Suggestions for Keeping Things Together in a Crisis

By ERIC FRANCIS | Planet Waves

Here are some thoughts I’ve gathered from having dealt with crises in the past, and having spent time considering plans with others.

We are essentially in a civil defense emergency. I will add one additional thought up top. In any crisis, whether personal or community, I have found it valuable to focus on my purpose and stick to it. This will differ for everyone. It might mean taking care of your family and children in your community.

It might mean assisting local services. It might mean being a clearinghouse of news and information. (If that is your calling, please get in contact with us, as we are coordinating such efforts.) When possible, even kids should be given a purpose, a job to do. They could assist with many of the suggestions below. Explain to them what is going on as best you can, and help them ground in some vital role, even if seemingly small.

Your First Responsibility

Remember that your first responsibility and your first purpose is to stay healthy, and keep your loved ones healthy. Do not give into the notion that “everyone is gonna get this.” We don’t even know what “this” is.

It is my personal policy to include everyone in decision making processes. I strongly suggest that authoritative, head-of-household types initiate a consultative decision making process. This will facilitate a sense of community and “we’re in this together,” which we are. Plus everyone, including kids, can have excellent ideas.

As for your canines and felines: in a crisis, they serve a profound role of keeping you centered in your heart. Thank them for this service. They understand it better than you do. Pay attention to cats and dogs and their state of mind. Stay in contact with them.

Once again, remember that your first responsibility and your first purpose is to stay healthy, and keep your loved ones healthy.

P.S. — While I have your attention: if you’re an artist, do your art. When I faced a massive crisis in 2018, I did some of my very best writing and musical composition ever. Your modes of expression exist for a reason.

OK, here are my basic household hints, applicable to small businesses as well.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Be Professional

1. Stay organized. Keep your home in order. In the midst of a crisis, this cuts back the mental dross and will help you think more clearly. Each home should have a command center that is sacrosanct; the primary computer should be at the command center, such as a desk or table used for no other purpose. Computers should not be used recreationally, unless you have them in abundance. Generally, take extra care of your technology and keep your batteries charged.

2. Know how much cash and credit you have, assuming you have some. Knowing the numbers will reduce your stress, not add to it. If you can, keep cash on hand, preferably in small bills and one-dollar coins. Keep your financial instruments handy and your cash secured. NOTE: Prioritize your spending. Many places evictions are banned, as is cutting off utility service. Internet is not government regulated! Pay your ISP or cable carrier, as communication is now our lifeblood.

3. Take it easy on your plumbing. You cannot just get it fixed. Same with your dental work.

4. Maintain impeccable hygiene to the greatest extent possible. Laundry resources are likely to be scarce at some point, so while you can, keep as much of your linen supplies and clothing clean as possible.

5. The kitchen must be kept clean and organized. Stay ahead of your needs, as many days as you can. If you are in a group situation, get into the habit of planning meals. This will avoid waste.

6. Gather medicinal resources and keep them in one place — preferably somewhere other than the bathroom. For example, designate a kitchen shelf for herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, prescription meds, etc. Stay ahead of your needs, as best you can.

7. STOP SMOKING. If you smoke, you are more likely to manifest pneumonia should you become infected. If you’re into cannabis, I suggest backing off and/or switching to edibles. However, you want as much of your clear-headed judgment and your wits about you as you can have.

8. CUT BACK SUGAR AND SALT. Both have problems related to this kind of illness. Sugar lowers immunity; salt retains water. If you get a fever, DO NOT TAKE AN ASPIRIN OR OTHER ANALGESICS. This can make matters much worse — and it was deadly during the 1918 Spanish Flu. Check with a homeopath or naturopath.

9. Identify people who are willing and able to help. In every community and circle of friends, there are people who consider themselves resources. Make contact with them and offer the assistance that you can. Offer to help the people who are here to help. Accept assistance you need from those who are offering. Many have figured out that it feels good to assist others. When you encounter “every man for himself” or mercenary types, quietly move on.

10. Know what you have available to barter. It might be something you have in excess, and it might be a service. For example, you might have a gift for fixing things. If you find an abundance of something you can afford that you might be able to barter, get some. Generally, get what you can, while it’s available. I don’t mean hoard! Stay a little ahead of your needs on most things and keep track of supply lines.

11. Keep hold of things, such as single-use plastic containers, plastic bags, rubber bands, glass bottles, etc. Keep them clean and organized.

12. Everyone is going to need downtime, and time alone. Take the time to allow your psyche to process what is happening, even if you still feel bewildered and overwhelmed.

13. Stay in communication with your neighbors and loved ones. Stay in contact with any community leaders that you may know, whether the PTA or town council. Stay in contact with your business associates, such as your landlord, your creditors, your boss and your colleagues. Identify reliable sources of information. Acquire a radio — they can be golden in a crisis. Have a plan in case of an internet outage.

14. Have Plans A, B and C for different contingencies. Take care of what you can, while you can. Automotive repair places are still open; do basic maintenance on your car and keep your tank full, if you can afford to. Apply this concept to other areas of your life.

15. Get outside as much as you can. In different locales the rules will differ. Most places, walking the dog, going for a walk, walking for transportation, are allowed. If you have a garden, work in the garden. If you have a terrace, tidy it up and use it as a haven. Get some plants going.

16. USE YOUR SPIRITUAL TRAINING. Many people in my reading audience have taken endless seminars and read self-help books. Now is the time to use your training. If your connection to the light is strong, keep it going, and stay in contact with others working for the light on the physical and nonphysical. We have help! Tap into it.

17. One last. Avoid needless electrical / EMF / microwave exposure. Based on many things I’ve read, there is a connection between this illness and exposure to EMFs (such as microwaves). Do not wait for this to be proven. Apply the precautionary principle. I suggest keeping your wifi network turned off at night, keeping your phone in airplane mode till you need it, and not using the microwave oven, ever.

There may be more clues in this article from 2012. which described a “back to basics” scenario under Pluto in Capricorn.

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