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The Secrets of the Mayan Calendar
Don’t miss Eric’s free audio presentation on the secrets of the Mayan Calendar. This image is of a Mayan stucco frieze from Placeres, Campeche. It’s displayed in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Photo by Wolfgang Sauber / Wikimedia Commons.
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One Love: Chiron & Neptune in Pisces, Atlantis Re-Lived
By Dale O’Brien
Neptune’s true return to Pisces on February 3, 2012 also begins the Chiron and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces. Unimaginative astrologers might say this is not a conjunction because it is not exact. However, imposing such Saturnine precision to two such mythically non-Saturnian and Saturn-hated guys is not wise. Besides, when dealing with outer planetary aspects, Richard Tarnas identifies cultural correspondences in time corresponding to several degrees orb. Of course Chiron and Neptune were in even closer conjunction to each other in late May of 2009, but then in the very different sign of Aquarius. Meanwhile, by Tarnas’ standards, they’ve been continually conjunct, even when in the adjacent signs of Aquarius and Pisces.
“So What’s Up With That?” Since January 18, 1984 (Year of Neptune has been trapped in Titan (Chronos) Saturn-ruled territory, first slogging through 14 long years in Capricorn starting with the humiliating gig of making nap-taking, movie-and-history-confusing B-movie actor Ronald Reagan pass as not only presidential, but as the most popular president since George Washington. With no relief for the Deity, He then slaved in the realm of cyber space 14 long years in Aquarius, where he was forced to hypnotize the masses to believe that virtual reality is both virtuous and as real as real. Not only that, he was forced to have people believe that planes apparently hitting buildings or small fires cause huge towers to collapse quickly and neatly. Further, he was forced to drug most of the population with legal (Saturn-approved) prescription drugs they don’t need, and to eat food that no other humans before us would consider edible. This maker of rain clouds and fair weather clouds had to become a “chem trail” maker. Of course, we should also remember the bizarre idea-becomes-latest-unreality-made-“real,” the replacement of real human face-to-face interaction with social interaction while totally isolated from one another.
Not only is Neptune out of the dangerous territory of his terrible Titan father, by 2/3/2012, He’s making his homecoming! Mythic Neptune is Lord of the Waters, home of the fishes, and twisted and paranoid Mythic Saturn cannot catch and eat him in Pisces, nor His Piscean Sign-mate, Chiron. As Monty Python used to say, “And now for something completely different!” Renewing their acquaintance under much better circumstances, they are now in the realm of Jupiter, Neptune’s brother, and Chiron’s half-brother. Jupiter is away, traveling, as is his wont, waving broadly via sextile from Taurus, where Wild Woman Black Moon Lilith is still hangin’ with him. She sextile smiles to the guys as She Taurus-cuddles with good ol’ Jupiter. Much better!
Where They’ve Been and Where They Are
Long before Sound Bytes Astrology eviscerated it, Western Astrology came to us from Imperial Rome, before that, from Imperial Greece, before that from Chaldea, Egypt and other cultures. However, astrology has existed in other forms and in other cultures around the world, probably for much longer than our known recorded history, including the highly advanced ancient Mayans. There are legendary stories that say that even the Mayans and ancient Egyptians preceded a highly advanced Western Civilization, known now as Atlantis.
Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis, ancient even in 360 B.C.E.
J.R.R. Tolkien spun fantasy tales inspired by dreams of the flooding of Atlantis. However, less than 100 years ago, from a self-induced hypnotic sleep trancestate, Sun in Pisces Edgar Cayce provided us with the most detailed and thorough history of Atlantis. Eric Francis wrote of Atlantis on March 18, 2011; Cayce was born March 18. Various books about Edgar Cayce quote his Atlantis trance information extensively, most notably Edgar Cayce On Atlantis, Edgar Evans Cayce, 1968, Warner Books, N.Y.
Although I’ll be sharing elsewhere much more writings and audio on this subject in 2012, here is some relevant information from Cayce’s readings.
