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Aries (March 20-April 19) — People look up to you more than you may realize. And this is especially true now, as they see you as a source of wisdom in an exceedingly chaotic and meaningless time of history. You are a point of orientation. They have a sense of how much you’ve been through, and how much you’ve learned. But you don’t want to be an influencer. If someone comes to you seeking advice or information, you might stop and ask them what they think first and seek the wisdom in their own words and ideas. More than anything, you are a kind of focusing crystal of ideas from others, and if you’re in any form of a leadership position, that is your most effective tool. Listen to what people are saying and choose what makes sense and give it back to them. Love the fact that people trust you, and notice the ones who you can trust.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In a little while, the Sun enters your fellow earth sign Capricorn. This is where you hold much of your family programming, and it’s been the source of significant struggle over the years — families are difficult, even the best of them. Kids are only so strong. But you are learning that you don’t have to believe the things they believed, and you don’t have to act the way they did. You are entitled to your own ideas about right and wrong; in fact that is essential to maturity. You have a tendency to drag along the unresolved psychological baggage of your mother, and her mother. Much of this involves religiosity, and the values often translate to things that don’t seem to be about God or church or any of it. Your relationship to the Creator and creation is your business. What your inner teacher reveals is for you and about you alone. And if true, there will never be guilt involved.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It will help if you manage your finances from a strategic plan, especially matters related to your family. This must be a flexible approach, designed in particular to steer clear of the mishegas of people like in-laws, exes and partners who don’t have a grip on their money. That’s the whole point of the plan: for you to do what is right with the resources over which you have control. There will be plenty to go around, if you are the one doing most of the thinking. You can certainly seek the input of others, though most of this will be to help them feel included. And you never know, they may have an idea or two. Yet it’s essential that you are the one who makes the final decisions and does not succumb to pressure, or to yelling at the values of others when they contradict your own.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun is about to enter your opposite sign Capricorn, which makes this an interesting and reflective time of year for you. If Cancer is the sign of home, this is the time to nest in and appreciate the four walls, the foundation and the roof that surround you. Practice this as a kind of yoga. The cosmos is holding up a mirror, and you will see your domestic life reflected, as well as learn something about your relationships. This is a good time to find out what others have on their mind; to ask them what they want and what they need. Then once you know that, express some of what you want and what you need — and then compare notes. From this exploration you may get one idea that is mutually beneficial and that will help you take your relationship to a new depth. This could apply to a spouse, lover, business partner or someone you are interested in.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — As it turns out, this season that most people experience as “the holidays” is really a fantastic time for you to get work done. By that I mean important projects that require high focus and attention to detail. Therefore, if you feel like taking care of business, then that’s the thing to do. You are free to make cameo appearances at various gatherings, and stick around for meal times. The advantage to focusing on matters of business or vocation is that people are distracted by other things and will not distract you. The common brainwaves are quieter, and nobody else is thinking much about the office or expecting you to get back to them in five minutes. I would suggest doing what is the most meaningful to you. Rather than acting out of obligation, use your preferences. Catch up on what you love the most. This is a deeply inward time that lends itself well to art and writing.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This is an important time of year for you to have fun, though I would not be surprised if that’s difficult. About half the culture or more experiences some kind of trauma, depression, annoyance with, resistance to, or repulsion with “the holidays.” Then there are the few chipper people who skip about lighting candles and wrapping gifts and decorating things with little colored lights and make the rest of us feel weird. The important thing is that among whatever and whomever else, you have your kind of fun. That could be going to paintball or sitting in the back of the library. It could mean enticing a significant other to a night away or at least a night together. It could mean cozying up with your sketchbook or binge-watching Twin Peaks for the 12th time. The essence of the exercise is recognizing that nobody else can do this for you.