STARCAST for May 5 :: Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter in Aries, Mars conjunct Nessus and Vesta conjunct Saturn — a very exciting sky.
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Weekly horoscope for May 5, 2022 by Eric Francis
This may present a challenge in a time when we always expect computers and experts to be correct, and humans incapable of paying attention to the details.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With Mercury stationing retrograde in the area of your chart associated with both commerce and communications, you will need to watch your numbers and your words with equal care. Jupiter arriving on the 10th is going to magnify everything: problems as well as assets. So you must work from a place of personal knowledge. This may present a challenge in a time when we always expect computers and experts to be correct, and humans incapable of paying attention to the details. But pay is what you will do if you leave the most important evaluations of the data to anything other than your precious mind. There are aspects brewing that may cause an inflammation of your insecurities, self-doubts and worst fears. The meeting of Mars and Neptune in Pisces could stir up a diversity of emotional and psychological issues. Be aware that it’s happening and you’ll understand that it’s a passing phase. Yet it’s offering you plenty, in the form of being able to observe your anxiety, and also to remember the power that creativity has to influence your feelings and conjure up your world. Get this effect working for you.
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You are an inventive being, and curiosity is the greater part of creativity. With another eclipse coming up involving your sign and your opposite sign Scorpio, you need to be sensitive to your surroundings and to everyone in them.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You must be careful taking on board what you hear from friends, by which I mean any form of gossip or information that is passed from ear to ear. If you paused to evaluate the actual truth or falsity of everything you think you know, you would probably not get a good result. Yet at the same time, it’s possible to swagger through the world, certain you know it all. Take solace in the truth that you do not. That should come as a relief — and so, too, will discovering the power of your curiosity. Everyone thinking they know everything is a failure of the mind to be inquisitive. (This is a sad consequence of the digital age.) But you are not a “storage device.” You are an inventive being, and curiosity is the greater part of creativity. With another eclipse coming up involving your sign and your opposite sign Scorpio, you need to be sensitive to your surroundings and to everyone in them. This calls not just for data but for pattern recognition and an approach to life that leads to deeper understanding — mostly of yourself. These are not merely objects in museums.
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Many, even most, people play this game. They take “safe” positions. They say things that a “reasonable person” would say because they want to be perceived as one.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury stations retrograde in your birth sign on May 10. At the same time, Jupiter is arriving in your 11th house of social affairs. The other day I walked past a shop window with a quote attributed to Yoko Ono tattooed onto the glass. It said something like, “You can change the world by being yourself.” I wondered: what else can anyone be? Well, the message translates to tell the truth. And also noticing when you fear that telling the truth, or stating your true position to people you say you care about, will get you rejected in some way. Many, even most, people play this game. They take “safe” positions. They say things that a “reasonable person” would say because they want to be perceived as one. But soon, it is easy to get smothered in bullshit living this kind of self-deceptive life. And it is easy to forget who you are, because it’s buried under so many layers of excuses. You now have an opportunity to conduct an experiment: try saying what you know to be true for you, and not caring about the consequences for long enough to see what happens.
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Jupiter is about to enter Aries and move over the 10th house angle of your chart. This is about visibility, reputation, a sense of mission, and (for some) actual accomplishment.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The reason most people relate to the world in a way that omits their feelings, or any true sense of vulnerability, is that to feel is the very last thing you do before you respond. And if you’re numb, you don’t have to do either. This isn’t you — not even close. You tend to care, you feel, and you respond — though you live in a place and time where this approach to life is shunned. Jupiter is about to enter Aries and move over the 10th house angle of your chart. This is about visibility, reputation, a sense of mission, and (for some) actual accomplishment. You have probably already noticed that you are becoming more visible and better-known for what you do. This is about to surge, as Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. And it’s about to touch you. Yet as you expand and ascend, it’s essential that you both open and allow yourself to be receptive. We live in a world of people who are too big to care, and others who are too small to dare. I would encourage you to be neither. Stand your full height, and take care of the world to the very best of your abilities.
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You are particularly vulnerable where sexual attraction or the lure of money are concerned — and especially anywhere they might meet. Said another way, you can be kept off guard by the use of some form of bait.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Some say that seeing is believing. Others think that hearing is believing. Either way, believing is the trap; it is what will most dependably deceive you. Therefore, you want evidence — and I would advise against playing games with yourself whether or not you ‘like’ what it implies, suggests or proves. When you learn something, add that to the landscape of your awareness, and keep exploring. Without being too pessimistic here, I would caution you that there are going to be people who lie to you, and there will be others who want to get you entangled in their self-delusions. So you must be careful about that. You are particularly vulnerable where sexual attraction or the lure of money are concerned — and especially anywhere they might meet. Said another way, you can be kept off guard by the use of some form of bait. Not everything and everyone is a trap, and the dividing line involves whether anyone you may be involved with is being honest with you or not. And that is a matter of whether basic data points check out: dates, times, places, and financial figures; and whether promises are kept, or not. Pay attention, and keep doing so.
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People like to try to compel one another to believe the things that they believe. The gain for someone who gets snagged in this is that they seemingly don’t have to worry about making up their own mind.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be vigilant when it comes to tracking the self-destructive behavior of others. You will be subject to their choices, and unless you are vigilant, by the time you notice, it will be a little too late to avoid getting involved. And since this is appearing on your radar along the self/other axis, you need to track your own tendency to make less-than wholesome choices, particularly in relationships. This all comes down to “the dynamics of delusion.” People like to try to compel one another to believe the things that they believe. The gain for someone who gets snagged in this is that they seemingly don’t have to worry about making up their own mind. It’s easier to believe what someone else believes than it is to do the work of discernment. Yet in whatever aspect of your life we are talking about this, you want to be especially careful. The promise of finding yourself through another person has never been greater. Yet as I am sure you understand on some level, that cannot be; you can only find yourself through yourself.
