Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for January was published on Tuesday, Dec. 22. We published your extended monthly horoscope for December on Monday, Nov. 30. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — It will now become apparent how much your life has changed over the past year, in ways that have opened up many new possibilities for you. Yes, the world is presenting every possible argument to the contrary. Opportunities seem to be drying up. Yet you possess determination and excitement about your existence that few are daring enough to acknowledge much less express. Your secret to success will be engaging with people in person: actual social existence, to the greatest degree possible. Get among your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends, and your community. There, you will find other people who are not afraid to do so, which means not frightened of other humans. Those are your people. Take this opportunity now to establish new friendships, new social patterns, new hangouts and new ways of conducting business. Be a pioneer. A new world will arise out of the ruins of the old, and you have the moxie to be one of its founders — and your astrology reveals that many doors will be wide open to you.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun now joins Jupiter and Saturn in your 10th solar house — the one about your mission, your reputation and your sense of responsibility to the world. These are all the same thing. Because the sign involved is Aquarius, you need to be among people who are true to their ethics. The specifics matter less than the integrity factor; sincerity is of the utmost importance, and it is rare to find in professional environments that depend so much on various unstated intentions, and unsavory allegiances and agreements. In planning your way forward professionally, it is therefore essential that you understand the lines of accountability. Ethics are only possible among people who are true to themselves. Therefore, it’s not what claims people make, or what tee shirt or button they wear, but rather the depth of their commitments. You will inevitably be in a position of leadership in whatever you do, and that means it’s more important than ever that you discern who is real, and who is not.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Humanity is your religion. It is your faith, it’s your hope, and it’s your best guess about the whole purpose of the cosmos. There are those who argue that the human experience is insignificant in the cosmic realm, merely based on the size and scale of the universe. Yet that is not a valid argument. It is not an actual assessment. We do not know the purpose of the human experience, endeavor or experiment — really, it’s all three. Most people do not think of it consciously, as this life is all they know or have ever imagined. Religion (the closest most people get to cosmology) is all centered around the Earth as the only place that exists. Then spirituality chimes in with all kinds of speculation. You, however, have the ability and the calling to ground your entire cosmology in the human experience. And now this is stronger than ever. No matter what the purpose of the experiment on this planet, whether it is accidental or part of some divine plan, all we have is one another. And that is quite enough.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun entering your house of contractual and business arrangements will help you sort out your many pending projects and spinning plates. Take a serious and determined approach with people. Mince no words and listen carefully to what people say. Take this opportunity to form the right partnerships with the right people — if you do, some of them will last for many years. Yet whoever anyone else may be in your world, in your business or in your community, remember that you are in the position of moral leadership. You are the one who threads the needle and selects the correct fabric. You are the one who sets the example. Your ethics are the bottom line in your life, which is called having integrity. Yet at the same time, the perspective that you hold makes a difference for many people who are disoriented, confused and struggling for direction. The leadership you are learning and teaching is truly what could be called “for a new age,” as you are aware of the need to integrate both worldly needs and values that encompass healing and the spiritual condition of the community.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In some ways, the condition of your relationships will make much more sense once the Sun has entered your opposite sign Aquarius. There, it joins a grouping that includes Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. This new, once-ever set of transits has brought sweeping changes into your world and your personal engagements, which may not make sense in the way that you like things to. Now, imagine that your ruling body, the Sun, is going to make direct contact with all of them over the next few weeks. Think of this as being taken on a personal tour of your new world, and the new world that is emerging. I would remind you to be intimidated by no person; and most particularly, by their fears. These days we are seeing the emergence of the ethic, “You must be terrified of what I am terrified of,” and that will never work to produce a sane, functional world. Nor will, “You must do only what makes me comfortable.” That is not freedom, it is tyranny — and you were born free, and are entitled to live that way.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must do everything in your power to sort out fact from fiction; hallucination from the truth. This is not any kind of one-off. Rather, it’s about a lifetime of seeking and devotion, and the willingness to question everyone and everything. Take nothing at face value. Get beneath the surface. The problem is you may not have a sense of when you’re really doing that, and may be too easily placated or made anxious, both of which are means to getting you to compromise. I suggest the most important thing you can work on is paying attention to when you are making assumptions. Keep asking yourself how you know what you think you know. You need to actually know, and not be speculating, as your commitments and responsibilities demand that you have grounding in logic and intellectual rigor. This is a habit, and it must be practiced. It’s not easy to keep your powder dry when the whole world is being hosed down by delusion, denial and deception. But you simply must do so.