Dear Friend and Reader:
Today’s Capricorn New Moon is the warmup act for Pluto entering Aquarius. It’s not always possible to define an ‘era’, though Pluto changing signs counts for something. Essential aspects of the world’s vibe or milieu are described by the current Pluto sign, and it’s now about to leave the dense energy field of Capricorn and enter the much faster vibration of Aquarius.
Pluto stays in a sign so long that you start to think this is how it always was. Then it changes and other things become apparent.
Aquarius is about fixed patterns, which have a way of bonding a viewpoint, a way of life, or the structure of the social world in which we participate. Pluto introduces an interference pattern, a disturbance, or some new factor that will alter the currently-dominant energy field.
Look for new organizing principles: new purposes around which to coalesce relationships, especially among groups. Ideas are involved. Many things that seemed true, or true enough, will present themselves for re-evaluation.
There is a difference between pattern recognition and careless inductive logic (over-generalizing). Keep your perceptions loose and feel for invitations as so much around us changes or is revealed. Look for confirmation of what you perceive, and consider other alternatives, if only to remind yourself they exist.
Today’s readings (below) are the opening paragraphs from the Somewhere In Between chapters for Pluto in Aquarius. STARCAST covers the Capricorn New Moon and considers these last weeks of Pluto in Capricorn.
With love,

Pluto never sleeps, and now it’s moving onto Aquarius. This is the most social angle of your chart, the 11th place. It’s bound to reshape your entire experience of friends, groups, and associations of all kinds.
Pluto in Aquarius:
The Struggle to Maintain Your/Our Humanity
Pluto never sleeps, and now it’s moving onto Aquarius. This is the most social angle of your chart, the 11th place. It’s bound to reshape your entire experience of friends, groups, and associations of all kinds. And this may come with a wild struggle for people to stay human.
Some years ago, few would have known what I was talking about when I say the struggle to maintain our humanity. Today, some pretend to not know, or to not be affected by the world situation, which is driven 100% by the domination of digital technology.
However, after what we’ve been through the past four years, you may have a sense that this is a serious, imminent issue. Forget the damage done by social media. The three-year-olds obsessed with their iPad are merely training wheels. Twitter is like chewing gum compared to the fentanyl buffet being prepared for us.
As Pluto reached the end of Capricorn, we witnessed 4.4 billion people ordered to stay home over the course of just three weeks; 10 billion needless, toxic injections put into the bodies of adults and children; the rise of the all-powerful tech and pharma industries to the stature of gods; and the violation of all personal and national sovereignty.
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There is the matter of Pluto completing its sign-change to Aquarius, your 10th solar house or place. This is the transit process that will have the most enduring and lasting effects.
Pluto Enters Aquarius To Stay
And finally, there is the matter of Pluto completing its sign-change to Aquarius, your 10th solar house or place. This is the transit process that will have the most enduring and lasting effects. It will last the longest, and your Aquarius 10th describes qualities essential to who you are — which will now be under the sustained influence of Pluto.
On the way out to breakfast today, I was looking around for a book to slip your charts into, and spotted Whole Sign Houses by Rob Hand. This is a 50-page monograph that I sometimes think I’m the only person who’s ever read. Sitting at the counter of Sunfrost in Woodstock, I flipped it open to a discussion of the 10th place. The Greek word associated with it is praxis: “what one does, not merely as profession.”
Even the best modern astrologers mistake this house for “what one wants to be known for,” and there is some of that. But usually the being known is a vehicle to the opportunity for praxis — to do, with all of one’s being. The loose translation is “action.” And Pluto, the planet that you can experience on your level of consciousness but cannot refuse, is now going to merge with Aquarius in your 10th place.
Aquarius mainly serves as the energy that crystallizes patterns in human affairs. Often sold as groovy and progressive, it’s nothing of the kind. It’s one of the most effective preservers of the status quo in all of astrology. If we are looking for a clue as to the “fixed in action” nature of Taurus, we can find it right at the apex of your chart. Aquarius in this placement describes the essence of your habitual nature. While this extends into your professional life, the patterns are a blend of mental and social, and the crystals are of very high integrity.
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The spiritual crisis of our times is the chaos induced by digital technology. It has upended our minds, our lives, our cultures and the historical process — and that’s just the beginning. Aquarius is the sigil of the digital environment, and you have it placed in one of the more spiritual angles of your chart.