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One thing I’ve noticed lately is a great many people playing a certain game. It goes like this. “I know this thing to be true, or suspect this thing to be false. But that is unacceptable, so I’m going to pretend otherwise.”

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s time to re-evaluate a long-held belief. You will have to do this whether you plan to or not, so I suggest you be ready to make this assessment. Doing so comes down to the basic questions that you might use as an investigative reporter. Is that statement true? How do I know that (whatever it might be)? Does my belief about something contradict the evidence I’m looking at? One thing I’ve noticed lately is a great many people playing a certain game. It goes like this. “I know this thing to be true, or suspect this thing to be false. But that is unacceptable, so I’m going to pretend otherwise.” This creates internal tension, but it also creates existence lived behind a scrim, or hiding behind a mask. Mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini means that what you believe and what you know need to line up. Though I have said this many times and many places, believing anything is risky business. It is a gamble. Therefore, you want something deeper, something more solid. In a word, tangible evidence.
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You will want to take advantage of some of these. They might range from bursts of creativity to the boiling-up of lust. This is adventurous astrology, calling for experience, not merely the fantasy of having it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars moving up on Neptune in your fellow water sign Pisces will present you with many enticing possibilities. You will want to take advantage of some of these. They might range from bursts of creativity to the boiling-up of lust. This is adventurous astrology, calling for experience, not merely the fantasy of having it. We are talking about the 5th house, and we are talking about Pisces. They are both indulgent places where you will seek the freedom to explore — and with Mars and Neptune involved, you will want your sugar sweet. Yet while this whole combination can be great fun, it cautions against overdoing things. And it’s inviting you to go a little further than you might otherwise. Writing this column, I am always sensitive to the fact that some people are in recovery; some are sexually conservative; many do not consider themselves artists, or especially creative. That all said, this astrology is about sex, drugs and rock and roll — whatever that translates to you in your life in 2022.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
It will be a good six weeks from now before the dust settles out of the air, and the mud settles at the bottom of your emotional pond.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Several factors are influencing you at the same time, all of which pertain to the most personal aspects of your life: where you live, who you live with, your relationships and your partnerships. One is Mercury stationing retrograde in your opposite sign Gemini — this is about partners, both business and intimate. Think: communication. Then there is Mars approaching Neptune in your 4th house, which pertains to home, security and your emotional state. Think: emotional self-regulation. This all adds up to a situation where you will be confronted with questions surrounding emotional balance, whether you feel safe and secure where you are, and whether you trust your relationship partners. One thing I can tell you is, wait before making any assessments. It will be a good six weeks from now before the dust settles out of the air, and the mud settles at the bottom of your emotional pond. In the spirit of Nessus, one of the most powerful forces you have available to work with, the buck stops with you. In your life, it always does and it always must.
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All of this is in the background of some rather lively astrology that unfolds the next few weeks. I can sum this up as follows: Jupiter in Aries will help you appreciate your home and the ground you stand on.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are at the end of a long and potentially exasperating growth phase. I know most people don’t think this way, though as students of astrology, we have the opportunity. Pluto in your sign has stretched you in many unusual ways; it’s taken your personality apart and put it back together a few times; and you have had to address the significant matter of obligation. All of this is in the background of some rather lively astrology that unfolds the next few weeks. I can sum this up as follows: Jupiter in Aries will help you appreciate your home and the ground you stand on. This is so fundamental to your nature as to be a core source of your identity. Mercury retrograde in Gemini is saying, mental health and physical health are related. Reducing stress will help you feel better. The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio is saying that you need less emotional involvement with your job.
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You have lots of creative impulses boiling and bubbling in you — you may be feeling unusually passionate about your ideas for an Aquarius, driven to get them done.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “What would your closest friend do?” That was the response I got from the digital version of Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies. This is a creative divination set of about 100 cards that he’s used with the artists he has worked with over the decades — Talking Heads, U2, David Bowie, and many others, some of whom have written at least a few of your favorite songs. They contain little bits of advice for getting creatively unstuck, or for taking your project in a new direction. You have lots of creative impulses boiling and bubbling in you — you may be feeling unusually passionate about your ideas for an Aquarius, driven to get them done. But Mercury stationing retrograde is saying that you will benefit from taking odd or off-menu approaches, especially if you feel some kind of a blockage. The idea is to take the kind of risk that is not dangerous, but involves a change of approach, or consciously doing something unfamiliar. Here are three more suggestions, at random, from the Eno Oracle. Take away the elements in order of apparent non-importance. Use an old idea. Simple subtraction. (I see a theme here.)
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Make sure you do some of that. Make the space and time in your life to work out your mental and emotional complexities by expressing yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — We are in one of those astrological zones where many events are converging at once — though one in particular stands out for you. That is Mars approaching Neptune in your birth sign. If you read through this column and look at the other signs, you see that in many of them, I am doing my best to interpret the aspect as it might influence their lives — and you will get cues and clues. However, given that this is happening in your sign means it’s about you — particularly with Neptune involved. This could result in some strong feelings, and is best suited for sequestering yourself in an art or music studio with your favorite libations and some food, and not coming out for a while. Make sure you do some of that. Make the space and time in your life to work out your mental and emotional complexities by expressing yourself. However, there may be some who experience this conjunction as various shades of instability or panic. You need some grounding. A good place to do that would be the actual ground, like a big rock, or a forest. Better yet, get near water as often and for as long as you can. PS — With Jupiter about to enter your 2nd house, be open to solutions to your financial situation. They exist.
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