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Capricorn solstice is your most introspective time of year, though it might also be your most expressive. After 16 years of Pluto burrowing its way through the zone of your solar chart associated with security and your foundations, you have made your way out the other side with the confidence to stand fully in your creative expression. You may wonder how and why it took so long, though you might bypass that for now and go directly to being grateful for the strength you’ve cultivated, along with the ability to stand on your own emotionally. You have resolved many forms of insecurities that previously vexed you — and this gives you significant freedom that you would not ordinarily have. The disturbances that you have inherited through your family’s influence (and its karma) now exist in proportion, and you can see them for the mixed lot that they are. A mature person takes the bitter with the sweet.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You might decide that if you start telling the truth about yourself and what you’ve lived through — and moreover — what you want, there will be no end. And, as the Sun enters Capricorn this week, and lights a fire in your mind, you will make the matter much simpler if what you want has nothing to do with what a partner can provide, but is focused on what you personally want to do with your life. The problem with what passes for desire is that it frequently involves response or performance by others, rather than being about acknowledging the need for experience. And while sometimes that involves others, as a stated desire, it’s best left impersonal: that is, with no requirements placed on others. Those requirements will, for example, prevent you from buying a ticket to France, and discovering what you discover. That has nothing to do with anyone else, difficult as that may seem to believe. What it’s really about is you being a whole person.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The Sun’s ingress into Capricorn is your annual reminder to get serious about your financial situation. You tend to walk the line between realist and idealist; that is the contrast between your Jupiter-ruled sign and your neighboring Saturn-ruled sign, which tends to be a little pessimistic. Yet at the moment, Jupiter and Saturn are having a long conversation (known as the Jupiter-Saturn square), and that discussion remains unresolved. The square aspect is about the integration of factors that seem different or incompatible. You must work one, then the other. That means knowing your creative intent, and then working out getting the resources to make it happen. You may need to go back and forth for a while, though one thing is essential: that you not give up on the thing you want to do the most. It’s almost always true: where there is a will, there is a way.
Sagittarius Astrology Studio 2024-25 is now available for instant access.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The past few weeks have come with a series of revelations or discoveries about who you are. It will be easy — too easy — to forget these, and to exist like you never learned such meaningful things. You may have already done so. However, take a moment and track back over the past three to four weeks and make a note of what happened. What did you say to other people that surprised you? What came to you in your dreams? Have you felt the presence of any spiritual guardians or experienced an unseen hand guiding you — subtle as it may have been? Or maybe just this: are you asking questions you’ve never asked before? Those are your most important tools; questions are more powerful than answers. Curiosity is more powerful than being told something about yourself. It will lead you further, perhaps further into the unknown. In a world of false certainty, that is progress.
Capricorn Astrology Studio 2024-25 is now available for pre order.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Sun’s entry into Capricorn is often a deep and mysterious time for you, even if you live down in the Southern Hemisphere where it’s bright and sunny. However, I suspect the feeling is intensified for those in the Northern Hemisphere, with the days ending in the late afternoon followed by long nights. If you’re being called inward, I suggest you follow. Aquarius is usually recognized for its extroverted and social qualities, though deep down you may be an introvert. And if not, you do well when you create solitude and time to reflect. Meanwhile, you might notice that others have similar needs, even if they don’t say so. I do recognize that the holidays are rapidly approaching and this may take some planning or maneuvering. Even if you want to be out and about, make sure you have time alone to get your emotional bearings.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Sun’s ingress into Capricorn will come as a relief. Water is compatible with Earth, and you will find the grounding quality of the most ancient Earth sign to be stabilizing and reassuring. Remember though, other people’s problems are not yours. I know you want to help everyone, and you almost always feel bad for not doing so. Something more important is going on. Over the next couple of weeks — coinciding with the traditional winter holidays — you will gain insight into the situation of your family, perhaps going back several generations or longer. If you are someone who attends holiday parties or family events, I have a suggestion: abstain totally from alcohol when around friends, colleagues and relatives. The gift will be an ability to see through them and their ways as you have never before. Alcohol is a mask, and what it conceals is pain.
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