What Do You Mean, ‘Yourself’?

But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by Heaven or by Earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

— James 5:12

Dear Friend and Reader:

While I am working on the Trust Yourself readings, I thought I would share a bit from the rich territory I’m exploring through the astrology of the next six months, and how it relates to the problems of living our lives in the digital environment.

The readings are coming along. Once I get started, I get going, and I’ll update clients on the ETA soon. This is one of those long-haul projects (14 recordings at about 45 minutes each) and I am settling in for the journey.

Later in this article, I’ll offer an overview of the big charts I’m working with, the ones that describe the territory as we emerge from the year of Somewhere In Between. In choosing that idea for the 2024 annual readings, I was (and am) describing a transitional year between two major phases of personal and collective history.

If you recall, the first half of 2024 included the total solar eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries; the second ingress of Pluto into Aquarius; and the entry of Jupiter and Sedna into Gemini.

We could measure this next transition by Pluto, now in its final stage of moving from Capricorn (where it arrived in 2008), into Aquarius (where it will be until 2044). This is our reminder that we are past the point of digital no return.

I’m not here to be pessimistic. If I speak, it’s to the human soul within you, still self-aware, still growing and learning — and perhaps wondering what has happened.

Continue reading here.

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