Check Out: 10 Items or less
Item # 1: Atlantis was originally a vast continent taking up much of what is today the temperate portion of the North Atlantic, from the Azores in the East to the eastern shore of present-day America, and southwest into the Caribbean, including Bimini, off the coast of Miami, and adjacent area. Note that in Geodetic Locational astrology, Atlantis spanned geodetic early Pisces (Azores) and most, perhaps all, of Geodetic Aquarius.
Item # 2: Atlantis was considered the first home of Western Hemisphere human beings, who at the time maintained their youthfulness and vitality for hundreds of years. There were two very different types of Atlanteans, as well as those who were a mixture of the two. One group, the Sons of Belial, were disembodied souls (or “fallen” angels) who willed themselves into physicality against the intent of the Creator, driven by willful sensual desire to be independent of the Creator. They imposed their will first upon animals (bestiality), upon the environment, and later upon the Creator’s intentionally incarnated fellow Souls. They created and became themselves physical monstrosities. Whatever they created, they could never create as beautiful or as healthy and functional creations as the Creator.
They were slavers and rapists, amassing wealth and driven to have greater and greater power. When advanced technology was thought and created, they used it to their own advantage, including for military power to maintain control in Atlantis, as well as to wage aggressive war with non-Atlanteans. (Plato wrote of their battle with the ancient Greeks before the accidentally self-inflicted destruction and sinking of Atlantis. In fact these true “S.O.B.s” (sons of Belial) created and ultimately destroyed Atlantis, each time worse than before, three successive times stretched out over a period of many thousands of years, reincarnating over and over, trying for the total WORLD DOMINATION that eluded them before. Biblically, the S.O.B.s are sons of a devil (fallen angel) and the story of the flood and Noah’s ark, according to Cayce, involved the flood that sunk Atlantis.
Speaking of the Bible, a dramatically different Atlantean group, of mixed gender, was the Sons or Followers of the Law of One. Cayce summarized the One Law as Love of the Creator, and Love of one’s fellow Creatures, even those inferior to oneself physically, mentally, or otherwise. They believed in freeing, healing, educating and sharing abundance with those who were less fortunate. Biblical Christ, who spoke of this “law of One” as two great commandments, lived this Law the best of all, and is said to be the positive Older Brother role model and source of strength. Christ’s one act of rage, though not mentioned by Cayce, turning over the money changers’ tables and throwing them out of the temple, in this context was an action against the take-over-and-exploit-everything behavior typical of the S.O.B.s.
At first the two groups differed philosophically, seemingly like political parties trying to persuade the undecided public, and members of the opposing group. However, the S.O.B.s are driven to have absolute power. Ultimately a civil war occurred, each successive time. Ultimately, in acts of technological and ecological exploitation, they ended up destroying Atlantis for everyone there.
After the first destruction of Atlantis, the contiguous continent became a few islands. The chief island was called Poseidia (Latin feminine of Poseidon).
Part of each destruction involved earthquakes. Note that Mythic Neptune was called “Earth Shaker” or “Earth Quaker.”
Note that after each destruction, and especially after the complete and final destruction, both types fled to nearby locations. The Atlanteans were totally or significantly the beginning of the “Red” race who went to nearby North and Central America, including the Mayan region, which civilization they created. Others went to ancient Egypt. The pyramids of both civilizations were Atlantean designs and creation, as was the Sphinx. They also settled in Spain and in other parts of North Africa. Although Cayce does not mention it, the horrid, powerful and exploitive Fomorians who came to Ireland from the sea and waged a reign of terror on the arriving Celts fit the “modus operandi” of S.O.B. refugees.
Item # 3: In trance, Cayce said that hundreds of thousands of reincarnated Atlanteans of BOTH types were alive at that time (before and during WWII). America has become far more technologically advanced since then, with devices, technology and techniques that Cayce talked about, including drones, brainwashing, lobotomies, rapid travel over land, through water and through air, advanced audio, video, etc. It seems logical to me that millions, if not everyone alive here now, are reincarnated Atlanteans of some sort. Most of us have been amazed by the tech savvy of toddlers, a logical reincarnation carryover, I assume.
