Dear Friend and Reader:
Today, I have previews for the Somewhere In Between 2024+ readings from Planet Waves. These are hybrid written and video readings. The journey of writing these presentations has been a trip.
This year the astrology breaks new ground several ways. We have been lodged in the world of Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn — that’s the aspect of convid, the lockdowns, the smashing what remained of civil institutions, and a major step in destabilizing the world.
We are moments away from breaking free of that. On July 20, Pluto enters Aquarius, and that will set things in motion. The story of this astrology will be all over the media, with the astrology left out. And everyone will be feeling and experiencing it — with the astrology left out.
But not you. I’m here to make sure you know exactly what is happening and what it means. The work of these readings is combing true clarity and depth — so that your mind can parse the ideas easily.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,

Part of self-respect is admitting and acting upon your values and your priorities. Respect is action, not just an idea, and it means honoring the viewpoint on life and that certain thing about you that makes you who you are, which you then get to express in the world as a conscious act.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — One of the highlights of 2024 is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Unlike most aspects, it’s difficult to say anything negative about it except it’s good to temper your expectations and use it as a resource.
It is a statement of your potential, which is about to be activated by the planet of spontaneous revolution (Uranus), and the planet of expansion and gifts (Jupiter). This is happening in your house of personal resources, Taurus, your 2nd place. So it embraces the full spectrum from self-esteem to cashflow; and includes your potentials, your talents, all that you have learned and the tools of your trade.
Let’s start with the first. A lavishly rich old man in a cherry wood-paneled office once said to me that “all wealth comes from the Earth.” I would add that all wealth comes from self-esteem, or the lack thereof. The lack may work even better, because there can be a tremendous need to compensate for something missing, such as the love of one’s parents. You may have encountered shades of this during the Pluto transit through Capricorn: the drive to succeed, to make up for a lack of some kind.
However, your astrology is on the upswing so let’s take the positive side of the self-esteem equation — wealth and abundance as the result of self-respect, and honoring what is right and true for you.
It’s possible to teach this, but it works better through example. Part of self-respect is admitting and acting upon your values and your priorities. Respect is action, not just an idea, and it means honoring the viewpoint on life and that certain thing about you that makes you who you are, which you then get to express in the world as a conscious act.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
You will have a kind of wildcard, where you get to do, be or become just about anyone you want. Clear the small ambitions off the slate and go for the big ones. Pluto in Aquarius should serve to give you a burst of ambition, and also remind you that cooperation is a good thing.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Jupiter arrived in 2023, which is the sigil of expansion, potential, opportunity and something to offer. Jupiter has kept a safe distance from Uranus for a while; as of this writing, the two are still retrograde and 14 degrees apart. But that is going to change fast; with the Sun in earthy Capricorn, the Earth sign planets will station direct, and begin to converge on one another.
That the conjunction happens the day the Sun enters your sign adds personal emphasis. Jupiter conjunct Uranus belongs to everyone and it’s one of those rising tides that will lift all ships. It describes a radical expansion of your potential. You will feel that way. The sensation of the necessary elements combining and reacting into a new compound will be impossible to miss.
You may experience it as your fear level rising in response to something positive. Note that carefully. You may have the tendency to resist change due to the potential for loss. However, it will not be long before there is no status quo to rely upon. The concept is already extremely tenuous.
Besides which, the possibilities are incredible — the more so if you open your mind. And the more so if you are willing to take charge of your own life, and understand the power you have to set an example for others, and attract people to you who you may mutually support.
Uranus is about groups; Jupiter is about expansion. Make sure you choose the right people from among the many possibilities.
And in my reading of your charts, you will have a kind of wildcard, where you get to do, be or become just about anyone you want. Clear the small ambitions off the slate and go for the big ones. Pluto in Aquarius should serve to give you a burst of ambition, and also remind you that cooperation is a good thing.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
As for Jupiter, it arrives in your sign in June, amidst much other fanfare. Jupiter is the ‘greater benefic’ and it tends to arrive with opportunity and a sense of potential and even fulfillment.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As for Jupiter, it arrives in your sign in June, amidst much other fanfare. Jupiter is the ‘greater benefic’ and it tends to arrive with opportunity and a sense of potential and even fulfillment. It will move into your sign fresh on the heels of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, tucked back into the 12th place of your chart (the sign before yours, Taurus).
