Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1.
Audio Presentation on this Event from STARCAST
Dear Friend and Reader:
Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any.
Perhaps that’s because its primary discoverer, British astronomer David Jewitt, quietly gave it a name in January 2018, more than 25 years after its discovery. My readers may know it as 1992-QB1, about which I have written many times.
As its provisional name (1992-QB1) implies, it was discovered in 1992, by Jewitt, and a graduate student of his named Jane X. Luu.
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While Eris is often spoken of by commercial astrologers as “the planet within our solar system beyond Pluto,” it was not the first. Rather, it was 1992-QB1, now known as (15760) Albion. Short story is, in the early 1990s, astronomers had their telescopes pointed mostly at Jupiter and Saturn. They were about to form a conjunction, and the Cassini Space Probe (properly called Cassini-Huygens) was being designed and built, about to be launched in October 1997.
Nobody was looking at the far edge of the solar system. There was speculation about whether this thing called the Kuiper Belt existed. Initially imagined by Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973), there was a question whether there really was a cloud of little planets out beyond Pluto.
Then he anti-predicted it, and said it probably did not exist. Then Drs. Jewitt and Luu discovered it on Aug. 30, 1992, and it was named after him.
As Dr. Luu quipped in an interview with me several years ago, “Most people would be happy. He got something for nothing.”
Read More about the Albion New Moon
Weekly horoscope for April 28, 2022 by Eric Francis
Your sense of interruption or being taken out of the usual trance is exactly what will serve you the best. So study carefully points of discomfort, inconvenience, or problems that seem to have no solution.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be looking for yourself, and wondering where to find yourself. You may have the illusion that it’s somewhere “other than where you are.” You may also notice, if you pause to pay attention, that what seems uncomfortable or painful will give you some of the most useful information. Your sense of interruption or being taken out of the usual trance is exactly what will serve you the best. So study carefully points of discomfort, inconvenience, or problems that seem to have no solution. They will reveal the basic coordinates that you’re looking for. Also, the coming week or so may seem a little strange, given that Jupiter is making its way out of Pisces and into your sign. That can come with a sense of pressure, or an edgy feeling, which is likely to resolve around May 10 once Jupiter shows up in Aries. However, those sensations will be among the most informative ones.
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Yet you might really be in search of something else. If you find that, how will you know? Therefore, evaluate your steps carefully, and be open to what you’re not expecting.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be in pursuit of something, as if you’re on a quest for the Holy Grail. You may be, and you may even find what you’re looking for. Yet you might really be in search of something else. If you find that, how will you know? Therefore, evaluate your steps carefully, and be open to what you’re not expecting. The issue can be summed up in a few words as: beware of expectations. Allow your psychological and emotional focus to be a moving locus of attention, rather than a fixed one. What you are seeking will be different from what you expect when you catch up with it, and for this reason you need to relax your agenda somewhat and follow your intuition. The first awareness is self-awareness, because it moderates all others. Therefore, track your own feelings from moment to moment, and pay attention to what you notice in any given situation. These will lead you to your next destination much better than a pre-planned agenda.
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The two events would seem to draw you in different directions: retrograde Mercury, for you, is introspective, and even a touch introverted. Jupiter in Aries is social and outgoing.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is heading into your birth sign, where it will station retrograde on May 10. This happens the same day that Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in 12 years. The two events would seem to draw you in different directions: retrograde Mercury, for you, is introspective, and even a touch introverted. Jupiter in Aries is social and outgoing. Yet there’s another solution to the puzzle: in social situations, you’re being invited to bring out the subtler elements of your personality. You can experiment revealing what you would normally hide, or said in Gemini terms, allow into the conversation the twin who does not usually get to speak. It’s still you, and you may take a moment to wonder why you would exclude its voice. There are may have been good reasons in the past, though they are unlikely to exist in the present world, and you current stage of growth.
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Aries, your 10th solar house, is the aspiration, reputation and professional angle of your chart. It’s not just about what you’re known for — it’s about what you want to do the most.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter is about to cross the sensitive midheaven angle of your chart. While Jupiter in a water sign is almost always helpful for those born under a water sign (such as yourself) you need the worldly boost that major activity in Aries can grant you. Aries, your 10th solar house, is the aspiration, reputation and professional angle of your chart. It’s not just about what you’re known for — it’s about what you want to do the most. Jupiter offers recognition and opportunity, which you will be able to leverage against one another: one step will lead to the next, and there will be the occasional moment of hitting the jackpot. Yet you must stay in the game of your own life, and remain alert to your rapidly changing circumstances. Not every loss is detrimental and not every gain is beneficial. It will help if you suspend your judgments and notice the quality of events as you experience them.
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You may find yourself making a major choice that truly surprises you, and takes you out of your typically risk-averse approach to your professional activities. There are times when you just shake the tree and rock the boat — and you are coming up on one of them.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun is making an arc across the sign Taurus, which grants you the gift of visibility. Yet every astrological symbol and sign, and very likely every cell in your body, is urging you to new and different things, and to take a new approach to the ones you do regularly. You may find yourself making a major choice that truly surprises you, and takes you out of your typically risk-averse approach to your professional activities. There are times when you just shake the tree and rock the boat — and you are coming up on one of them. It is likely that certain people you consider friends may not like the idea much, and may even openly disapprove. Yet that cannot matter to you, if you want to be true to yourself. You tend to be a cautious person, though there’s only so far that goes — and there are times when needing the approval of others must be thrown aside.
