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No matter how young or old you may feel, or may be, it’s unwise to waste time, energy, effort and resources. From the look of your solar chart, there is caution that you are not sure what you want; and are not even sure of your intentions.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Take it slow where matters related to your professional development are concerned. Your efforts belong behind the scenes for now. You must proceed on the basis of what you want, and what you are prepared for. Soon enough it will be time to put your reinvention plans into action, though you must sidestep what will be a strong temptation to get ahead of yourself. No matter how young or old you may feel, or may be, it’s unwise to waste time, energy, effort and resources. From the look of your solar chart, there is caution that you are not sure what you want; and are not even sure of your intentions. At this stage in your development it is not appropriate to want “something, anything different.” For that, you can go to the movies (or I guess spend the evening with Netflix). Far from making decisions in the virtual world, you are making them in the real world, and they will affect you. Therefore, take your time, know what you want, and choose from among options.
It’s possible to own your values and your ideas and also remain open-minded. You can take the approach, “I could be wrong, though this is what works for me.” Allowing for the element of doubt is one of the few safeguards against deadly hubris.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are some issues on which you may never compromise, and nearly everyone has at least one or two. You can still coexist with people peacefully, by keeping your sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously. You can also gain a great deal in making sure you actually understand where the people close to you are coming from, rather than dismissing their views. This will take some thought and effort, and it will be disarming for everyone. It’s possible to own your values and your ideas and also remain open-minded. You can take the approach, “I could be wrong, though this is what works for me.” Allowing for the element of doubt is one of the few safeguards against deadly hubris. Let it annoy you a little when people are too certain of themselves, and resolve not to be that way. It’s a false luxury that you don’t want and never did.
Jupiter and Mercury stationing direct over the next couple of days will help you untangle your doubts and improve communication between you and close partners. Information that seemed to be concealed may suddenly appear — and you may want to wait till you have additional facts before you make any decisions (you’re likely to know what you need to know by Jan. 7).
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — For many months you’ve been under pressure that seemed to never give way. Yet several immediate developments will ease some of that tension and allow you to rest a little easier than you have been. Jupiter and Mercury stationing direct over the next couple of days will help you untangle your doubts and improve communication between you and close partners. Information that seemed to be concealed off to the side, or behind a curtain, may suddenly appear — and you may want to wait till you have additional facts or data before you make any decisions (you’re likely to know what you need to know by Jan. 7). And finally, I’m curious as to whether your nighttime dreams become easier to understand. For a while they may have the feeling of “that was strange but I totally get it.” Others may be able to say the same thing about you. The fact that Mercury is turning to direct motion in your opposite sign Sagittarius will clear away fog and misunderstanding and remind you who your true friends are.
Go a little slower, and look for ideas rather than attempting to exert yourself. Once you make this adjustment, you will discover that you have a great abundance of creative possibilities to draw on, some of them seemingly exotic but perfectly tuned to what you’re doing.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You will benefit from charting your method for a work-related project. The temptation may be to exert more effort or invest more time, though the best outcome will come from taking the opposite approach. Go a little slower, and look for ideas rather than attempting to exert yourself. Once you make this adjustment, you will discover that you have a great abundance of creative possibilities to draw on, some of them seemingly exotic but perfectly tuned to what you’re doing. I would suggest this, however: there are planets gathering close to the Galactic Core in late Sagittarius. This is an energy that tends to say things once, and then quickly returns to its source. So if you have what seems like a good idea, take hold of it in the dream catcher known as a pencil and paper. Two or three sentences will serve as prompts. You don’t need much, but you do need something – if you want more than the memory of what a great idea you had but now cannot vaguely recall.
