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But where is the evaluation? Where is the checkpoint to align whether some new goal comports with one’s deeper values? This is so central to a meaningful life that I’m not surprised it’s almost always ignored.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus next week will be a stabilizing influence, just when you need one the most. There is really just one question that you will benefit from focusing on: What do you want? People act like they know, and are always in pursuit of something.
But where is the evaluation? Where is the checkpoint to align whether some new goal comports with one’s deeper values? This is so central to a meaningful life that I’m not surprised it’s almost always ignored. Meaning frightens people, because it implies a depth of commitment to involvement in their own existence. If the same values were applied to everything, then all that is taken for granted would be up for reevaluation.
That would, in turn, call for making many decisions. So why upset the proverbial apple cart? Well, there are many reasons. The message of Jupiter in Taurus is being true to yourself. Despite the seeming hype, the reality of this is not exactly trending on Twitter.
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You are in a situation where you have the opportunity to use what you know. This does not always happen; in fact it’s exceedingly rare. Yet for you, the stakes are higher now than they have been in a long time. You have different responsibilities, to yourself and to others.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Jupiter is about to enter your sign, and just before that, Mercury in Taurus is about to station direct. Mercury direct implies a discovery. Jupiter implies the infusion of knowledge, and this setup (square Pluto) implies that knowledge is power.
You are in a situation where you have the opportunity to use what you know. This does not always happen; in fact it’s exceedingly rare. Yet for you, the stakes are higher now than they have been in a long time. You have different responsibilities, to yourself and to others. This time in your life is about concentrating your influence — for a purpose that is not really self-serving. You can use the current and developing astrology to compete with others (even brutally).
Yet if you had to write the story of the world as you want it to be for the next 20 years, would you consider that helpful? Jupiter and Pluto indicate you will have access to many assets and resources over the next year. If your first inclination is toward profit, gain and personal advantage, you’re missing the point.
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The challenge you face, if you can call it that, is expanding your notion of what is “spiritual” into every facet of your life. There is something in your charts about exporting what may seem like it should be totally private, into something through which you relate to other people, potentially many.
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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you’ve been experiencing anxiety issues lately, Jupiter entering Taurus may help resolve them. It will be easier to think in terms of the affirmative possibilities rather than the detrimental ones. Yet Jupiter can also magnify whatever you are thinking or feeling, including what you’re not quite aware of.
Beware of that potential effect. The challenge you face, if you can call it that, is expanding your notion of what is “spiritual” into every facet of your life. There is something in your charts about exporting what may seem like it should be totally private, into something through which you relate to other people, potentially many. It’s true that one of the lessons of growing older is knowing when not to say anything.
However, it often seems like the people with the most relevant and observant things to say keep silent, while those who know very little say the most. What you know is relevant. The essence of your personal religion involves contact with others, and participating in group evolution. The time has arrived.
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Let’s imagine you were to step in front of an audience and could say anything you want. What would you talk about? How would you handle the opportunity? What purpose would you serve — to everyone else?
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In times past, references to “the public” in horoscope columns were something of a joke, as most people had little contact with those outside their immediate circle of friends and family. Today, nearly everyone is facing an audience.
And nearly nobody is prepared for this, nor do they have much of substance to offer. That said, the part of yourself that is facing “the public” — what astrologers call the 11th house — is about to be activated, first by Mercury stationing direct, then by Jupiter entering Taurus. Let’s imagine you were to step in front of an audience and could say anything you want. What would you talk about? How would you handle the opportunity?
What purpose would you serve — to everyone else? Sending a photo of your lunch is not enough. I mean, what actual message do you have? The most potent element of your astrology these days is about what you have to offer to others. This is happening in a time when nearly everyone is on the take. Most lives are aimed at some form of getting, whether goods or services, for sticky private purposes. Your world is rapidly becoming much larger and more meaningful than this.
