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Venus Retrograde Trine Eris; Many Conjunctions Forming — Weekly Horoscope Below
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week’s sign readings are tuned to retrograde Venus trine Eris. This aspect is providing a voice and some inner awareness for psychic material that would otherwise be difficult to express.
For many of the signs, there is a message of some new version of yourself taking form within, gathering strength and coming into focus. For others, there is a sense of soul-retrieval, of taking a trip back to the past or to some unusual depth and returning with something forgotten.
Venus retrograde is an ongoing reminder to direct your focus internally rather than onto the projection screen of a relationship.
The Moon, though waning, is still bright, heading toward a series of conjunctions in Pisces and Aries before reaching last quarter in Taurus on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Lots of conjunctions there, too — to Jupiter, Uranus, Albion and others.
Minor Planets in New Signs
A number of slow-moving minor planets I work with are in new signs, some of them for the first time since they were discovered — the extremely distant Sedna, for instance, which has been in Taurus since the mid-1960s, is now in Gemini.
Borasisi, out in the Kuiper Belt, is now on the Aries Point, after spending many years in Pisces. Centaur Asbolus has entered Cancer.
This is in addition to the group clustering in early Capricorn — Pholus, Ixion, Quaoar and Apollon — which is about an intense family drama, where some people pretend not to know right from wrong. You will see I draw this into every chart. (Pholus is green.)
The Long-Range Astrology is Exciting
We are in an unusual moment in that there are a number of conjunctions developing that will be big news as they happen. But to use astrology for planning, it’s helpful to know what’s approaching.
Jupiter close to Uranus in Taurus is approaching a conjunction that will occur in April 2024. That in particular is glowing like a light on the horizon. Chiron is approaching Eris in Aries, and will be conjunct in May 2025. And both Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, though the conjunction will be exact in Aries — right on the Aries Point — in February 2026. The latter two are “get real” aspects of the highest priority.
While all of these alignments indicate future events, they are available now for various shades of planning, manifesting, or to work with using the natural contours of time. Whenever slow-moving planets are forming a conjunction, they are at the end of a long cycle, and the message is: wrap up one phase and get ready for another.
No STARCAST; Planet Waves FM Friday
I’m planning to be back tomorrow with a new Planet Waves FM, then I’m planning to take next week off from the program (though I will have a horoscope for you.)
Thanks for tuning in; your horoscope is below. This week’s chart is also below. Presale on Virgo Astrology Studio begins today.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,

Your chart is describing the kinds of daring experiences that you can take within yourself, most of them being creative experiments in how you think of your reality. This can manifest as the expression of art, which (when real) is always the result of a daring or necessary inner trial.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s time to reckon with the power of belief. This is a property of the mind that can reject or distract from what is true, form the basis of a simulated inner reality, and seems to grant some people the ability to transcend their previous possibilities. Belief is a tool, and one that must be used cautiously, because it grants someone the power to veer entirely from what is demonstrably true. There is also the question of why you might believe, such as “white lies,” or even great ones; why you might want to bend reality into some other shape, or color it in some other hues and tones. You have the ability to do these things; you have the freedom to do them; and most of what we call knowing is really believing. It’s good to know the difference.
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You’ve had your share of shocks to reality the past five years. You are now experiencing a different kind of intimation to the future, which does not strip away the past but rather uses the past as a point of departure.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are all kinds of risks in life. Mostly we think of them as things we do outside ourselves, from bungee jumping to speculative investments. Your chart is describing the kinds of daring experiences that you can take within yourself, most of them being creative experiments in how you think of your reality. This can manifest as the expression of art, which (when real) is always the result of a daring or necessary inner trial. In our time, this can also be diving into what makes you feel alive, like you genuinely belong on the planet because you have the opportunity to do something you know is real, and that you’ve never done. Our particular moment is offering you a blessing if you’re willing to go there — or if you can’t resist the calling.
