The message of Mars retrograde is above all else that you be true to yourself. This is the root of everything you do that could be counted as real.
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With the Sun entering your fellow fire sign Sagittarius, you are being encouraged to take the long view of life, and to be optimistic about the future. Yet this is happening in a world that seems to be running out of time, space and opportunities. But if my understanding of history is meekly accurate, it’s always been difficult to make your way in the world, particularly if you place any value on being sincere and honest. That generally does not facilitate ease of progress, though it looks like the approach that you want to take. You have seen how deception in any form gets in the way, slows you down and creates complications for the future. Anyway, the message of Mars retrograde is above all else that you be true to yourself. This is the root of everything you do that could be counted as real. Now is the time to decide what you want, and to point yourself in that direction.
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You might do an assessment of the ways in which your sexuality is involved in anything other than its inherent, existential value.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your sexuality is one of your primary modes of spiritual contact and expression (if not the very most important one). It could be for nearly everyone, though this is an inherent orientation of the Taurus character (associated with the location of Sagittarius in your chart). Sexuality in all of its forms is the constant target of slander campaigns, political maneuvering, product marketing, social status, acquisition of wealth and a whole bunch of things that have no connection to the Dharma. You might do an assessment of the ways in which your sexuality is involved in anything other than its inherent, existential value. You’re likely to have evolved in your thinking and decision-making over the years, though it’s difficult to allow sex to be sex under all the pressure to make it something that it’s not. And note that all that it is, particularly to you, tends to be a low priority on our planet at this time. Therefore, feel and do what is right for you.
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Desire is fantastic, though this other bit about knowing what you don’t want is always a factor. If you can pull the plug on what no longer belongs on your agenda or your shopping list, you will free up plenty of energy.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars continues to work its way retrograde through your birth (or rising) sign, which is likely to be bringing you a series of personal revelations. You might be remembering things forgotten, discovering qualities in yourself that you never expected, or figuring out what you no longer want. That last one — that’s the real gift of retrograde Mars. It’s one thing to focus on. Desire is fantastic, though this other bit about knowing what you don’t want is always a factor. If you can pull the plug on what no longer belongs on your agenda or your shopping list, you will free up plenty of energy. Be bold about striking things off the list, including the ones that were written in invisible ink, or that you forgot about two years ago. The process of elimination will give you a much better view of the horizon, and your personal inner horizon. And then when you re-engage the engine of your true priorities, you will have much more power and agility.
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Stay on top of your work so it doesn’t get the best of you; stay on top of recreation, so you know that you have it available; and keep your kitchen well-stocked and organized.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With the Sun’s upcoming ingress into Sagittarius, you will have extra energy to focus on your work and also on taking care of yourself — so get while the getting is good. This is usually a busy time of year for you, though right now many factors are working in your favor and encouraging you to get it all done, and not neglect yourself in the process. This is the essential element of stacking the deck in your favor: self-care in the midst of much activity. Stay on top of your work so it doesn’t get the best of you; stay on top of recreation, so you know that you have it available; and keep your kitchen well-stocked and organized. Seek the cooperation only of cooperative people and you’ll save yourself a lot of grief. These very days and the next six months can be one of the most productive times in many years. Just stay in sync with yourself, and keep casting off potential sources of conflict and needless misunderstanding.
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Stick to working out your various situations one at a time, beginning with those closest to you.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — With the Sun joining several other planets now in fire sign Sagittarius, things seem simpler and less overwhelming than they did a couple of weeks ago. It may be easier to see that there is an emotional root to how you feel; what seems like a matter of circumstance is more about your own tendency to hold on emotionally when you could just as easily not keep such a tight grip. There is only so much control one can exert over any situation, especially when ideas are so much more useful. Anyway, your chart looks more optimistic than it’s been in a while, and it’s easier to not take personally the state of the world, or the confusion that so many people seem to be caught in. Stick to working out your various situations one at a time, beginning with those closest to you. Clear understandings and agreements are essential at this time.
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I would suggest that over the next few weeks, you want maximum control over exactly what goes into your body.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – There’s something going on in your chart about food and your relationship to it, including paying careful attention to how certain things you eat and drink make you feel. As a person with celiac, I’m aware how complex the situation is when your eating habits merge with public establishments. They can have the best intentions and still a little of the wrong stuff goes in. I would suggest that over the next few weeks, you want maximum control over exactly what goes into your body. The issue of temptation shows up as well; it’s always easier to give in before you have the emotional or physical effect. There is not enough said about the profound connection between the realm of feeling and that of nourishment. It’s easy to forget about or deny, though right now, use everything you know, and all your mental power to navigate these places carefully.