Pluto in Aquarius: Parallel Developments
First, a personal observation. The spiritual crisis of our times is the chaos induced by digital technology. It has upended our minds, our lives, our cultures and the historical process — and that’s just the beginning. Aquarius is the sigil of the digital environment, and you have it placed in one of the more spiritual angles of your chart.
So I think you’re going to get this issue and how it intersects with your life, and recognize that you’re in a position to do something about it.
That the sign change of Sedna is taking place in close parallel to Pluto entering Aquarius, makes it fair to consider them as part of the same thing. Both began in 2023 and will conclude in 2024. Many of the same themes come up with Pluto entering your fellow air sign, though the Aquarius emphasis is more collective.
And for you, Pluto in Aquarius pertains to your spiritual life above all else. That said, Pluto in Aquarius will drive the need for individuals to stand up to collective control, and so will Sedna in Gemini. Both contain the seeds of solutions to the problems they describe, though profound personal responsibility is necessary.
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Because it moves so slowly, transits of Pluto are similar to the natal positions. Cancer has Aquarius in the 8th place, so you carry a society around in your house associated with the departed. Here, we have yet another inference of ancestry and contact with the distant past.
Pluto Entering Aquarius, Your 8th Place
Today I checked Pluto in the 8th house in the oldest book written about Pluto, from 1934 (four years after the discovery) by Fritz Brunhubner. It’s a scientifically and spiritually literate work, far better than many things that followed it. It was published in German and I can’t quite tell when the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) translated it, typed it and printed it on what looks like mimeograph.
What old Fritz said: Pluto associated with the 8th house is about mediumship, by which he means he found it in the charts of many clairvoyants, occultists and spiritualists. (He does not comment on the signs involved.) The 8th is the house of the affairs of the dead, so this makes sense.
Because it moves so slowly, transits of Pluto are similar to the natal positions. Cancer has Aquarius in the 8th place, so you carry a society around in your house associated with the departed. Here, we have yet another inference of ancestry and contact with the distant past (there are others, and it’s a bit much to get into in this forum.)
Pluto 8th suggests you be highly conscious of who you give your power to, and learn from the ways you’ve surrendered it in the past. This involves both individuals and groups, as that is always implied by Aquarius. The 8th is primarily about financial and contractual agreements with others (marriage contracts, prenups, wills, trusts, etc.). You want to be careful who you make agreements with and what you sign.
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Pluto is going to confront you with the power of groups, and instruct you in what you must do to stand up for yourself. Study group dynamics VERY carefully and make sure that you’re the one calling the shots in your own life, taking leadership within your family and circle of friends.
Chiron and Pluto are Driving the Story
The underlying confrontations of your chart come from Aries and Aquarius: Chiron and Pluto respectively. These are important spiritualizing forces that insist you focus on core matters of growth and life purpose.
Whatever happens in the outer world is drawing on them both as a power source, and also as a point of alignment. And both place significant personal responsibility on you for how you handle yourself in the world.
This theme runs through your chart: your power is increasing as a result of all you’ve done and all you’ve learned; and you are being guided to keep learning and to maintain your integrity at all costs — it’s your most important asset.
Pluto is going to confront you with the power of groups, and instruct you in what you must do to stand up for yourself. Study group dynamics VERY carefully and make sure that you’re the one calling the shots in your own life, taking leadership within your family and circle of friends. The leadership I am talking about is mostly by example.
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This year you graduate from one of the most important and transformative transits of your life. This involves Pluto moving through Capricorn. You have Capricorn in the 5th place of your solar chart, and this is a defining feature of Virgo. The 5th is about fun, pleasure, creativity and games.
Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius
This year you graduate from one of the most important and transformative transits of your life. This involves Pluto moving through Capricorn. You have Capricorn in the 5th place of your solar chart, and this is a defining feature of Virgo. The 5th is about fun, pleasure, creativity and games.
Capricorn here is a little stuffy; the 5th wants room to explore and play, and Capricorn takes a grown-up attitude. One result is Virgo children who end up taking on the responsibilities of their parents — you may have grown up young. Another result is feeling guilty about fun and play. And along those lines, feeling guilt about sexual pleasure and play may have been something you’ve had to contend with.