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You’ve probably got the itch to make your environment more suited to your current needs. This looks like it’s going to involve some digging in and clearing out.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be pondering the theme of “what lies beyond your present reality.” Yet usually in astrology and pop psychology, this is approached as “death and transformation,” or something involving a loss. Your chart is describing more of a transcendence, and gradually being eased beyond something that exists and into something that is new. You’ve had your share of shocks to reality the past five years. You are now experiencing a different kind of initiation to the future, which does not strip away the past but rather uses the past as a point of departure. There is an essential difference in the two approaches: under the current model, you make your choices when you’re ready, rather than having them made for you. This is much closer to your concept of freedom.
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This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
You can think of “creative chaos” as a precious resource, though mostly it’s a state of mind and feeling where you choose to relate to the world this way.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Set aside some time and bandwidth to take care of incomplete projects in your home or living space over the next month. You’ve probably got the itch to make your environment more suited to your current needs. This looks like it’s going to involve some digging in and clearing out. Start at the bottom and make space, rather than organizing from the surface down. There are things that you should approach with a strategy that you are able to amend as your clearing-out develops. There may also be one or two serious maintenance projects you’ll be glad to get behind you. And if you take the time to fully integrate your technological existence with your home space — things like putting stuff where it belongs, and getting cables out of the way — you will be a much happier camper.
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This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
Those who have the greater gifts and privileges are called to do more for those who need them, and for a world that needs your example. Your quest for motivation is not just about you; it’s leadership.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is mystery and revelation in the seeming chaos. To relate to what seems disorganized in a coherent way is an excellent skill — more than about survival, though that’s certainly true. It’s a demonstration that your reality is mostly inside of your consciousness, no matter how much energy is swirling around. Your observations lead to your recognition of the patterns in your environment. Your creativity allows you to do something with them. You can think of “creative chaos” as a precious resource, though mostly it’s a state of mind and feeling where you choose to relate to the world this way. Over the next few weeks, keep your probes out and use them, and you will make some potentially lucrative discoveries about how you manage your finances, and your opportunities.
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This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
The idea that everyone around you may benefit works better as a constant, daily meditation. It’s something that needs to be worked into every decision, every interaction, and every new plan.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The idea of being equal to those around you means that you do your part, and a little extra. Usually, it’s the ‘extra’ bit that makes the most difference, such as how you conduct yourself after a commitment is complete. It is the second mile that you travel for someone that is the most necessary; your willingness to stick around even when you don’t have to and make sure that matters are resolved, and will remain that way. Equality from your point of view entails diligence above what is due. Why is this? Well, we could say, noblesse oblige. Those who have the greater gifts and privileges are called to do more for those who need them, and for a world that needs your example. Your quest for motivation is not just about you; it’s leadership.
Astrology Studio for Virgo is now available for instant access.
You possess a superpower, which is the ability to tie up the loose ends and get whatever you’re involved with ready for the next stage of its process. If you can turn this onto your own personal affairs, you will make significant progress over the next month or two.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re becoming privy to many discoveries about your inner workings. In sum, your appreciation for balance, beauty and relating to others is wrapped around a core of needing to understand everything and, in a sense, to be right about it. You could use some relief from this pressure. You possess a superpower, which is the ability to tie up the loose ends and get whatever you’re involved with ready for the next stage of its process. If you can turn this onto your own personal affairs, you will make significant progress over the next month or two. Your appetite for certain kinds of social situations is not what it used to be, and you will find it helpful, liberating and efficient to be more selective about who you associate with.
You’re the kind of person who can, for a while, be content with a job well done. Then at a certain point, you want to be known for your accomplishments. But known by whom, and why?
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This can be a highly productive time of rethinking all matters of career and reputation: what you do and why, plus what you’re known for and why. This angle is more important to you than you may openly admit. You’re the kind of person who can, for a while, be content with a job well done. Then at a certain point, you want to be known for your accomplishments. But known by whom, and why? I once had a client who felt she was famous because she had her photo on ads on supermarket shopping carts (this was back when email was the closest thing to social media). You need to aim higher, though to start, it’s time for a review and rewrite of all things resume, CV, LinkedIn and related claims to fame.