To feel strong, and focused on a purpose, is a special kind of leadership in our times. Maybe it always was, but the insanity has not been this intense for quite a long time.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — True confidence is always about feeling emotionally settled. Is that ever really possible here in the digital age, where everything seems to be on the brink of collapse? To feel strong, and focused on a purpose, is a special kind of leadership in our times. Maybe it always was, but the insanity has not been this intense for quite a long time.
Your best example for others is also the best thing you can do with yourself: proceed in all you do with the feeling of sincerity, following a couple of solid goals that do not conflict with one another (that’s key). Two factors are about to move in support of this: Mercury returns to direct motion on the 14th, which comes with the revelation of some essential information you’ve been needing.
Triple-check your professional documents and communications for accuracy. Then Jupiter arrives. This will enhance your sense of visibility and presence in the world around you. People are likely to seek you out for assistance. At the same time, ask people in positions of power for the help that you need, and then offer them what assistance you can.
The view you want is from the top of a mountain, a high building, or any structure that gives you a real view of the landscape around you. This would be worth going out of your way for. Is there any way you can walk across a bridge?
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – It’s tough times for over-arching principles. You cannot see much, or think about much, staring into a little rectangle. Many factors in your chart are encouraging you to take the wide view of your world, and the long view of time.
To do that, you might amuse yourself with how myopic our collective attitude is right now, using the short-sighted view of the phone as the prime example. The view you want is from the top of a mountain, a high building, or any structure that gives you a real view of the landscape around you. This would be worth going out of your way for. Is there any way you can walk across a bridge?
You can do this in most cities and rural areas. But — high up is what you want, to fulfill the metaphor. A sense of space, of distance, and of perspective. A bridge would offer both the view and also the sense of crossing from one place to another. With Jupiter arriving in the angle of your chart that represents potential, the thing you want to remind yourself of every day is what is possible.
Everyone talks about this and it’s a great selling point, but it’s not usually true. To get the full benefits of your astrology, make it so. There is always a mutual meeting place, though few hang out there.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are in a fantastic position to ask for and receive help. This may happen without your intervention, though you can also be bold about stating your plans, your desires, and your needs. Emphasize mutual interests. They are under fantastic stars with Mercury returning to direct motion and Jupiter entering Taurus over the next few days.
This is the time to make sure that your plans are designed to work for all involved. Everyone talks about this and it’s a great selling point, but it’s not usually true. To get the full benefits of your astrology, make it so. There is always a mutual meeting place, though few hang out there. The feeling you’re looking for is one of exchange.
Life is not all about money, though commerce is one of the most important activities that people participate in, on our planet, at this time. When you are open for business, you’re open for a lot more than that. Meanwhile, if you are missing any information on some critical matter of finances or taxes, pay close attention over the next 48 hours.
Your relationships are, in some significant ways, a reflection of your awareness. This can be as satisfying as it is frustrating at times, though you will feel better when you understand the power of your own influence.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Jupiter arrives in your opposite sign Taurus in a few days, just after Mercury retrograde begins to untangle and reveal its secrets. You have not had an easy time in your relationships the past year or so, and these developments represent an improvement.
Yet you are, with any luck, evolving to the degree where you understand that most of your conflict comes from within you. Your relationships are, in some significant ways, a reflection of your awareness. This can be as satisfying as it is frustrating at times, though you will feel better when you understand the power of your own influence.
Never forget that the essence of your spiritual path is taking care of others. This is the role of Cancer in your chart, and Mars is there, attempting to focus you on your core mission. The whole notion that life is based on “every man for himself” — a wholly self-serving model of reality — is extremely popular, but obviously false, given how many people make an effort to generously support you and your efforts.
Yet work means collaboration; means service; means others utilizing what you do for their own purposes. These in some ways may serve your own. This set of connections is indispensable, if you are to ever feel satisfaction in your work, and allow the brilliance of your mind to have a role in the universe.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Fuse your most creative endeavors with what you consider to be your ‘work life’ and you cannot lose. Yet work means collaboration; means service; means others utilizing what you do for their own purposes. These in some ways may serve your own. This set of connections is indispensable, if you are to ever feel satisfaction in your work, and allow the brilliance of your mind to have a role in the universe.