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Be mindful about how you define and state problems. The quality and precision of that particular definition will be what determines the quality of the solution that comes to you.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may have some of your best ideas ever over the next few weeks, as the Sun and other planets enter Sagittarius. However, this may be irrelevant if you’re not an “idea person,” or if you don’t fully appreciate the power of an idea to make your life better. Writers are idea people; people who sell their wares depend on ideas; people who must solve problems rely on ideas. You’re likely to be in one of those broad categories, so please tune into yourself. The juice is being turned up. For maximum advantage, it will help if you have a short list of challenges or creative tasks that are on your agenda. Be mindful about how you define and state problems. The quality and precision of that particular definition will be what determines the quality of the solution that comes to you. As for creative projects, this is more about hoisting your sail in the cosmic wind.
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Determining whether something is sufficiently true just for you is quite enough of a project for one lifetime.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The Sun is now moving through the angle of your solar chart associated with self-respect, your priorities, and the ways you make a difference in the lives of other people. Scorpio — renowned for its intense emotions, its sexual prowess and a gift for acquiring material goods — relies on its inner spiritual nature to feel any sense of belonging or relevance at all. In other words, your core value system has little to do with the events and activities on Earth, and much more to do with involvement with the greater cosmic scheme. And most of that either gets filtered out of the discussion known as society, or shows up in toxic ways. The main one is people inflicting their beliefs on others (or attempting to) and punishing them for not going along. Determining whether something is sufficiently true just for you is quite enough of a project for one lifetime.
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The difference now is that you have the power of your perceptions, and the ability to make decisions — and that’s all the difference in the world.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Venus has just arrived in your sign, and will soon be joined by Mercury and the Sun. This can have you feeling your most confident and self-aware. Yet there seems to be a relationship situation that you don’t understand; and there is some drain on your emotional energy that is also calling for a closer look. The two are connected parts of one reality. And that reality goes back much further than you remember; it was formed in the time before you could speak, when all you could do was feel and learn how to tune into your senses. It is a cruel fact of existence that we make most of our decisions about whether we feel safe on the planet in a time before we understand that idea. The difference now is that you have the power of your perceptions, and the ability to make decisions — and that’s all the difference in the world. Yet you may still be ruled by currents of emotion that evade those abilities. They do — but only if you let them.
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Traditionally, going further would involve writing and teaching. These serve as grounding, as well as a means of ensuring that what you understand is relatable to others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Deep down, you’re a philosopher — you love knowledge. If you are looking for a purpose, that may be enough, though true satisfaction is likely to come along with your ability to focus your questions, develop a base of knowledge, and then do something with it. I would propose that knowing for its own sake may not be enough for you. Traditionally, going further would involve writing and teaching. These serve as grounding, as well as a means of ensuring that what you understand is relatable to others. They also provide a feedback loop for you to be able to track your progress, and to see and hear what you’re thinking. I don’t know if this series of thoughts means anything to you, though it’s at least a description of what your current solar chart is about, in my view. You are, in any event, asking questions, and some of them go deep. You will benefit from tracking your progress in some form, so you can come back to it later.
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And the only way to heal this is by being socially bold, meeting people you don’t know, engaging in conversations, and allowing the natural human tendency to be social to have its effects unhindered.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This is often the most social time of year for you. Please take advantage of that, for your sake and for everyone else’s. I could list all the personal and professional advantages you will gain, though that is not the point at all. The point is healing. For the past few years, humanity has been under a new attack, and the focus of that has been separating people from one another. No fragile bond has been left un-assailed, whether that of mother and child, between friends and lovers, or the relationship of groups to individuals. All of this has had a sledgehammer taken to it, or been poisoned, or otherwise sabotaged. And the only way to heal this is by being socially bold, meeting people you don’t know, engaging in conversations, and allowing the natural human tendency to be social to have its effects unhindered. You are in the perfect position to lead the way.
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You are about to see what you’ve accomplished in terms of being known for who you are and what you are best at. Use any seemingly newfound notoriety to expand your horizons and further your aspirations.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The emphasis of your astrology is rapidly shifting to matters of profession and reputation. You are about to see what you’ve accomplished in terms of being known for who you are and what you are best at. Use any seemingly newfound notoriety to expand your horizons and further your aspirations. There is no ultimate pinnacle because for anyone who strives to do something relevant, there is always something else to do. However, take a moment and enjoy the view. And be mindful of ways to exchange your abilities and knowledge for financial resources. I don’t mean this in the 101-step Hamster Wheel of Success that is the digital age. I mean in direct and tangible business relationships where you are confident that there is mutual benefit. If you want to be known for one thing, that would be it.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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“Stay on top of your work so it doesn’t get the best of you; stay on top of recreation, so you know that you have it available”. Great advice, dear Eric, am trying, but at the moment the work (and that wretched ‘sense of duty’) appears to be gaining the upper hand…. Bless you for this beautiful horoscope and wonderful piece on Mars retrograde – lifted my spirits so much <3