Order Pluto in a Strange Land Here!
The immediate effect may seem to be magnifying certain problems, or what you perceive as personal flaws. The real effect is to show you where your true strengths are, and how much you’ve learned from the challenges you’ve faced in the past.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — A clearing process is underway. Gradually, the fog is lifting and you are seeing the true shapes and forms of what’s around you. You may like this; you may not. However, I propose that sticking to the facts is better than making them up; and when in doubt, hold off on any judgment.
That said, the Sun entering your sign on the 20th followed hours later by the New Moon will help pull back the veils that have been obscuring your vision. Any confidence you are feeling now is genuine, and you will need it to face some challenges that are ahead. What is different now is that you have the strength and awareness to face them. The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction is still in full force. A new cycle between those planets has begun.
The immediate effect may seem to be magnifying certain problems, or what you perceive as personal flaws. The real effect is to show you where your true strengths are, and how much you’ve learned from the challenges you’ve faced in the past. The appropriate form of optimism for the moment is, “I can do this.”
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
You may feel like there is more pressure than you can handle, but that is not true. Jupiter-Chiron in particular is offering you a clear ray of insight into who you are and what your purpose is. This is likely to contain new information.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A diversity of factors in your adjoining sign Aries is drawing you into yourself, and may be creating the illusion of isolation. These include the rare Jupiter-Chiron conjunction, Mercury, and the upcoming equinox New Moon.
These events (and others) may be alerting you to some long-overlooked issues or situations. You may feel like there is more pressure than you can handle, but that is not true. Jupiter-Chiron in particular is offering you a clear ray of insight into who you are and what your purpose is. This is likely to contain new information. Yet to put it to work, you would need to be open to whatever ideas might challenge your previous worldview. That, in turn, will remind you we no longer live in the previous world that your old perspective was designed to accommodate.
You may be feeling a form of social conscience or drive to advocate for others unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Within that is a true calling and a kind of proposal for a sacred marriage to your purpose on Earth.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
You will not even remember any anxiety you may have had about doing so. If you like to get out, I suggest staying at least three drinks behind the crowd, and circulating among the guests as if you’re at your own birthday party.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Make sure you get out of the house, plenty. This is not appealing to everyone, I know — it’s difficult to deal with the mentality of many public places, where people pretend to be social. However, you are under powerful aspects that will clear the way for you to have unusual, even extremely rare experiences.
Therefore, be around people and see what’s going on in your community or neighborhood, or adjoining ones. Even if you’re the rare Gemini who does not like to get out of the house, please pry yourself out the door and get into a little crowd. You will not even remember any anxiety you may have had about doing so. If you like to get out, I suggest staying at least three drinks behind the crowd, and circulating among the guests as if you’re at your own birthday party. Yet be modest about how you present yourself.
Particularly in public situations, listen more than you speak. And also take in the vibes: you’re good at this, and it’s crucial right now. So follow the words people say, and notice their facial expressions, and how you feel as they speak.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
You can help yourself immensely by going with the flow of events. But you must pace yourself; you must take care of yourself; and you must be prepared for the day’s activities.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Recent aspects have been calling you to stand up, stand out, and be known for what you do and who you are. As the Sun and Moon enter your 10th place Aries in a few days, your visibility ramps up, and people will hear what you say. You are in a kind of repeating station, right at the intersection of the private and the public; the individual and the collective.
The New Moon on the Aries equinox of March 21 may be one of the boldest moments of your life. This is likely to play out professionally and before a live audience: it’s not a rehearsal, it’s the real thing. Remember that your strength does not come from you. You are making decisions and to some extent guiding the course of your existence, though there is something much larger than you in operation.