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun’s ingress into your fellow air sign Aquarius will come as a relief. It’s always good to have the Sun in your element, though the thing is, you have so much more there at the moment — Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and the meaningful asteroid Pallas. The question of what to do with all this creative energy is a real one. You currently have enough for the next eleven people, and as many ideas. What the Sun moving through this region of your chart can provide is energy for expression, and light so you can see what you are doing. The essence of the moment is experimentation. The world is currently developing a bad case of rigor mortis from all of social and artistic life being smothered. You need to move and breathe and keep reminding yourself of all the reasons you have to be alive and to be creative. You know that you’re healthy when you’re feeling well, that is, when you’re positive and involved. Avoid health dramas of any kind — and know what they are. Get out the paints and turn on your amp. Get ready to test your theory, in real space, and in real time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is the time in your life when you’re building a new foundation. It may feel, at the moment, like everything is shaking and vibrating and changing. Yet that is evidence of movement and progress. Here is the thing to remember: your foundation is social. You might be good with money. You’re an excellent worker. You know how to focus your sense of purpose and get things done. All of that is wonderful. But it is society itself that is your foundation: by which I mean the larger society we all share, and your personal society of family and friends. These are the very things under assault right now, as everything is driven apart from everything else, and all the crumbs are vacuumed up onto the internet. Make your home the local speakeasy. Get together with people and figure out what is happening. Have real conversations with people you trust, and get to know one another. Work the details of community and of mutual support. You have a role to play. In your own modest way, you are a titan of industry.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are in possession of some world-changing idea, and of the power to express it. The idea may come quickly and the development slowly. That is usually the challenging part for you: the arrow that only flies slowly through the air. Yet it is true that each step must be taken consciously; each pitfall identified and remedied; and that you think in whole-system terms. Whatever you’re doing, you’re unlikely to be doing it alone. This too presents a challenge, as there is part of your nature that is not all that interested in direct collaboration. You have, at times, thought that this compromises your individuality. But now it is time for individuals to work with one another, in a spirit of equanimity and equality. This is not the time when egos can prevail, if anything is going to be accomplished. And as you well know, there is much that needs to be done and not so much time in which to do it. Therefore, find your project partners and get busy.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The only thing you have to worry about is being true to yourself. That’s most of what everyone else has to worry about, though this is the very epicenter of your spiritual growth. All that has happened the past three years, and in particular the past year, may have left you feeling like it’s just impossible to stand up to the world. Yet times have changed, your chart has changed, and you are living in a whole new reality. And in that reality, just one thing matters, and that is sincerity. Therefore, do not brook deception in any form, from you or anyone else. Know what you stand for, on a level deeper than your beliefs, and make all of your choices based on that one thing. If you find that your choices conflict with your values, one or the other has to stand. There is no room whatsoever in your life for cognitive dissonance: that is, two competing realities. You must live one truth, and that requires profound personal investigation. That can be inconvenient and it can be wrenching. Yet you have little choice.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Sun entered your sign Tuesday, and this will grant you a whole new perspective on life. If it feels like everything is changing faster than you can keep track of it, that is true for everyone but especially for you. Yet this ‘especially’ part gives you an advantage. The most important resources in the solar system — Jupiter and Saturn — are now in your sign. This is extremely rare, and it will not last long. So you must take full advantage of this moment. Shake off any lethargy, depression, disillusionment or frustration, and set about doing what you know needs to be done. Live as much time as you can in the world of people and not technology. Meet with your fellow humans in person, where you can see their faces, hear their voices, and work together in a way that is founded upon trust and understanding. Nothing else matters in your life, or in the world. There is no other basis of success, or of community, or of friendship, or anything that is good and true. Therefore, call forth your deepest humanity.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A stunning collection of planets in your 12th house Aquarius, now joined by the Sun, is granting you a superpower. For most, the 12th is vexing. It’s the place where people lose themselves or get disoriented. But you are born under the 12th sign, and having planets in the 12th house grants you inner awareness, substance and energy. Whereas others may lose things in the 12th house, you discover them. While others may lose track of the past, you retrieve what belongs to you. Yet there is something even better. You contain, within yourself, a map of all the changes that society is going through. Of all people you may have the deepest insight into the nature of these movements, though you cannot take that for granted. You cannot assume you have some psychic impression and that’s all you need. To have possession of the whole truth, verify every fact and every belief against the data. You will need to do this several times, coming at each question from different angles. You will know you’re getting there when 1. You recognize how much is at stake and 2. You know what to do.