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and began to rework the underlying material leading to this situation. A transit means that a life circumstance changes, by way of an event, or you start to feel differently and choose to have new experiences.
Usually it’s both. Pluto represents a deep growth process (what some call an evolutionary process), which has been about setting yourself free from whatever emotional baggage or karma has kept you constrained. Pluto also facilitates deep desire, the kind that can move your soul, so you’ve likely had some new feelings bubbling to the surface.
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What is implied by Pluto’s presence is that your creative and risk-taking drive will move to the front of your life, and at the same time, you will need to be as independent of the influences of others as possible. If there is to be a group, it will most likely be an audience of some kind.
Pluto in Aquarius — Your Inner Creative Studio
Having survived the transformations of Pluto in the most sensitive angle of your chart, and your life, you are now approaching a new experience: living in service of your creative drive.
The astrology is simple enough, on the surface: Pluto is entering your 5th place, which is some hybrid of the art studio and play space. The 5th is a place to share and explore, freed from the constraints of security and family. Once you have a studio, you come and go when you please, and you paint when you want. That is the attitude I suggest you adopt.
I say this knowing you may not be an artist (but you probably are in some sense, because the whole matter of aesthetics is so central to the Libra soul). The 5th place, for you, Aquarius, is about pleasure and bold experiments. The sign involved suggests a group, or collaborative orientation. That can help the creative process and it can also seriously hinder it.
What is implied by Pluto’s presence is that your creative and risk-taking drive will move to the front of your life, and at the same time, you will need to be as independent of the influences of others as possible. If there is to be a group, it will most likely be an audience of some kind. And while collaboration is not out of the question, you will focus the most creative power doing solo work, where you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself.
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Scorpios are among the people most attached to their family of origin. This is a product of Capricorn (family structure) and 3rd place (mental state, communication style, local community). If you’ve done some of the work, Pluto has guided you to think for yourself.
The Upshot of Your Pluto Transit
Though I will develop these ideas later in this essay, the nutshell version of Pluto entering Aquarius goes like this: for the past 16 years, Pluto has moved through the house that combines your mental state and important elements of your family’s deep conditioning of your identity. That is the combination of Pluto overlapping your 3rd place (or house).
This has been a reclaiming process, and has come with many revelations of how dependent your own thought forms were on those of your family. This commenced in 2008 or so and is just wrapping up. Your experience may have been one breakthrough, challenge and test after the next.
Scorpios are among the people most attached to their family of origin. This is a product of Capricorn (family structure) and 3rd place (mental state, communication style, local community). If you’ve done some of the work, Pluto has guided you to think for yourself. Well, “guided” is polite. I mean all-but demolished any way you did not think for yourself; taught you to go deep; and hopefully set you free of something a little dark.
Yet the real point of attachment is having Aquarius on the 4th place (the sign of groups, in the house of the family of origin). This is all about stability, and grounding — and more than anything — your sense of belonging. Now, in order to grow, you will find yourself needing to risk these things.
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Pluto now moves into Aquarius, the sign of group associations, in your house of local community (the 3rd). The 3rd is also the sign of state of mind, intelligence and communication style. And Pluto is coming, which is going to change your relationship to your own awareness and the people around you.
Aquarius and the 3rd: Mind Meets Community
Pluto now moves into Aquarius, the sign of group associations, in your house of local community (the 3rd). The 3rd is also the sign of state of mind, intelligence and communication style.
And Pluto is coming, which is going to change your relationship to your own awareness and the people around you.
With Pluto on its way, you may not be able to remain quiet for long. While you know that it’s necessary to guard against falling for consensus reality, the time is arriving where you will likely be openly breaking consensus. If Aquarius is about “thinking together,” Pluto in Aquarius is about standing apart from groups and making sure that you are known to be using your mind, your way — and not privately.
Another situation with Aquarius on the 3rd house is the need for mental flexibility. Aquarius is a fixed sign, which works in the language of crystallized patterns. This is another description of caution — like Capricorn, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Both have a serious cast, yet Saturn calls for having a sense of humor, which is a form of humility. It’s also a way to keep your mind limber. That which does not flex tends to break, and you will need your mental flexibility and adaptability set to maximum.