For Sagittarius, the creative process (described by your fellow fire sign Aries) is focused on self-development and self-discovery, and provides a way for you to focus on your personal journey. This is strongly emphasized by Chiron making a long-term trip through this area of your chart. Chiron is describing your intensity and your focus, but also a sense of loss and a need to offer yourself to others.
That finds expression in the next sign, Taurus — which is soon to be the home of your ruling planet Jupiter. Think of your role in life as being used. This may sound harsh, though it’s nothing of the kind. Meaning is always found in the context of purpose. If you want one, look for the other.
In a sense, you are the keeper of a social constitution that far exceeds your own life and your own needs. It’s essential to your satisfaction in life that you recognize what you have to offer, and then do that nearly all the time.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Pluto is heading back in the direction of your sign, after its first brief visit to Aquarius. There will be a gradual back-and-forth as you grow accustomed to the new era of your being. Aquarius (in the context of Capricorn) represents your values and your priorities; and it is the place where those factors intersect with the people around you.
In a sense, you are the keeper of a social constitution that far exceeds your own life and your own needs. It’s essential to your satisfaction in life that you recognize what you have to offer, and then do that nearly all the time. We live in the time of false collectivism, which finds its meeting in the false individuality that seems equally rampant. They are the same thing.
Our technology has become a substitute for connection, yet two phones reading QR codes is not empathy, it’s not intelligence and it’s irrelevant to the human experience. Your life is the human experience. That means your connection to others, and to their connections beyond you. Pluto in Aquarius is teaching you to be a point of contact and a source of energy — and intelligence.
Yet your emotional existence is a world of its own — a world of your own. And what happens within your deepest and most private experience has a strong influence in the expanded world of one’s home, family and surroundings.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One’s emotions do not need to be a response to the perceived environment, but they usually are. It seems that much of human experience is about feeling blown around in the wind, or carried by the tides.
Yet your emotional existence is a world of its own — a world of your own. And what happens within your deepest and most private experience has a strong influence in the expanded world of one’s home, family and surroundings. Mercury changing directions on the 14th in Taurus, a highly sensitive angle of your chart, will help you let go of a mental block that has been cutting off your ability to perceive your relationship to the world around you.
Jupiter’s arrival two days later is a reminder that you have abundant emotional resources. All you need to do is tap into them. Pay special attention to your home, and how you feel when you are there. Make adjustments to your living space, particularly your bedroom and kitchen, to set yourself up to feel good.
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Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to enter Taurus, for a full year — no dancing back-and-forth between two signs. The earthy signs (such as Taurus) all provide Pisces with grounding in practical, physical and most of all, social reality.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is good news coming, if astrology means anything. Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to enter Taurus, for a full year — no dancing back-and-forth between two signs. The earthy signs (such as Taurus) all provide Pisces with grounding in practical, physical and most of all, social reality.
Taurus is a base of resources, which includes financial and intellectual. It’s your 3rd house, a well of ideas, which in turn connect to your immediate community. It’s also the sphere of commerce — of buying, selling and trading — and this must be about tangible services and objects of genuine worth — not perceived worth, but real and as useful as a spoon or a bookshelf.
For you, Jupiter entering Taurus represents an abundance of opportunities to do this essential thing on Earth known as conducting trade. Jupiter — the planet that represents international culture and in a sense, the world itself — comes to you and your little part of the world. As Jerry Garcia used to sing, “Don’t tell me this town ain’t got no heart, you just gotta poke around.”
“The most potent element of your astrology these days is about what you have to offer to others. This is happening in a time when nearly everyone is on the take. Most lives are aimed at some form of getting, whether goods or services, for sticky private purposes. Your world is rapidly becoming much larger and more meaningful than this.”
Beautiful! Thank you dear Eric xxxxx