While the alignment of Jupiter-Uranus will have more bold expressions in other solar charts, for you it will remain in a state of highly-charged potential until it shows up in Gemini. This will be so strong as to potentially be uncomfortable, like you’re waiting for something to spontaneously burst out of your soul.
Then, suddenly, you will feel what you’ve been missing. That may translate to a new sense of your own potential, your own presence, and your own ability to sway events in your favor. Jupiter runs the solar system; the Sun holds the planets in their orbits, but this massive giant tells everyone else where to go and what to do.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
Every sign is largely defined by its opposite sign. The two work together, and to understand one it’s essential to understand the other. Really, what is called ‘opposite’ is not — the concept is more like another facet of oneself, or two aspects of the same idea.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Every sign is largely defined by its opposite sign. The two work together, and to understand one it’s essential to understand the other. Really, what is called ‘opposite’ is not — the concept is more like another facet of oneself, or two aspects of the same idea.
The sign Cancer is a water sign defined by the Moon, which has the shortest cycle of all non-Earth objects. It’s constantly shifting positions and changing signs about every 30 hours. It’s visually different from day-to-day. It’s associated with the tides, ever ebbing and flooding. There are 29.5 days between New Moons.
Opposite Cancer is Capricorn. The hardiest of the earthy signs, Capricorn represents what is stable, solid, well-established and all that does not change fast. It is said to be ruled by Saturn, whose cycle is 29.4 years. This temporal relationship obviously was not missed by the people in togas who made up the astrological system; the two signs face one another. There are many day-to-year relationships in astrology and they likely emerge from the day-to-year relationship of Cancer and Capricorn.
Both signs are closely associated with family.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
The April 8 eclipse is calling you to focus on your inner life and respond to your spiritual calling. This often feels like an intense need or desire to figure out who you are. The eclipse and all that surrounds it describe your opportunity to heal your relationship with Source, your higher self or God (however you think of it).
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Leo does not need religion; you know that your spiritual path is to self-actualize, not to connect yourself to someone’s idea of God. You have your own, and you seek and find your connection inwardly. This places a high value on your growth, as opposed to the religious trip of being a good person on the terms of a group, organization or authority. Self-knowledge is the root of all of your wisdom.
You have therefore probably appreciated the fact that Chiron has been transiting your house of spiritual endeavors, as he is the ultimate teacher of self-awareness — particularly in Aries. This comes to a peak with a series of events starting this year, including a solar eclipse conjunct Chiron.
During these years, you’ve been weaving together what may have felt like strands of yourself. Self-concept as a cultural thing differs from decade to decade, and ours is under the influence of digital technology — which has the tendency to turn the whole into less than the sum of its parts. Chiron is about seeking wholeness; it is the embodiment of the holistic principle, and this, in turn, is the essence of your spiritual life.
The April 8 eclipse is calling you to focus on your inner life and respond to your spiritual calling. This often feels like an intense need or desire to figure out who you are. In the starkest terms, the eclipse and all that surrounds it describe your opportunity to heal your relationship with Source, your higher self or God (however you think of it).
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
For as long as Neptune is in your opposite sign, Saturn will be pursuing it, and also holding you to a kind of auditing process of your existence. Be grateful for this; it will save you much time and effort, and needless diversions.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Saturn has introduced the reality principle to many facets of your experience, and this is extremely difficult for many people, such as those who cling to illusions rather than do the gritty work of living for the truth. Yet there is gold in that grit, because illusions can never satisfy you, while reality always does. So let yourself go through this translation process.
For as long as Neptune is in your opposite sign, Saturn will be pursuing it, and also holding you to a kind of auditing process of your existence. Be grateful for this; it will save you much time and effort, and needless diversions.