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Whether your question involves business matters, personal ones, or the place where the two meet, you are in a state of greatly enhanced potential. Yet it’s easy to lose faith, or run out of patience.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be wondering whether the current developments in a relationship are real, or too good to be true. Keep a positive mental and emotional state — to the degree that is possible in our moment of time — and see how the situation plays out over the next few weeks. Whether your question involves business matters, personal ones, or the place where the two meet, you are in a state of greatly enhanced potential. Yet it’s easy to lose faith, or run out of patience. While it would not be helpful to fixate on the future, or on outcomes, more is possible than you may imagine. In any situation involving another person, one thing is essential: that all parties move with the situation. So stay flexible, and portable, in all ways. Rather than being obsessed with an outcome, stay in contact with someone or something that you consider to be worth aspiring toward. Know what you want to grow into.
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What is essential to this experience is your ability and willingness to receive. There are some for whom it is easier to give; you may be one of them.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Usually when there is a picnic, you’re the one who brings lunch. Perhaps that’s because only you remember what’s supposed to happen. In the coming few weeks, you may be surprised to discover that, by whatever mystery, others are showing their willingness and their ability to be generous. What is essential to this experience is your ability and willingness to receive. There are some for whom it is easier to give; you may be one of them. There are others for whom it is difficult to accept from others. In a world largely made of takers, who proceed on the basis of entitlement, it is not easy to find an ethical position on matters of what is freely offered. It is difficult to find a place of equilibrium on giving and receiving. Yet I suggest you be as generous as you want, and also stay open, as you are shifting into a new environment — what one might describe as a place of low-hanging fruit.
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This could take two forms: difficulty seeing beyond the edge of what we have all been subjected to the past few years — the loss of potential, of mobility and of faith; and the fear of the jealousy of others.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With so much illustrious activity happening in Pisces, only your insecurity stands between you and some phenomenal experience of life and love. This could take two forms: difficulty seeing beyond the edge of what we have all been subjected to the past few years — the loss of potential, of mobility and of faith; and the fear of the jealousy of others. Neither of these are a good excuse not to live fully, though they tend to serve their purpose. Any positive experience you have is likely to feel like you are exceeding something — your quota of happiness, some imposed limit, some rule, some possibility you may feel is too good for you. Persist, and move past that sensation. It is not true and it’s not real. Nor is it true that others are lacking some desire for freedom; to the contrary, if you go with the plans of a close partner, you could find yourself on an unexpected adventure.
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Though you may crave it dearly, this is not a time in your life when you’re likely to attain real stability, or some external sense of security. The world as we know it stands on shifting ground.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Work-related matters are unlikely to go as intended over the next week or so, though there is greater potential in any disruption than in trying to follow the pre-planned program. So hang loose and let your creativity serve as your means of adaptation. Though you may crave it dearly, this is not a time in your life when you’re likely to attain real stability, or some external sense of security. The world as we know it stands on shifting ground. Your foundation is mostly made of water, and the tides and currents are moving swiftly. Rather than striving for something, the moment is much better suited to observe, feel and be open to the environment around you. Notice what you and the people around you are feeling. Be receptive when someone expresses a need. You have a way of insulating yourself from the emotions of others that could cause you to change your plans. You will need a better path to emotional intimacy.
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Therefore, I would suggest you make no sudden changes in plans, unless of course you want to do something for the sake of fun or creativity. That is the place to direct your spontaneity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Any mental fog or confusion will start to clear as planets shift from Pisces to Aries over the next week or so. The clarity you experience is likely to remind you that you’re doing the right thing, even if you’re unsure about it now. Therefore, I would suggest you make no sudden changes in plans, unless of course you want to do something for the sake of fun or creativity. That is the place to direct your spontaneity. You are someone who finds your grounding and security in the revolutionary act of being yourself, and this lends itself well to any creative or expressive act. The ground you stand on, or can if you want to, is the ground of your personhood. Take extreme care that when you consider this idea, you’re not confusing it with “identity.” If you can give something an easy name, it’s not personhood. It’s something else, closer to the surface. Go deep and stay there.
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This development will arrive after a time when you may have wondered whether your ideas had any worth, or whether you were intelligent enough to face the challenges of life.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are about to start experiencing fresh ideas. And those ideas may actually go someplace, or take you someplace. This development will arrive after a time when you may have wondered whether your ideas had any worth, or whether you were intelligent enough to face the challenges of life. I am not suggesting you “thought yourself dumb,” though the doubts described by Chiron in the 3rd house can certainly take people that far. More likely, your doubts were the nagging kind, the kind you might not notice, until they catch up with you in a particular situation. I suggest you withhold judgment about your ideas, and just work with them. Let time be the test of whether they are useful or not. And as any seasoned artist or writer will tell you, and as you probably well know, one idea begets another. Just keep some coherence to your process; stay close to your central theme or concept, even as you discover it.
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Neptune in your sign can present you with the sensation that there is something missing. Be careful of this; your glass is pretty full, and must always be at least a little empty. If you could, you would probably make two adjustments: there is something going on where your recent locale meets your community life and home life.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your life is going better than you may think. Pisces is always aware of the limits of the physical world. Neptune in your sign can present you with the sensation that there is something missing. Be careful of this; your glass is pretty full, and must always be at least a little empty. If you could, you would probably make two adjustments: there is something going on where your recent locale meets your community life and home life. This is not an easy situation for anyone right now, and your chart is calling attention to change what you can make to improve your circumstances. Second, finances are an issue, though not the one that you may think. Chiron in Aries is creating a distortion; Jupiter entering Aries will provide some reassurance and material sustenance. Yet it is vital at all times that you align your money, your values, and the personal truth that you seek. Be absolutely real at all times. There is no wiggle room whatsoever.
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