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Monthly Archives: June 2012
Planet Waves FM :: Continuing Coverage from UAC
Dear Friend and Reader:
Welcome to Planet Waves FM’s coverage of the 2012 United Astrology Conference in New Orleans, which is was held May 24 through 30. What follows is a series of interviews with conference attenders and presenters. By the time we’re done there will be about 25 of these interviews posted here as well as on a parallel site at Planet Waves FM. In effect what we’ve created is a parallel conference that is available to everyone.
If you want to read a bit about the conference rather than listen, visit our special website devoted to UAC. That page includes my suggestions for how to do an astrology conference better — which was a topic of many conversations during the past week.
Audio production on these recordings is by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler, the theme music is by Yasa and website management by Anatoly. Note, we are starting to archive the recordings on or page at YouSendIt. They are in a second format at Planet Waves FM.
Planet Waves is a subscriber supported service. We are funded by our readers, not by advertisers, so all of the content you’re about to hear is free from commercial interruption.
We are offering this coverage of UAC 2012 to all site visitors as well as our subscribers. Reading our subscription service is an enriching experience that provides horoscopes and articles about astrology, personal growth and world events that will deepen your perspective on life. We offer not just astrology but a refreshing alternative to mainstream media, always informed by the astrological perspective. Find out more about subscribing here. You can also read a sample of our subscription magazine at this link — our recent one about Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys (and Tibet).
We trust you’ll enjoy our coverage of the people of the 2012 United Astrology Conference. Note — there is more to come, as we finish editing my class and that of Donna Woodwell, and add several Free Speech classes. Note — if you taught a Free Speech class and can provide us a recording, we will host it here where many people can see it.
Kingston, NY 12401
PS, if we did not get to you at UAC or you didn’t get to us — contact me about being a guest on Planet Waves FM in the future. And I am truly happy to make guest appearances on other podcasts. –efc
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Welcome from United Astrology Conference – Introduction from Eric Francis
Interview with Ravi Shanker Joshula, Vedic astrologer. Ravi is an actual Vedic astrologer from India who trained for many years and who has been practicing for 20 years. He describes a non-Westernized version of Vedic astrology: in other words, the real thing.
Ravi’s lecture —
More interviews are below the jump!
Posted in 2012 Diary
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