When the two planets form a conjunction in Aries in the spring of 2025, you will be in a much better place. That extremely rare meeting (which happens about every 35 years and last occurred in Capricorn) will help you with the fusion of imagination and substance. If you can work with both energies, you will gradually shape your life into what you truly want. Yet you must know what that is, and be truthful with yourself.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
Having survived the transformations of Pluto in the most sensitive angle of your chart, and of your life, you are now approaching a new experience: living in service of your creative drive. I say this knowing you may not be an artist (but you probably are in some sense).
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Having survived the transformations of Pluto in the most sensitive angle of your chart, and of your life, you are now approaching a new experience: living in service of your creative drive. I say this knowing you may not be an artist (but you probably are in some sense). The 5th place, for you, Aquarius, is about pleasure and bold experiments. The sign involved suggests a group or collaborative orientation. That can help the creative process and it can seriously hinder it.
What is implied by Pluto’s presence is that your creative and risk-taking drive will move to the front of your life, and at the same time, you will need to be as independent of the influences of others as possible. If there is to be a group, it will most likely be an audience of some kind. And while collaboration is not out of the question, you will focus the most creative power doing solo work, where you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself.
It was a similar situation ahead of your 4th house Pluto transit: confronting a lingering sense of obligation that you have in many ways learned how to move beyond. The houses are extensions of one another, and what influences one will surely influence the next. That includes what you learned in one part of your journey carrying forward into the next phase.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
Often in your life, push has to come to shove in order for something to give. However, you may soon discover that it’s worth acting on the basis of what you know in your body — or what your circumstances tell you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — As of this writing, in December 2023, it’s too early to feel the actual potential — as in stored up energy — that you will liberate if you are honest with yourself and make honest choices. What started as a disruption or disturbance has grown into a boon; you might not know what to do with so much possibility. Yet this is what is drawing you forward, working your way along that ledge. You know there is something better there.
The astrology I’m describing here is Uranus in your 7th place, Taurus. This is the sense of shakeup, disruption and potential liberation all balled into one green planet.
And whatever this planet was doing, or what it represented, though it seemed to come from outside, you must have been aware that something in you was changing; that whatever was happening, you were ready for it. And yet, your emotional bonds are powerful. Jealousy one of the most potent emotions of them all, may have been involved. Yet even jealousy reveals the seeds of its own liberation. That is its propulsive force.
Often in your life, push has to come to shove in order for something to give. However, you may soon discover that it’s worth acting on the basis of what you know in your body — or what your circumstances tell you.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
The reputation of Sagittarius as a freewheeling sign is ridiculous. Sure, there are some who meet this description (and that can be extremely messy) but they are by far the minority. I would describe your sign as the one that sets the example of getting a grip and thinking of the future.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In your astrological chart, the concept of a careful approach shows up as having Capricorn in your 2nd place, the one that addresses values. That describes your structured approach to existence (and to money). Its orientation is inherently conservative. The reputation of Sagittarius as a freewheeling sign is ridiculous. Sure, there are some who meet this description (and that can be extremely messy) but they are by far the minority. I would describe your sign as the one that sets the example of getting a grip and thinking of the future.
It’s also true that you think of yourself as a kind of outlaw, which seems to be a contradiction. However, as Sagittarius rising Bob Dylan wrote, “To live outside the law, you must be honest.” So you follow a strict code, which is guided by Capricorn, and Capricorn is just ending a 16-year transit by Pluto.
This has cultivated within you a steely, determined sense of autonomy. Pluto moving through houses 2 (ending now) and 4 (does not happen until 2043) has this property: an extreme of independence, whether emotional, financial or related to your personal ethics and values. And now you get to put this quality to use as the world plunges into a whole new age — the age of virtual and enhanced “reality,” and artificial intelligence — Pluto in Aquarius.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
Between late 2001 and 2005, Chiron passed through Capricorn. This was an especially important time because it revealed to you many of the scenarios and situations you would be addressing during Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2023). You will learn a lot going back and reviewing the events of ’01 through ’05.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Between late 2001 and 2005, Chiron passed through Capricorn. This was an especially important time because it revealed to you many of the scenarios and situations you would be addressing during Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2023). You will learn a lot going back and reviewing the events of ’01 through ’05.