Item # 4: In trance, Edgar Cayce, without even a high school education, knew things that he seemingly could not possibly know, not only things of a medical nature, but several other areas of knowledge and wisdom. One such area was astrology. Of relevance here is that Cayce, like some contemporary astrologers, said that there is a very long transitional period between the ultimately ending Age of Pisces and the imminent Aquarian Age. The transition has been and is ongoing, coinciding with what we would consider the technologically “modern” era.
Item # 5: Plato, Francis Bacon and others always described Atlantis as west of Europe. With the sinking of Atlantis, there was hope of a New Atlantis, West of Europe, West of sunken Atlantis — North America, USA. Note the pyramid, obverse side of America’s Great Seal, on our dollar bill only since the 1930s. Cayce implied that the U.S. is the new Atlantis. He also said that this does not have to end the same way the next time (NOW). What is required to make a difference is for many individuals to live out the LAW of ONE: to be spiritual (not necessarily Christian), loving, kind, patient and “long-suffering.”
Item # 6: “Mars-crossing” Asteroid Atlantis was discovered 9/7/1931 in Heidelberg, Germany, Rx at 27Pisces54.’ Asteroid America was discovered by a Ukrainian astronomer 8/7/1915, and named “America” 2/24/1923 in appreciation of President Hoover’s Humanitarian Aid for famine in Crimea.
Item # 7: Entranced Cayce said that the Azores were Atlantis’ tallest mountain range. Note that on March 16, 2003, “W” Bush, Tony Blair and the head of Spain met in the Azores for a meeting prior to the start of the “shock and awe” invasion of Iraq. Less than a week earlier, Uranus was on the last degree of Aquarius: Sabian Symbol: “Moonlit fields, once Babylon, are blooming white.” On 3/16/2003, Uranus was less than a third of a degree into Pisces: Sabian Symbol: “A crowded public marketplace” (associated, among other possibilities, with the Stock Market). Geodetically, this meeting, appropriately enough, took place at the Aquarius-Pisces “border.”
Item # 8: Cayce predicted on 6/28/1940 that Poseidia would rise in “68 or 69 — not so far away!) Nearly everyone assumed that he meant 1968 or 1969 — hence a then-major publishing house like Warner publishing such a “fringe” type of book. You might say that because of Cayce, either 1968 or 1969 was expected to be the “2012” event of its era. Actually an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 occurred under sea, part of the mostly-submerged Azores range in February of 1968. However, what if Cayce meant 68 or 69 years from the time of the prediction? If so, that would correspond to 2008 or 2009. 11/5/2009 there was a 6.0 quake from the ocean floor near the Azores.