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You have been through a lot during Pluto in Capricorn; there is no way for another person to understand fully just how much. It’s important to debrief and get a sense of the past and understand something of what you’ve been through.
Debriefing Pluto in Capricorn
You have been through a lot during Pluto in Capricorn; there is no way for another person to understand fully just how much. It’s important to debrief and get a sense of the past and understand something of what you’ve been through.
After Pluto transits there can be a time of settling down into the new reality that they have created. It’s important to affirm that the transit is over — which this one mostly is.
In September, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for about 10 weeks. It will only cover about one-third of one-degree of your sign — essentially grazing the edge. Were the timing slightly different, it might not do this at all, instead, stationing direct at the very beginning of Aquarius.
The result will be a kind of prompting of what you learned during Pluto in Capricorn and an opportunity to complete any unresolved business. This might be some kind of technical work (filing papers); it might be personal recollection of some kind; and it could be interpersonal, doing some kind of completion process around the issues that have come to the surface during Pluto in your sign.
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Pluto, whatever and wherever it might be transiting, has an ego-destroying quality. For it to arrive in your sign with the Sun describes the cultivation of what I would call the healthy adult ego (rather than the bundle of guilt and fear given the same name by A Course in Miracles, and other teachings).
Now Add Pluto
Because Pluto is so far from the Sun (currently 39 times the Earth-Sun distance), it will take about 20 years to traverse Aquarius (the relatively recent Pluto in Scorpio took a bit more than 12 years). Pluto is making its entrance to the new sign in three stages rather than the usual two. The first ingress was March 23, 2023; the final will be Nov. 19, 2024; but “the big one” is coming up this month, just as your birthday season begins.
The final ingress is also distinctive, as will be the brief spell between September and mid-November when Pluto briefly returns to Capricorn; I will cover that in a little while. For now, let’s stick with the second ingress, the one that takes place in January. I will add a comment at the end about the third ingress.
Pluto, whatever and wherever it might be transiting, has an ego-destroying quality. For it to arrive in your sign with the Sun describes the cultivation of what I would call the healthy adult ego (rather than the bundle of guilt and fear given the same name by A Course in Miracles, and other teachings).
The journey of Pluto through Capricorn has confronted you with many artifacts of the past. It’s as if you’ve been dragged through the total experience of your ancestors, going back more generations than you can name your progenitors. We all carry around the world of their past. It is rare that people have the guts to challenge the legacy left for them, though a Pluto transit through the 12th place (the sign immediately before yours) makes it inevitable.
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Though you’re generally an easygoing and informal person, you prefer to have some structure around you in social affairs, you prefer relationships to develop over time, and you’re something of a traditionalist. Nearly all of that has given way to Pluto’s demolition derby in Capricorn, and it’s unclear whether something more helpful will emerge.
Pluto Out of the 11th and into the 12th
Meanwhile, Pluto is on its way into Aquarius, which is the 12th place from Pisces. The 12th is the strangest of the houses, representing all that is concealed, all that can be subjected to denial, and much that has collected over the years. Pluto, too, has a way of clearing space.
It’s been working a much more overt part of your chart, Capricorn, which is the 11th place — all that is social and associated with community and friendship. It’s taken place during the surge of digital conditions, which have been extremely challenging for everyone socially.
Humans like to be around one another, and are not made for communicating using electric telepathy. Further, Pluto in Capricorn has broken down many of the structures you depended on to fulfill your social needs. Traditions have crumbled, public spaces are dwindling, and people are less inclined to take the formal approach to friendship that you prefer. The 11th is the house of friends, and this is a concept that has become watered down to meaningless under the influence of developments like social media and the “device” intervening in every last human transaction. Both the phone and social media had their most rapid developments under Pluto in Capricorn (for example, the iPhone was introduced by Apple with Pluto at the very end of Sagittarius, but took hold and did all of its damage during Pluto in Capricorn).
Capricorn wants solid ground for connection, and Pluto working through this region has crumbled many facets of society that were taken for granted for generations. Though you’re generally an easygoing and informal person, you prefer to have some structure around you in social affairs, you prefer relationships to develop over time, and you’re something of a traditionalist. Nearly all of that has given way to Pluto’s demolition derby in Capricorn, and it’s unclear whether something more helpful will emerge.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written readings are available now, video readings will be available soon.
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