold a kind of social consciousness — but is it the real thing? This time in your life is a profound test of your values and whether you are true to them. The whole matter is clouded by the presence of Neptune in Pisces, which is urging you to either take a truly humanitarian approach, or to challenge yourself and ask whether you’re really doing so. Yet the critical matter is that your true direction is not going to come from outside yourself, and anything that does is suspect. Yet listening to the inner voice of one’s conscience is lost and verging on forgotten. It is up to you to remember — for you and everyone around you.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The most significant questions are spiritual; they always are: they relate to the nature of existence. Seen one way, current aspects describe you under some unusual pressure, duress, or up against your limits of how much responsibility you can handle. In this is some unusual pressure to grow, change and be accountable to yourself that you may have never felt before. This is all real, and necessary, and immediate — though there is more. That more would best arrive in the form of a question, preferably one that does not begin with “why?” (Such are rarely honest inquiries.) The more honest variety of questions begin with “what,” as it is something tangible and less open to speculation. “What do I know?” or “What do I feel about this?” You might also ask yourself, “What do I want to do with my remaining time on Earth?” The question of purpose is central right now. And it is not necessarily easy, as it has many layers, and people tend to work at cross-purposes to themselves. So as part of the discussion of purpose is noticing what does not align with your mission, and what may directly conflict. This is the part that takes deeper honesty, as you may determine that certain circumstances of your life do, in fact, interfere with what you want. Then comes what to do about them. Any pressure you are feeling is not really coming from your “to do” list, or the pressures on your time. Rather, in my view, it’s this alignment of matters that draw on the deepest level of your values, and how and whether you act on them. When you get real about this, it will manifest as a practical matter of what to do, and when. Stay tuned: information is forthcoming, from within you. Your spiritual guidance is not external: you contain your connection.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be wondering when it will all change, or when the challenges will let up. I don’t blame you, though that is not the thing to count on. You are at the point where you must count on yourself and rise to the confrontation, revelation or situation in the most affirmative frame of mind that you can muster. Saturn in your sign can feel like the presence of total responsibility. This is true for everyone, though Saturn connects to Capricorn, your 12th house, which can give its presence a much larger feeling, with greater pressure, sense of limits or sense of potential. Beware of the lurking feeling that you owe it all to someone else, or are paying down a debt from the distant past. While this sensation may not be at the front of your mind, it’s almost surely lingering in the back, and could be driving your current efforts. It will help if you reorient on the present and the future. Face your vessel forward, and do not be influenced by the past any more than a ship is controlled by the wake it leaves behind it. Your mission is in the present; your influence is in this moment, and right now is when your skills and awareness are needed. That you may feel restless or like important matters are unresolved can serve as a form of agitation that keeps you moving. You absolutely need the sensation of the road beneath you and the constant change of scenery. You need experiences that remind you that you’re free and that you have your options open. If you feel stuck, shake it off: do something, go somewhere, try a new approach to something you have to do routinely. Remember that this is all an experiment; your best certainties are questions: the kind that burn and spin and make sound.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Jupiter has re-entered your sign, where it will be until the last days of 2021. This is motivating you to pull together with others, which is certainly a theme of our moment. But who, exactly, and on what terms? Groucho Marx quipped that he would never belong to any group that would have him as a member. It’s funny, but what if he meant it? What was he getting at? This is a special time in your life, where you are being summoned to focus on birthing yourself into the next stage of your growth. You are feeling the pressure to be impeccable, and at the same time, the potential ease of knowing that you can be accepted whether you make your deep internal adjustments or not. I would propose that the people you want around you are the ones who support you in meeting your personal challenges. You want the ones who are ready and willing to stand on their own and who do not need others telling them what to do or think. These will be a rare few individuals, and part of your spiritual assignment is to be patient and persistent until you find them. There are two sides to Aquarius. One is the element associated with group participation. The other is a radical individuality and devotion to self-actualization. This second element is the one that makes participation with others meaningful and sincere; it is the essence of personal integrity. While it is not surprising that few people get there in the course of any one lifetime, it would not be surprising if you do. Yes, you will be carrying this tension for a while. And yet look at the work you are doing today as an investment in the future, when it will be worth 100 times what seems to be its current value.