What you might capture in a few lines in your notebook may not seem like much. You may feel beauty, though that is different from being the vehicle of its expression.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — As it appears in your chart, the upcoming Full Moon is visionary. It is in Pisces, in the house of dreams and visions; an astrological event of mythical proportions. And this is met by the Sun in Virgo, which describes your willingness to do the work to make your ideas into something real. There is a translation process here. What you might capture in a few lines in your notebook may not seem like much. You may feel beauty, though that is different from being the vehicle of its expression. There are worlds and dimensions where it is much simpler, much easier, to express oneself. Some wish it was that way on Earth, though part of what we must endure here is the growth that is required to embody the quality which spiritual traditions call soul or spirit. To do that, you will need to move through the density of the physical world, and in a way, transform yourself into the thing you want to express as you bring it into form. Consider the possibility that this is why you are here.
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The changes you first experienced as shocking are now something you can take in stride, and work to your benefit.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This time in your life has an idealistic quality. The changes you first experienced as shocking are now something you can take in stride, and work to your benefit. As frightening and destabilizing as they may have been a few years ago, today you are likely to be experiencing liberation, and feeling the ways that all things work together for good. Yet be aware that the time is growing near when duty will inevitably call. With Saturn crossing Aquarius, your 10th house, it already is; though Saturn has the potential to disappear into the sign that it rules and grant a sense of ease. However, Saturn is still there, calling on you to take a holistic approach to this easily eluded thing known as public responsibility. Taurus is famous for being able to feather its own nest and take care of its own needs. To what occasion are you being called to rise? Can you summon the creativity and the courage to act on behalf of others? It has taken the sacrifices of all of your ancestors, and all who built (and build) the world, for you to thrive in the ways that you do.
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The Sun in Virgo is saying that it is much easier to stay in your hobbit hole and not expose yourself to criticism. So what’s it going to be?
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars in your sign is urging you to take action. Mercury stationing retrograde describes you hesitating and avoiding risks. The Full Moon in Pisces is impelling you to step out into the world, to advocate for justice, and to take leadership. The Sun in Virgo is saying that it is much easier to stay in your hobbit hole and not expose yourself to criticism. So what’s it going to be? Here is what I would ask, on this momentous astrological occasion: To what extent do you feel you are doing the real work of this incarnation? Let’s enter the paradigm where you chose to accomplish certain things before you came into this life. I am not saying that you did, but I am asking you to work from this possibility. What was that work? What were the growth goals of your soul? What did you need to do in this brief experience of life, in this one-and-only time of history? With this question comes another: what are you doing with the gifts and assets you incarnated with? Do those actions match your original intentions for coming here now?
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Your vision for your future depends upon your creativity. I understand that compared to other nearby planes of experience that surround the Earth— or are located elsewhere— existence here is dense and often fraught with peril.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — We live in a time when it’s difficult to see new possibilities for what they are. The idea of potential is like looking backwards through binoculars. In a way that only the most sensitive people are noticing, it is as if the future is being focused upon. Yet whatever you may be experiencing, for you, this cannot be the case. Although the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces is beckoning you toward the future, it may seem like you’re looking into several time tunnels at once, wondering which is truly safe. You may have the feeling that none of them are. However, that is an emotional response and not a true perception. There are not just one, but many, potential ways forward. Though, they all depend on one thing: your ability to envision what you want. Your vision for your future depends upon your creativity. I understand that compared to other nearby planes of experience that surround the Earth— or are located elsewhere— existence here is dense and often fraught with peril. Our souls are used to zero-gravity environments in one world, and here, everything feels like brick. Yet that is an illusion. As the poet Allen Ginsberg wrote:
Only return of thought to
its source will complete thought.
Only return of activity
to its source will complete
activity. Listen to that.
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You know the sounds that come through your body and your mind and enter the ears of another person can change your situation.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may finally know exactly what you need to say, yet fall short of actually saying it. May I propose why that might be? You know your words will have power. You know the sounds that come through your body and your mind and enter the ears of another person can change your situation. You know the words you write can not only document the truth; when you are sincere, your words bend the shape of your experience, and those of the people around you. And that is too much for most people. It’s frightening; as T. S. Eliot said in one of his last poems, humankind cannot bear very much reality. The question is, can you? If you happen to be poised on saying the words that you know will set you free, consider why you might choose to say them or not say them — and now you have at least one theory for what those reasons might be. Perhaps there are others. Another might be: if you say something, you are acknowledging it to yourself. Or, you may cause yourself some inconvenience that you would rather avoid. You’ll figure it out.
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You will gain vision by the reflected feminine light of a kind of mirror that follows us through time.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Moon meeting the Sun, stretching across the Virgo-Pisces axis, will open a door to understanding your relationships. You may suddenly notice a lot more, by which I mean something about your total environment will be a little more obvious by the light of the Full Moon in the most intuitive sign. There are questions you’ve been carrying around for years, and conditions you’ve been experiencing for years, and for a moment, you may see the light of reality. Yet it will not be the light of the Sun. You will gain vision by the reflected feminine light of a kind of mirror that follows us through time. And it will not last long; this is a passing phase where you may make certain observations that will be easy to forget; and they will be easy to pass by, if, for example, you are distracted from what, to some, will seem like a little tiny window into your truth opening up. There’s no way to prescribe how to get the most of such a moment, which is good, because you don’t want “the most.” You want to remember something — something sublime about yourself.