Right now, however, your maximum productive creativity will come from allowing yourself to drift in the right direction while you consider what is possible; and moreover, what you really want to do.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) —Put less pressure on yourself to get things done. I don’t mean allowing projects to back up; the “leap forward” part is entirely likely to result from an idea (meaning a concept) and less about toil and effort. There are, of course, times when you have to keep your head down and get a lot done. Right now, however, your maximum productive creativity will come from allowing yourself to drift in the right direction while you consider what is possible; and moreover, what you really want to do. Ideally, you would do this in a laid back way, not so much setting out to paint but seeing what comes from the brush; and using writing as a way of collecting the ideas that fly through your mind. Then slowly let a new, beautiful idea take form.
You can benefit from the old adage about how luck is where preparation meets opportunity. For that to work, the preparation must come first, so you’re ready when the time is right.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – This would be a good time to focus your mind on investments and speculation. You must be fully informed and take a somewhat conservative approach, but over the next nine or ten months, tremendous results are possible. This is not about luck; it’s about creativity, knowledge and knowing a good thing when you see it. While this counts for anything or anyone you might invest in, you are poised to gain significantly in areas where others might not do as well. This is a recent development, and would stand in contrast to the past few years of spotty success. You can benefit from the old adage about how luck is where preparation meets opportunity. For that to work, the preparation must come first, so you’re ready when the time is right.
You’ve reached a point in your life when belief is especially dangerous. It’s taken for granted by many, indeed by nearly everyone, that belief is the ultimate arbiter of reality.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The time has arrived for a deep investigation into what is true for you, versus what you wish were true. This might apply to the personal sense, though I mean it mostly in terms of what you take on and accept and perhaps even live for. You’ve reached a point in your life when belief is especially dangerous. It’s taken for granted by many, indeed by nearly everyone, that belief is the ultimate arbiter of reality. Yet in fact it is the easiest way to deceive yourself and to waste your precious time on what does not matter. Start by pausing to review your thought process every time you use the word ‘belief’ or any word related to it. Be cautious of what you presume to be socially acceptable kinds of deception.
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Some of the most vital benefits to you and to your community will come from saying what appears to take guts, but which is actually the thing to say at a given time, rather than to suppress. What matters is a light-hearted tone and having an ear for how others will receive you.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your words have strength, influence and value. One of the core lessons of this time of your life seems to be using them judiciously, and understanding why you are saying anything at any given time. Making the most of the value element is about understanding the current social and communication environments, which are rather closely related. Yet right now it will be helpful to go a little too far, when you feel guided to do so; that means erring on the side of being real but also being bold. Some of the most vital benefits to you and to your community will come from saying what appears to take guts, but which is actually the thing to say at a given time, rather than to suppress. What matters is a light-hearted tone and having an ear for how others will receive you. In other words, know your audience.
Pisces Astrology Studio is Now Available For Instant Access
This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
Astrology Studio for Virgo is now available for preorder.
Use promo code: AstroStudio50
Astrology Studio for Virgo coming Aug. 21
Dear Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising:
I’ve begun work on your 2023-24 Astrology Studio reading — called Beyond the Green Veil. While these are deeply introspective charts, featuring both Mercury and Venus retrograde, you are being invited to come out of your shell and explore new opportunities for partnership and collaboration.
Your charts are all about feeling something fully, and getting the intuitive “go ahead,” before you make commitments.
Foggy, confusing Neptune dominating your relationships the past decade has finally been met by Saturn in Pisces. This is inviting you to be real and only real about what is and is not working. Saturn’s presence will empower you to open space, free your time and make long-delayed decisions.
In addition to astrology, I’ve resumed doing the tarot portion of the reading, which will follow shortly after the astrology is released.
You may pre-order today for the best price, and instant access to last year’s reading, your sign description, and vintage video readings.
PS — We have Astrology Studios for all the signs.
PPS — All Astrology Studio readings are included with the Backstage Pass.