Thank you for being or becoming a Planet Waves customer. We have full-time client service. If you need guidance or assistance, please call (206) 567-4455, or write to cs@planetwaves.net. We will pick up or get back to you shortly. Here are your options, for new subscribers, early renewal, or upgrade and extension:
Core Community Membership with “Astrology Revealed” PDF, and most recent Birthday Reading (now called Astrology Studio), $122 per year, semi-annual payment available. Note, we have dropped the price of the Core Community Membership. Core Community includes all of my unique-in-the-world horoscopes and articles, access to the Planet Waves member website, and discounts to other services. Current members may renew early or upgrade. Monthly recurring option available here.
Backstage Pass with “Astrology Revealed” manuscript, $444 per year, quarterly payment available. Backstage Pass includes all Birthday Readings (now called Astrology Studio), and spring and autumn readings. This membership also includes all weekly emailed editions, full website access, and discounts to other services. Current members may renew early or upgrade. With Chart Keys reading, $555 for one year. Monthly option available.
Galaxy Pass with Advanced Astrology Set, “Astrology Revealed” manuscript, Chart Keys reading and Chiron Journaling dates by me, consulting credit, $1111 per year, quarterly payment available. Call with questions — (206) 567-4455.
Astrology sets will take about two weeks to deliver.
Astrology Sets Come with Product Support
Best of all, you can call and ask questions about your chart. We will help you understand basic chart features and how to use your astrology set, and help you get your footing.

While the other leading astrology sites are doing their Amazon.com or shopping mall imitation, we remain a cosy little boutique operation.
Yes — an advanced astrology student will be available to guide you and help you find your way through your chart.
You will love these subscriptions, and find our offerings dependable, spiritually grounded and timely.
We work with tremendous focus to make our work accurate and helpful to you.
We are the leaders in our field when it comes to offering a humane approach to astrology, and to making sense of the difficult-to-stomach news events of our day.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
PS — We have other types of subscriptions available, including various monthly formats. You may write to us, or leave a message at (206) 567-4455 and someone will get back to you soon. We will work with your budget; many options are available.