Item # 9: Being an avid reader of science fiction and such, it is highly likely that the recent and ready availability of Edgar Cayce On Atlantis was the inspiration for Jimi Hendrix’ Valleys of Neptune. Jimi recorded this original song sometime in early 1969 (with Chiron in Pisces). He intended the song to be the title cut for a concept album, complete with his own completed painting of the Valleys of Neptune for the cover. (12” x 12” LP artwork was very important to creative recording artists of the era, including Hendrix.) The song was not released until March 9, 2010, with Chiron again in Pisces. This 27-year-old widely acknowledged guitar master died 9/8/70, drowned by his own vomit after passing out, having drunk too much red wine. Three comments are in order here. First, know that mythic Chiron was a magically enchanting musician on a stringed instrument called a “kithara.” Later, a similar stringed instrument would be called “gitara,” the origin of the word “guitar,” or colloquially, “gitar.” Chiron rocks! Second, I find it Chironic that Hendrix, so aware of the flooding of Atlantis, would die from drowning. Third, and most important, Chiron-inspired Hendrix advised, “Better save your soul while you can! — Valleys of Neptune are risin’, risin’”
Item # 10: Bob Marley’s hit song One Love (blended with Curtis Mayfield’s hit, People Get Ready) also speaks from the essence of “the law of one.” The song was released in different musical versions [in 1965, in 1977 (year of Chiron’s discovery), and posthumously in 1984]. Lyrics include the “love one another” sentiment (“One Love, One Heart, Let’s get together and feel all right”). Other lyrics refer to “love God”: “…Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right.” Also, in terms of the Souls’ battle against the Sons of Belial, “Let’s get together to fight this holy Armageddon (One Love), So when the Man come there will be no doom, no doom” and “Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner, There ain’t no hiding place for the hopeless sinner who has hurt all mankind, Just to save his own….” Cayce stated that from the earliest times, there has existed this story of the S.O.B.s who have turned away from their Creator and inflicted suffering on mankind, in contrast to the spiritual and kind ways of those of the Law of One. Accordingly, Marley sang “As it was in the beginning (One Love), So shall it be in the end. (One Heart).” [For this reason, I’ve titled this essay, ONE LOVE. I personally prefer to call the Sons or Followers of the Law of One “the Loving Souls” or “The Lovely People.”
OK, the shopping is done — it’s time to cook!
Applying Astrology:
There are many good-hearted Aquarian Sun Sign, including Bob Marley; compassionate and humble Blues singer-musician-songwriter, Charlie Musselwhite; and Unitarian Universalist Minister and dream counselor, Jeremy Taylor, to name but three. (Their “Law of One” hearts are strong.) There are also many “It’s hard to believe he’s a Pisces” types, like Rick Perry and Robert Murdoch, to name but two. (Might there not be Sons of Belial past lives involved?) However, generally speaking, the potential “Shadow” side of each of the four Fixed Signs, including Aquarius, is a Tendency to Impose Power Over Others. Remember that potentially judgmental Saturn rules Aquarius. Remember also that mythic Chronos (Saturn) ate his children, trying to avoid loss of total domination over everyone and everything. (See Goya’s painting of Saturn devouring his offspring).
Similarly, (although mythic Promethean Thief Uranus in Pisces definitely does not count in this regard), generally speaking Pisces is mythically associated with both spirituality and compassion. Pisces is separate as is each fish, yet at the same time is connected to “the other.” (There is more than one application of “the other.) Note that in the early 1970s, American Astrology magazine featured a report on the political leanings of the then current U.S. Congress and Senate by Sun Signs. The most middle-of-the-road types were, as might be expected, the Libras. What was most revealing was that the most merciless arch-conservatives were the Aquarians. By contrast, along with the Aries, the most liberal members were Pisces. More recently, the only senator to denounce water-boarding was (the now late) Ted Kennedy. F.Y.I., here are a few well-known Aquarian Sun Signs: Reagan, Cheney and Glenn Beck. By the way, Fox news started on 10/7/1996, with Uranus in Aquarius (sign of the “air waves”).
With all this in mind, from 1984 (as prophesized by George Orwell) through part of 2/3/2012, we’ve all gone through the modern heyday of the S.O.B.s. The heyday ends so gloriously S.O.B.-style as the federal subsidies for heating oil for the elderly poor are slashed by nearly 75%. It’s mighty cold in Maine in early February.
In this inhumanity, however, there is an astrology lesson. Any astrology not taking humankind’s interaction with Nature runs a great risk of not understanding Human Nature. Sun in Aquarius time in our Tropical, seasonally-based astrology is the middle of winter. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, hence wanting to control the Air. In one sense, this tells us that the “Air Force” is Aquarius. In a most austere Saturnian way, the TSA controls who gets to go or not go into the “fixed air” of an Air-plane, and under what circumstances. At the terrestrial level, particularly in mid-winter, controlling the air inside a structure (e.g., keeping it warm) and making Saturnian rules (e.g., “Close the door”) and deciding who can or cannot be in that controlled air space is an Aquarian issue. So on the one hand, it makes grim astrological sense that the poor’s ability to control the air in their own homes would be compromised under Aquarius. On the other hand, Aquarius can keep the (Chiron in Pisces) Occupy people from being free to sleep out in the cold. Breathe the fixed aerosol fumes of pepper spray, if you do not obey Saturn — or if they feel like it, even if you do obey Saturn. What the hell! Such Fixed Nature S.O.B.s want control, all of it, and nothing less than that. Conform to their Saturn — or else!