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Whatever may be going on now, the month of July builds to an exciting, intense and potentially fruitful conclusion. Just after Jupiter re-enters your sign on the 28th, it makes an opposition to Mars in your opposite sign Leo. While Mars-Jupiter aspects happen on a fairly regular basis, this opposition is different because it occurs with both planets in the last degrees of their signs. Here is where reading astrology can get subtle and take experience, though these are two of the most unusual degrees of the zodiac: 30 Leo and 30 Aquarius. This is an initiation, as in, a point of advancing to the next level of your existence. You are passing through something that you’ve been engaged with for a while, and arriving in a new place. At the same time, it’s a moment of near-total transparency about who in your life is there for what purpose, and of discovering what people know and have concealed about themselves. If you fully encounter, accept and make peace with what you have learned, you emerge at a new stage of your growth and evolution. There are no assurances here; not everyone is amenable to the diversity of conditions that I have described. That is why it’s an initiation, which implies meeting requirements and undergoing a test of some kind, in this case a test of truth. Many do not want to know, much less accept, where someone close to them is coming from: what they truly think, how they feel and what they want. For many, it’s easier to pretend. Yet if you embrace this encounter directly and sincerely, what you also get is an honest and grounded relationship that has depth and potential well beyond the usual promises of a Hallmark greeting card.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — As times in your life go, this is one of the most important in many years, perhaps ever. Saturn, the traditional ruling planet of your sign, is with you, and this influence is pushing you to grow, to evolve, to become, to mature, and to at last emerge as yourself. If you’re feeling this pressure all the time, count that as a good thing. Yet there is something specific that’s trying to get your attention, which is the need for a certain kind of change. It is likely that you need to do something more interesting with your professional life, or live somewhere more appealing to you. The ground on which you stand is moving, and you need to move with it. This is, of course, primarily inner ground: your orientation on your existence. It is also the ground of society, which is shifting so rapidly that most people are failing to notice it. The movement is all in the direction of surrendering our biological existence to technological “solutions” that have nothing to do with us personally, and do not solve any of our problems. You need to recognize and define the things you want to change and the matters you want to resolve — and then make your own adjustments, as is right for you. When these things are imposed on us from the outside, there is always an agenda. Your mental health is paramount right now. If you are feeling pressure, whether emotional, psychological, or from your environment, stop and address it. Ask yourself what decisions you need to make. Ask yourself whether you are where you belong, and with whom you belong. Ask yourself if you’re doing what you want to do. Ask out loud — and listen within for the answers, as they come.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Financial matters for Aquarius have been particularly challenging under the influence of Neptune in Pisces, an angle of your chart about matters of finance and self-worth. You will read this in any astrology textbook, and it’s one of the rare instances where I agree: Neptune in the 2nd makes monetary matters difficult, for about half a dozen reasons: a fog cast over self-esteem, a sense of sacrifice, a sleepy feeling around that house, a potentially dangerous idealism surrounding its affairs, susceptibility to fraud and deception, and a good few more. It is challenging enough having Pisces here; add to that Neptune and the effect is tripled. I strongly suggest a campaign of plugging leaks, meticulously reviewing your accounts, and making use of the calculator app on your phone. The antidote to Neptune is mathematics. That said, Jupiter is about to enter Pisces, and offer some substance and awareness to your house of both money and self-worth. This could signal some influx of abundance, or discovering that you have more than you thought you did. You need to be cautious and regulate your spending, even if you have a lot of funds. Make real choices, that are based on what you know to be true, and what you genuinely love. This takes discernment and discipline, which are not inherently in the purview of Jupiter, Neptune or Pisces. But it is in the domain of Saturn, which is in your sign. Pay attention and focus on making choices instead of them making you, and you will find yourself in the perfect art studio of resources, creativity and focusing power. This is all yours to work with, and you will create in your own image. If you feel good about yourself, you will extend that feeling and that experience.