You can help yourself immensely by going with the flow of events. But you must pace yourself; you must take care of yourself; and you must be prepared for the day’s activities. Look to where you want to be, and pay attention to exactly where you are.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
There are times when we must make sacrifices for the sake of partnership, or because we have made a promise to someone. And there are times when you need to be released from a commitment so you can do what you want or need to do.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Once you are free of situations in your life that are holding you back, your horizons will open up and you will see that you really do have a future worth looking into. Yet you may find yourself in a situation where your own ambitions and sense of adventure seem to conflict with commitments in a relationship. The question then would shift to, what is the purpose of that encounter? Does it support your whole being?
There are times when we must make sacrifices for the sake of partnership, or because we have made a promise to someone. And there are times when you need to be released from a commitment so you can do what you want or need to do. However, I would return to the purpose of every relationship (understanding that the world, and our lives, are complicated), and ask yourself whether you are living out that purpose.
Some would say that relationships must support our individual growth as part of any other purpose they may serve. I am one of them; in love, there must be an element of true freedom and respect for individual choice and destiny.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
You are likely to get a better result if you say what you mean and do what you must. People are aching for leadership right now, both practical and moral.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – The days are long gone when you could find yourself in someone else. More often this amounted to losing yourself in someone else, until you actually did start to remember your origin and purpose, and you would wake up — potentially discovering you were in the wrong relationship. Those days are gone; no such thing will serve you.
Yet it does take a special kind of moxie to be boldly who you are, and not care if you intimidate anyone by coming on strong. Any disturbance that might create is partly about trying to hide your power or mute your leadership by being overly-compromising or not wanting to seem like you’re “too much.” You are likely to get a better result if you say what you mean and do what you must. People are aching for leadership right now, both practical and moral.
They are eager to make contact with people who are doing the right thing. So you don’t need to impress anyone, or even say too much to them. Do what is necessary, and what feels right, and set a wholesome example for the dazed and the confused.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
There is a powerful theme of advocacy running through your chart (your ruling planet Venus conjunct asteroid Juno). You are fearless in ways that others tend to find difficult or impossible to muster.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may feel like you’re in one of the most significant moments of your life so far, and that may be true. Your chart describes some kind of scenario where things have gotten a lot bigger than you. You can handle it. Your chart is describing your deep commitment to who you are and what you’re doing. Despite the pace at which things are moving, and the strange mystery of it all, you are one with your purpose.
There is a powerful theme of advocacy running through your chart (your ruling planet Venus conjunct asteroid Juno). You are fearless in ways that others tend to find difficult or impossible to muster. You are grounded in ways that are mystifying to people who are being driven out of themselves by digital technology.
And when you feel like it, you’re perfectly willing to shake the tree and make your presence known, unconcerned that others might decide to cut ties with you. They rarely do, and this gives you the confidence to drive the story of your life the way you know is right and true.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
You know this is not about recognition, money or acceptance: it’s about doing what is necessary for you to fully express your life force in a way that makes the world a better place.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) —
You are a productive person, and you like it that way. However, being busy is the scourge of true creativity. Now is the time to focus on your mission: on the thing you know you must get done. You know this is not about recognition, money or acceptance: it’s about doing what is necessary for you to fully express your life force in a way that makes the world a better place.
What makes your chart so special is that you blend self-actualization with service. You know you’re doing the right thing when you are growing and actually serving people. This will require greater generosity than you may usually offer the world, as you often live with the feeling of not wanting to be taken advantage of. Well, what if your role is to be used, in the sense of making yourself useful?
Do yourself a favor and get rid of the taxi meter. Skip the scorekeeping and the exact measurement of what you get for what you give. It would be a most excellent exercise to give it all you’ve got and expect nothing in return. It feels good when action is its own reward.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
I don’t mean only in your words that you share with yourself. I mean speaking and writing to be understood. This is a reflexive art, as you must speak for yourself and listen with the ear of your intended recipient.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One of the most helpful assets you can build is clarity of language. I don’t mean only in your words that you share with yourself. I mean speaking and writing to be understood. This is a reflexive art, as you must speak for yourself and listen with the ear of your intended recipient. It’s not enough to be frustrated that someone does not understand you; it’s up to you to refine your ideas such that they are comprehensible and also maintain their integrity.