Of course the sound byte keyword astrologers had told us in advance with such certainty just how delightful the movement of “evolutionary” Uranus and Neptune through “humanitarian” Aquarius would be. Looks like they pulled that one “out of their asses.” If they are even now reluctant to reconsider their approach, perhaps now is a good time to restore their “evolutionary humanitarian” opinion to its source of origin. While they are at it, it might be a good time to restore their simplistic “wounded healer” clichés about Chiron and their “ineffectual” descriptions of Pisces to the same orifice. After the 99% have been so severely deceived and exploited by the S.O.B.s, they should not also have to pay for misleading astrology in such a time of need. Is it not time, instead, for all of us, astrologers included, to help non-violently (Chironically) fight the S.O.B.s’ “holy Armageddon”?
On 2/3/2012 we enter the best time since January 1969 (end of the last long transit of Chiron in Pisces). It’s even more significant this time than before, however, for two reasons. First, Astrological Chiron was unknown in the ‘60s; second, this time Neptune is here as well, for the first time in more than 100 years. To top it off, they start off conjunct, and for quite a long time. (How long? Please don’t ask that Saturn question. It is neither helpful to know, nor important. It’s time to be here NOW.)
Things are not likely to suddenly and wonderfully change, but metaphorically, the “climate” should indeed be changing. (However, I do not necessarily mean that here in the scientific “climate change” sense.) What is Pisces? In part, Pisces is the final third of winter. Early Sun Pisces George Harrison wrote and sung about this in the Beatles song Here Comes the Sun. Most people probably remember at least some of the words of the song, as well as the feeling. “The ice is slowly melting” to create the mutable (moving) water that is Pisces. “It’s all right.”
Here are a couple of mythic Chiron stories that speak to the essence of Chiron in Pisces:
Compassion and the Power of Art: One of mentor Chiron’s charges, Actaeon, had died (long story). The hunter’s beloved hounds were mournfully devastated. Chiron sculpted a realistic statue of their master. They slept peacefully at the foot of the statue at night, and where thus able to return to their enjoyment of their daily pursuits.
The Power of Music: Chiron taught music (amongst astrology and other arts) to Orpheus. Orpheus played and sang his way into and out of Hades’ (Pluto’s) underworld. Spiritually speaking, he shared the Orphic Mysteries, the formerly secret knowledge of the Gods. (Orpheus has yet another long story.)
We can also get a sense of the positive potential of Chiron in Pisces by looking at the 1960s. Eric Francis has written about this elsewhere, so I will be quite brief here. The 1960s saw non-violent civil disobedience and growing public compassion in regard to the miraculous Civil Rights Movement, in regard to the successful anti-Vietnam War Movement, and also relevant to a powerful “grass roots” environmental movement. Astrologically, all this was possible because this was a time where the sense of being connected to other (Pisces’ corded Fish) evoked a sense of relatedness and empathetic compassion, seemingly unprecedented, and not duplicated until Chiron’s recent return to Pisces, especially regarding the Occupy Wall Street and related Occupy actions.
This time, however, Neptune is in the mix. When mythic Neptune was not appropriately appreciated for the considerable work that he had done for the King of Troy (long story), he released a sea monster in retribution. Apparently there is actually something even more powerful than a woman scorned! As astrologer Stephen Forest has pointed out, historically, when Neptune is in Pisces powerful new religions or spiritual movements occur. What Stephen didn’t say (to my knowledge), is that this time it should be a particularly different spiritual movement, because of Neptune’s conjunction with Chiron, right from “the get-go.”