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You’re not after progress for its own sake; Aquarius is the discriminating embracer of innovation that works. Get your reading and be brilliant.
2021-22 Aquarius Astrology Studio: A Reading For Our Moment

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The most important thing you can learn at this time is how to take some pleasure in admitting that you were wrong about something. Aquarius identifies strongly with its ideas (Aries on the 3rd house). You identify so strongly that you can think that if you are incorrect about something, you are personally wrong or somehow flawed. Yours is also a fixed sign, and the archetype of energy patterns and social patterns that tend not to bend. You now have Saturn in your birth sign. There are a few different ways to respond to that, though I would (being a great fan of Saturn in Aquarius) suggest you learn how to bend, so that you don’t break. Integrity means strength, and in the case of a bridge, a skyscraper, or a human psyche, that also means being able to flex with the elements and the times as they change. Unlike a physical structure, a human mind must grow, evolve, and learn constantly. Learning means change. Growth means change. And learning means replacing what was not correct, or what you’ve discovered no longer works, with what is right and true for you now. This too will be a temporary state of affairs. Saturn is widely reputed to be about being stuck. In my considerable experience, there is no better agent of change. Saturn gets results, whether the easy way or the hard way (it really does not care). Now is the time to make the changes you need to make. Now is the time to make any necessary adjustments to your character, your way of life, your personal conduct, and your ideas about yourself. Stick to the bottom line. Saturn surely will.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There is a difference between what is true for you, and what is true generally, or what can be proven. The thing about personal truth is that it’s personal, and for most people does not require evidence. That is a problem, and while everyone needs to raise the bar on what they accept as personally valid, you simply must do this now. As for what is generally true, establishing that is an odyssey, though it begins with the process of identifying and questioning all of your assumptions. And I do mean all, because they may all be wrong. One challenge you have is the exercise of holding multiple viewpoints at once. That means not deciding who is strictly right or wrong for a while, but rather, holding open all of the possibilities. Said another way, standing in the face of the unknown. This is more than most people can bear, so they jump to false conclusions and then pretend such a thing does not exist. But such can be costly now, given the kinds of pressure that society is putting people under. Yet the circumstances demand that you rise wholly to the occasion and become an actual individual who can stand up for yourself. And everything I’ve written leading up to this thought is involved. One error often made through the Aquarius filter is the idea that intelligence is purely mental. It is much more than that; much more than can be emulated by a computer. True intelligence is not an algorithm of any kind. It is a process of observing, feeling, gradually gaining understanding, and keeping the questions in your mind alive. Then you live what you think of as truth, and see if it works for you.
You’re not after progress for its own sake; Aquarius is the discriminating embracer of innovation that works. Get your reading and be brilliant.