Another stand-out event was the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020. While this was followed by a world crisis, this aspect had personal meaning to you — and it’s probable that what you were going through personally at that time was overshadowed by world events that began to unfold two months later.
What was that about? What were you ready for or emerging from at that time that was eclipsed by the 2020 crisis?
All of these outer planets (including Saturn) are “the gods of change.” Capricorn is the sign of stability (for you, and for the rest of us). It’s usually the most dependable rock on which to build something that might last a while. Capricorn also represents the past and what has been created there, and it would seem that the past itself (or our perception of it) is being rearranged (that is polite; digital technology can retrieve anything, but it usually acts as a “memory hole” where things/events disappear into a kind of ocean of data). The gods of change have not left you resting much.
This has been an unusual lifetime, and all prior ideas of Capricorn must be updated due to the concentrated activity in your sign. (While all of these planets have obviously moved onto other signs, Capricorn is particularly sensitive to such high pressure because it represents stability and established forms.)
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
In emerging, you will discover that you have come to the limit of one particular self-concept, determined to let that fall away and be replaced by a vibrant sense of your actual existence — not a persona, but an actual person. The difference will be pleasantly shocking, though it usually requires some reorientation, both emotional and social.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The journey of Pluto through Capricorn has confronted you with many artifacts of the past. It’s as if you’ve been dragged through the total experience of your ancestors, going back more generations than you can name your progenitors. We all carry around the world of their past. It is rare that people have the guts to challenge the legacy left for them, though a Pluto transit through the 12th place (the sign immediately before yours) makes it inevitable.
In emerging, you will discover that you have come to the limit of one particular self-concept, determined to let that fall away and be replaced by a vibrant sense of your actual existence — not a persona, but an actual person. The difference will be pleasantly shocking, though it usually requires some reorientation, both emotional and social. Reality must bend to Pluto, the prime mover, and it will.
Yet you must tread lightly as you proceed with your enhanced and even liberated sense of who you are. Your mere presence will move people; your confidence will inspire them and any lack of confidence will be repelling. More than ever, your presence will have a way of projecting its way into your social environment, and so you will need to work with your self-awareness as a moment-to-moment experience.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
All 12 Written Only $88 | All 12 Video Only $88
Saturn clears space wherever it goes. One of its roles will be to help you winnow down unhelpful self-concepts and define yourself in a way that makes sense to you at this time in your personal history. You have probably already noticed the theme “less is more,” which has been developing for a while.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Now Saturn has arrived in your sign. As solid as Neptune is vaporous, you are finally getting some relief from an intangible quality that has influenced you. As a result, you’re in a much better position to take decisive action on your own behalf. Neptune has a way of spilling over the boundaries, and Saturn has a way of shoring them up.
Saturn’s presence is a significant turning point in your life; it’s a rare blessing, spending just 30 months out of every 29 years in each sign. While in the past astrologers have taken a distinctly negative view of Saturn (especially in the Jupiter-ruled signs such as your own), their perspective is improving. Still, be cautious about any description of your Saturn transit that does not offer you something practical, necessary and utilitarian.
In addition to placing metes and bounds where they are necessary, Saturn clears space wherever it goes. One of its roles will be to help you winnow down unhelpful self-concepts and define yourself in a way that makes sense to you at this time in your personal history. You have probably already noticed the theme “less is more,” which has been developing for a while.
Saturn will take you through the paces on a number of other issues, which all come back to catching up with your own growth, and having a much more solid sense of who you are.
You have several purchasing options for Somewhere In Between. Written should be up Monday night. Video will be one week behind that.
Written + Video: One Sign $44 | Two Signs $55 | All 12 Signs $133
These samples are beautiful! Thank you Eric for you dedication, commitment and conscious explanation. You are very valuable.