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It’s easy to want to jump ahead into the future without considering this particular issue, which surfaces every now and then.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may feel as if you’re on the brink of something truly significant, and if so, I would say you’re correct. Yet before you get there, there is a matter of psychic or spiritual integrity you must address. It’s easy to want to jump ahead into the future without considering this particular issue, which surfaces every now and then. Because its presence is not constant, it’s easy to forget the ways in which this thing, this situation, has a way of defining your life. The way your chart is arranged at the moment, you are standing in the space between all that is possible, and your idea of why that very thing is not possible. There’s something lurking around the fear of betrayal, which seems to linger as a never-ending injury. Now, betrayal is certainly a fact on our planet, where trust is so often expended as if it has no value at all. However, the central question is: do you trust yourself? Are you faithful to your own commitments, your ideals, and what you say you hold dear? Do you actually believe in yourself? This is all that matters.
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There are many ways to describe the astrology you’ve been through the past few years. An objective read of your chart might say: liberation; reinvention; or revolution — all connected to your interpersonal affairs.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem to be trying with all of your soul’s force to get out of tendencies you’ve carried with you forever. Yet no sooner do you take a step toward doing that than you end up in the hall of mirrors of your relationships. This comes at a time when the entire cosmos is shouting: you need to update this whole area of your life, which means your ideas about how you relate to others and why. However, for you, as for most, ideas must be on the level of an embodied emotional understanding. And for this to be real, there can be no trace of manipulating yourself. By that I mean trying to convince yourself of anything, particularly on the topic of why your life has been changing in the ways that it has. There are many ways to describe the astrology you’ve been through the past few years. An objective read of your chart might say: liberation; reinvention; or revolution — all connected to your interpersonal affairs. At the same time there appears to be an intractable sense of not being willing to let go and have the full experience of all that implies. Yet something must give.
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For now, as the Full Moon passes through town, it would probably be better to work with your feelings than to try to push any mental issue.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The current astrology calls for mental focus that may not be easy to bring forth. This is because your emotional currents are running so strong that they seem to be dominating everything else. For now, as the Full Moon passes through town, it would probably be better to work with your feelings than to try to push any mental issue. The advantage is that you’ll be able to move a lot of emotional material through your system and get it out of the way. At least you’ll have some release and also may get a clue as to what is bothering you. There seems to be something associated with what you might think of as “the bone of contention.” That means something you find you cannot let go of, potentially involving a present relationship. However, your solar chart argues that what you may be feeling now is the result of a situation reaching into the past and potentially dating back many years. That it seems like it’s in the present is an illusion of consciousness: if you’re feeling it now, it must be about now. However, it is coming up now — and to understand and resolve it will require impeccable honesty with yourself.
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Capricorn must be careful not to allow its perceptions and mental assessments to be biased by emotions or delusions.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) —You may think you know or understand something, which is more likely to be the product of false clarity. Although you probably feel you’re the ‘all business’ type, that’s largely propaganda from old astrology books. Capricorn must be careful not to allow its perceptions and mental assessments to be biased by emotions or delusions. With the Full Moon passing through the watery, intuitive sign Pisces, your mental abilities will be replaced by what seems like a visionary sense of “knowing.” Yet bear in mind that Neptune is right there, and while this planet can offer an intuitive ability, any of its perceptions or evaluations must be verified against the facts — over time. What Neptune is good for is art, music, poetry and experiencing nature. There is no right or wrong when it comes to beauty; there is only preference and affinity. Creative activities would be a much better use of the current energy than figuring something out. And if you do have the notion that you’ve cracked the case or cracked the codes, write it down in as many words as possible, and see if you can verify it in the days ahead.
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There are times when a priority will nag you for years, prodding you to take action.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may think you know what is important to you, but do you? It seems to be slipping, squirming and swimming around, and that is not what an important priority feels like. Rather, an actual priority comes with the experience of needing to breathe, such as when you’re in an oppressive or stuffy room and you simply must open the window or get out of the space. There are times when a priority will nag you for years, prodding you to take action. Is there anything you can think of that fits these descriptions? The challenge now — and it’s been this way for a long time — is a distortion around this thing that is supposed to inform your priorities, which are your values. Those are your deepest sense of what is right and wrong; and this in turn is connected to your purpose for incarnating. As the Full Moon passes through the zone of your chart where this is all mediated, I would ask you to assess whether you feel like you’re doing the right thing. Not the right thing for your convenience, but rather the actual right thing based on your personal constitution.
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It is true that the whole world seems to have lost its mind. You cannot do so. And while your intuitive abilities are usually dependable, you cannot count on them as the sole determiner of your course in life.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The rising tide lifts all ships, and this week’s Pisces Full Moon will lift yours. Yet it is you who must provide both the rudder and your ability to navigate what may be deep and unpredictable waters, which are often shrouded in fog. It is true that the whole world seems to have lost its mind. You cannot do so. And while your intuitive abilities are usually dependable, you cannot count on them as the sole determiner of your course in life. Yes, they are vitally important. Yet direct observations and the ideas that come to you must also guide your way. In your relationships, focus on the people who actually help — not the ones who say they might help or want to, but those who roll up their sleeves and get busy. If any experience of companionship leaves you feeling confused or frustrated, move on from that person and orient yourself on those whose presence is tangible, and who speak your language. The Sun and Venus in your opposite sign Virgo strongly suggest that there are some real people around you. Other factors suggest you need to determine who they are, and not be biased by any hopes or dreams.
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