What might that look like? In the ‘60s anti-war and pro-civil rights activists significantly included ministers (like MLK), a Catholic priest and his brother (the Berrigans), Catholic nuns, activist rabbis, Black Muslims, etc., significantly tolerant and cooperative with each other. This time, a bishop and priest were involved and arrested related to occupy Wall Street. It seems that Chiron in Pisces is a time for the Law of One (the Lovely Souls) to come together. Perhaps the “new” Neptune in Pisces religion/spiritual movement is actually the renewal of perhaps the oldest religion/spiritual movement of all — the Law of One Love.
I say, “Bring it On!” and “Blessed Be!” Can I hear an “Amen,” Brothers and Sisters?
I promise to do my part, including much more to say on this topic.
Dale (Sun Pisces)
Thank you, my Sun Pisces brother, Eric, for the chance to share
and Thank you, my Sun Pisces brother, Edgar Cayce.
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Considering a Thoughtful Approach to Understanding Astrology
[Note that the origin of “consider” means “to be with the star(s)”]
By Dale O’Brien
What follows is an explanation of my approach to astrology. Regrettably, my type of approach exists in contrast to a far more ubiquitous and careless approach to astrology, present Host Eric Francis, and some others, thankfully excepted. A guy I knew once said to me, “Heck, it’s easy to be an astrologer, I can do this. All I’ve got to do is pull somethin’ outta my ass and tell people that’s the way it is.” Quite simply, such astrologers say “Neptune is ___”, “Pisces is ___” and paste these clichés together like torn paper ransom notes. We can do better than that, and should. Eric’s journalistic background shows us how: Who, What, Where, When and Why are our guiding questions. Combining this information gives a more three-dimensional experience of that planet. Blending this type of perspective for a given planet with its sign placement, planetary aspects, etc. gifts us with interesting and relevant astrology.
Who: Like the ancient discovers of astrology, I don’t see Astrology’s Planets as abstract concepts of the literalist rational mind. Their mythological names correspond to formerly well-known larger-than-mere-human personalities with revealing stories of their activities. Remember that temples of worship were dedicated to the gods and goddesses with much the same names as our planets.
Too few realize that now, as then, certain people “worship” certain Planets, albeit far more unconsciously now.
What: Planetary Entities not only are known for actions, but were traditionally associated with physical elements, costumes, accouterments, physical elements, etc.
Where: In what places in the sky, what places on earth, etc. do we find a given Planet? Note that when thinking of place, know that the signs of the Zodiac previously corresponded to mythological stories. Precession has not negated the inherent memory of that association, with glyphs and Zodiacal imagery as memory aid reminders.
When: When was the planet discovered? When does an ingress or aspect take place? Note that “when” is best addressed in the context of the personality of that planet. Exact transits of Saturn are important; exact transits of Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune or Chiron, for example, do not require Saturn’s precision!
Why: “Just because” is absurdly not “astro-logical.” Planets have their reasons, their preferences and aversions, their depth and complexity, particularly in interaction with other planets. We may have observed a correspondence and not have known why it is so. If that is the case, it is good to not be so sure of oneself in that regard, at least until we have discovered the mythic correspondence to explain that “why.”
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Introduction to the 2012 Charts
The charts you have in this section are different than the charts I used to write and record your 2012 astrology readings. I include charts for the sake of new astrology students who want to study the planetary dynamics on their own. Here is a glyph legend — though note that Eris in this legend does not match Eris in the charts that you’ve got here. I’ll explain why in a moment.

Example of an ephemeris lookup from Serennu,com. This lists all the planets that will be in Virgo at the time the Sun makes its ingress into that sign. You can tell it's the solar ingress becaue of the degree value of the Sun -- 00 degrees and 00 minutes. This is part of a 360-degree sort -- a look at the whole sky, in order of the signs, at the time of the event.