2021-22 Aquarius Astrology Studio: A Reading For Our Moment
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Fire your public relations team and speak for yourself. Forget your identity and be yourself. The turning point moment of your life is an experiment for which you must be flexible and spontaneous, though you’re also in line to learn the art of follow-through. You may start many things now that you don’t ultimately complete, so be careful that you develop your best ideas. The great virtue of Aquarius is its ability to have a new concept. The pitfall of Aquarius is a struggle with being adaptable, willing to learn, and willing to be wrong. Think of intelligence as being more about curiosity and less about certainty. With Mercury retrograde in your sign, that translates to curiosity about yourself. You may be investing time and energy into learning different systems of self-knowledge, which can be beneficial. Yet the thing you want to understand above all else is what motivates you. Notice what pushes you to make choices, take action, and to prefer certain people and things over others. Notice your habits. This is an excellent time to be shifting the ways you are habituated, and rather than form new fixed patterns, form new flexible ones. Place your life into manual mode rather than automatic. This is not going to be as easy as it seems, as we are being conditioned to think and conduct ourselves like the robots who dominate our lives. Far from being a conscious process, this has soaked us from the bottom, with phrases like “rewired,” “hard wired,” “reprogramming,” “rebooting,” and even “system upgrade” being used to refer to humans. Natural biological beings have no wires or operating systems, and that includes you. Invest in your humanity and nothing else.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Sun entered your sign Tuesday, and this will grant you a whole new perspective on life. If it feels like everything is changing faster than you can keep track of it, that is true for everyone but especially for you. Yet this ‘especially’ part gives you an advantage. The most important resources in the solar system — Jupiter and Saturn — are now in your sign. This is extremely rare, and it will not last long. So you must take full advantage of this moment. Shake off any lethargy, depression, disillusionment or frustration, and set about doing what you know needs to be done. Live as much time as you can in the world of people and not technology. Meet with your fellow humans in person, where you can see their faces, hear their voices, and work together in a way that is founded upon trust and understanding. Nothing else matters in your life, or in the world. There is no other basis of success, or of community, or of friendship, or anything that is good and true. Therefore, call forth your deepest humanity.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep your grounding. Be grateful that you have some. It’s not last year and it’s not 2017 or any time between. You have learned a lot about how to manage your life, and how to stay focused. But mostly, the life lesson you’re being presented with is how to be flexible. From decades of observation, I can tell you that this is a special issue for Aquarius Sun and rising: conscious, willing flexibility. It may seem like total submission to some other agenda, for example, if you are collaborating with someone. So you can invent little exercises, like creative uses of the word we. Try it on: how are we going to do this? What do we need? The idea here is to get out of what Beatle George Harrison so aptly described as I, me, mine. Ask others what they need. Ask them how they want things to turn out. Look for meaningful places where you can meet them and work on their terms — and listen carefully. This is not about sacrificing your individuality. It’s about making your individuality helpful and meaningful.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have been under this kind of pressure before, though you now know much more about how to handle it. The opening is not as narrow as it seems. You’re going through a series of rebirths, yet at the same time, your new life has begun. You are actually in the new territory of your existence, which is another realm entirely. Properly transcribed from antiquity, “realm” means to rule, to direct, to keep straight and to guide. You are in a new reality where you must guide yourself, with faith in something larger. You do not, however, submit to some false notion of greater, or submit your soul for the sake of inclusion. It is far better to stand alone and apart, when your integrity requires you to do so. The strength of your character is being tested, and it will continue to be for the next two years of Saturn’s presence in your sign. It is now time to do the right thing — long before you’ve tried everything else.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn, your ruling planet in your birth sign or rising sign, is said to be the most powerful placement in all of classical astrology. I know that is a big statement, though it’s one that is well-studied. For the ancients, Saturn was the bottom line, and Aquarius is its true home: the place where its best properties can emerge. If you’re feeling like this is a “coming of age” time in your life, that’s why, at least in part. If you’re feeling a need to tap your deepest potential, Saturn in Aquarius describes how and why. Yet Saturn always demands that we take on its properties in order to avail ourselves of its services. In Aquarius, these include objectivity and impartiality. That means standing apart from your prejudice, and looking at everything and everyone with new eyes. Saturn in Aquarius wants to know all sides of any issue on which it must make a judgment or a decision. What safeguards do you take in order to know when you don’t know? (That by the way is one of my guiding principles for Saturn in Aquarius, which applies doubly for anyone with Mercury in Aquarius.) For the first six months of Saturn in your sign, you have help from Jupiter. This changes the tone and feeling considerably, bringing optimism and an enhanced sense of what is possible. Use this time wisely. Act on your plans sooner rather than later, and get things started under entirely positive aspects. Jupiter and Saturn represent favorable news for you professionally, though they insist that you take the initiative rather than waiting for anything to happen. Your life will be a new version of the story of how luck is where preparation meets opportunity.
Thank you Eric. Your carefully chosen words are both inspiring and comforting. I hope I can do them justice.