As Pluto enters Aquarius, your relationship to words becomes a primary spiritual process. By spiritual I mean a focal point of your self-development, your relationship to yourself, and your relationship to the rest of the human race. Yes, a lot of words are thrown around — but words matter. They are the very core of commitments, and a level of understanding that cannot be left to intuition in times when there is so much jamming of the nonverbal frequencies.
If you are feeling isolated, your words, properly chosen, will help you connect with others. The evil genius Frank Luntz told us, “It’s not what you say. It’s what other people hear.” However, it’s time to bring these two things together — and to listen to yourself.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
Your chart is bursting with the energy of renewal, and of the plants pushing up through the ground in the late winter and early spring. Life force is running through you
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – It is rare that one truly gets a new start, though that is what your charts are about. The world is complicated now; our lives are complicated; yours is probably no exception. And you may be wondering just how everything became this way. Yet that does not matter; your approach is what makes the difference.
Your chart is bursting with the energy of renewal, and of the plants pushing up through the ground in the late winter and early spring. Life force is running through you. Mostly, you need to get out of your own way, and do something that may be difficult — set aside your usual pragmatic pessimism and take full ownership of your faith in yourself. Time will demonstrate that you have the resources you need to move your existence forward, even as the world seems to descend deeper into uncertainty and mental chaos.
You will, at least, be able to keep a handle on your emotions, and focus your words, and draw power from making contact with your core self. I wish I could describe your amazing solar chart better — that is the best I can do, for now.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
When Pluto is about to change signs, that’s another way of saying, “everything is about to change.” Yet it always does so in ways that seem obvious in hindsight but which were veiled before they happen. You might ask: what do you really, truly want to be different?
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Note carefully the state of your affairs and how you feel about your existence in this final week before Pluto enters your birth sign for the first time since April 1777. You might take photographs of your working and living areas; preserve some emails offline, as documents; and write diary entries about who is in your life and how you feel about them.
When Pluto is about to change signs, that’s another way of saying, “everything is about to change.” Yet it always does so in ways that seem obvious in hindsight but which were veiled before they happen. You might ask: what do you really, truly want to be different? And in what ways would you have it be so? Pluto will clear out space and free up bandwidth. Saturn’s recent journey through your sign (March 21, 2020 through March 7, 2023) may have brought out the survivor in you, though at what cost? Did you like the person you became under this influence? How did you do on the “live and let live” quality that (according to pop astrology) is supposed to be the essence of your sign?
The answer to that question will give you a sense of where you need to make some adjustments. As part of the same evaluation, ask yourself whether you were true to your values at the time when you and the people around you needed them the most.
Pluto in a Strange Land is Available in 2 Sign Bundles, or as The Full 12 Signs.
Developments may move quickly, which is why you want to clear the runway between now and then. Let no known impediments block you from taking advantage of opportunities that emerge seemingly out of nowhere. Saturn’s presence in your sign will help you be the taskmaster you need to be.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Maintain your momentum and your forward motion. You have important business to attend to as the Sun moves through the last few degrees of Pisces over the next four days. This will include resolving concerns that have long evaded your grasp and your best efforts. Focus on completing old matters rather than beginning anything new.
Make repairs to your work-related systems, and tidy up anything that’s getting in the way. Now that Mars has completed its final square to Neptune, the fog is clearing and you will soon have a whole new view of the landscape. The astrological year begins when the Sun enters Aries on the Monday the 20th, many new cycles turn over for you — most significantly related to finances. Developments may move quickly, which is why you want to clear the runway between now and then. Let no known impediments block you from taking advantage of opportunities that emerge seemingly out of nowhere. Saturn’s presence in your sign will help you be the taskmaster you need to be.
Make sure people know that you mean business in all that you say and do. Meanwhile, Pluto’s sign change on Thursday the 23rd will help you keep your focus inward, where it needs to be with so much happening.