First I’ll describe the ones that I’ve used to write and record your presentations. I use a diversity of different charting methods, but most of the time I run horoscope wheels in Time Cycles Software, a good program for Mac. It has the main advantage of a clear chart display that works well for beginners.
And there is one feature called Io Sprite, which allows for a real time animation of the planets’ places, as well as animating accelerated movements forward and reverse. Io Sprite is also great at finding specific positions and aspects, as long a they don’t involve any of the minor planets besides the first four asteroids and Chiron.
The main charts I used to do your readings were those of the ingress of the Sun into your sign. This is a dependable method for testing the energy and reading the narrative of a sign for the year in question. I also used charts for key events, such as eclipses, the Venus transit of the Sun, Mars retrograde and Saturn ingressing Scorpio. And I’ve been hanging out with the Uranus square Pluto charts for a long time.
As mentioned, the charts in Io don’t give a lot of minor planets. For most astrologers they are not so bad; you get the first four asteroids, the first three centuars, Eris, the major planets and a few odd points. But that’s not enough for the kind of work that I do. For all the other planets, I use Tracy Delaney’s ephemeris tool at Note that you can sort the planets many different ways. For this project I used 90-degree and 360-degree sorts.
A 90-degree sort focuses on the alignment of all the planets on a particular cross; for example, if the Sun is at 00 Aries, a 90 sort would pick up everything near that degree, and near 00 Cancer, 00 Libra and 00 Capricorn. I use that to scan major aspects to the Sun on the day that it arrived in your sign.
A 360-degree sort tells you what is in each sign, in order of the signs. It’s a way to look at the whole wheel in sequential order. I use that to scan the full contents of a sign on the day of the Sun’s ingress.
The charts you have in this section were cast in Solar Fire, probably the very best commercial astrology program in existence. If there is a better one I don’t know about it. Solar Fire has many options for including the minor planets. Kirsti Melto, our astrology research assistant in Finland, cast the Solar Fire charts for us.
The inner wheel includes the major planets, the first four asteroids, Eris and a few other points. Note that the glyph for Eris is different than the one you may be used to seeing in the charts I publish — we have not settled on this matter, and different software makers use different symbols. Eris in these charts is a little like a black Pisces symbol, but placed in Aries.
The outer wheel includes all of the named centaur planets. I have included them because they are a focus of my astrology research, they are fascinating little critters, and there is a huge stampeded of them going through Sagittarius at the moment. The named centaurs in our charts are:
Some of these have writeups in the Small World Stories listing of planets.
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Pluto is in Capricorn — Everything Old is New Again
By Eric Francis with help from Ma Kettle. This originally appeared in Cosmic Confidential.
The Shaving Brush and Mug
Discovering my first shaving brush (at the local food coop) and mug (with some searching around town) was what inspired the idea that some very cool old things can have a new role in a sustainable world. Well, it was actually my second encounter with the shaving brush — when I was about five and my father showed me how to shave, half of the instructions involved the use of the brush and mug; they were still in common use in the Sixties.
Decades and many cans of Edge later, I discovered that the shaving brush and soap were better, less expensive, more fun, cheaper and far more environmentally friendly than canned chemical shaving cream.
These became the criteria for “Everything Old is New Again”: the old item or method had to be better, less expensive and more ecologically friendly than the new one. Yet nearly everything we suggest on this list has one other common theme: it requires a skill. In every case, the older, better method requires you to know something, or take care of something, in a way that the modern method does not. The little cake of shaving soap you put at the bottom of a ceramic cup will last for a year or longer, if you keep it dry between uses. Part of the skill is keeping it dry. The soap comes in a cardboard box; that’s the only packaging. A good brush, if you keep it dry between shaves, will last for years. It’s fun to whip up all that lather, which comes out warm if you use warm water. And for ladies it’s the most fun of all: the brush has the approximate consistency of a tongue, but it never gets tired and it’s available any time. You’ll be sitting on the edge of your tub for hours on end.
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