There is now concentrated activity in the angle of your chart where inspiration meets expression – you have the tools to expand your vision and therefore your consciousness. Consider that God or the universe or creation speaks through us in the language of images, concepts and the inspiration to act on them.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The ideas you have now may be excellent, though they are likely to vanish like sparkles of light if you don’t capture them in some form. It’s true that I hold the unofficial world record for encouraging people to jot down their ideas in a horoscope column. I also know how many of our best thoughts turn to steam before they ever get a chance for expression. And there is now concentrated activity in the angle of your chart where inspiration meets expression – you have the tools to expand your vision and therefore your consciousness. Consider that God or the universe or creation speaks through us in the language of images, concepts and the inspiration to act on them. These things only have the life that you in turn give them. Yet ‘their’ life is your life. The truth of your spiritual path is that it is a creative journey, and that your self-creation is mirrored by what you express.
You may feel yourself at a breakthrough point, when it’s possible to open up an entirely new phase of your existence. I suggest you let it find you rather than trying to find it. See if you can sequester yourself a little and reflect on your world as it is today.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel yourself at a breakthrough point, when it’s possible to open up an entirely new phase of your existence. I suggest you let it find you rather than trying to find it. Let it come to you rather than trying to go there. In a sense, there is no ‘there’ – there is only right here. See if you can slow down enough to feel the passage of time. There are those who object to the notion that the Earth is moving through space on the basis that they cannot feel it. Maybe it’s because they’re moving too fast to feel much at all. The more you slow down, the more you will be able to feel the wild winds of time rushing past you, and the more still you’re likely to feel within. This week is often a potentially quiet time for the Western world. See if you can sequester yourself a little and reflect on your world as it is today.
What is real is rarely popular, so keep your focus inward and strive to do one thing only, which is to learn from yourself. If more people did this, the world would be a perfect place, and yours can go in that direction.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You deserve to appreciate the wild, cosmic nature of your imagination, though it will never come from anyone acknowledging this about you (well, anyone but me, and that’s because I’m not jealous of you or intimidated by you). Most people are not that creative and are unlikely to be very encouraging. Your appreciation of yourself is a kind of inner mirror, and as you focus on what you see and feel, you will be able to tune into a signal coming from yourself that you can express in some tangible form. Don’t worry about whether anyone will understand you; the world of “likes” and “shares” is terrible for the imagination, because it assumes that what gets upvoted is what is authentic. That is a ludicrous notion. What is real is rarely popular, so keep your focus inward and strive to do one thing only, which is to learn from yourself. If more people did this, the world would be a perfect place, and yours can go in that direction.
Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for instant access.
This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
The motive for taking action is much more important and inherently closer to the truth. Your solar chart is urging you to take seriously the matter of financial strategy, as well as urging caution toward those who seem to have political motives, or who are going after money for its own sake.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Someone you care about, or who cares about you, may hold the key to the strategy that you need. Yet the guiding principle must be your own values and priorities. An idea or approach is one thing, and someone you trust may have an excellent suggestion and – in particular – offer psychological insights into what others are thinking. The motive for taking action is much more important and inherently closer to the truth. Your solar chart is urging you to take seriously the matter of financial strategy, as well as urging caution toward those who seem to have political motives, or who are going after money for its own sake. They can negatively influence you, and your own sense of ethics and sense of justice must prevail over the suggestions and ideas of others.
Astrology Studio for Scorpio is now available for instant access.
Listen to the audio preview below.
This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
When Mercury stations direct in your sign in a few days, you will remember all the great ideas you thought you forgot. This time, write them down, preferably the old-fashioned way: on paper.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When Mercury stations direct in your sign in a few days, you will remember all the great ideas you thought you forgot. This time, write them down, preferably the old-fashioned way: on paper. Mercury, the planet of communication and for many reasons an important player in your chart, will be hovering around over the Galactic Center, which is the source of most of your inspiration. It will serve a little like a dream catcher. But since it has a wide mesh, you have to take the next step and get them into preservable form. I am only saying this so loudly because at the moment you are divinely inspired, and you can learn something life-changing if you stay close to your inner voice. However, we live in a time when you can search your email or your web history and travel back in time 15 years. That is not how the sublime levels of the spirit work.
Astrology Studio for Sagittarius is now available.
Right now you are the walking embodiment of “the mysteries.” We all contain a universe within, though yours is making itself known to you in rather bold colors. Take some time out if you must, and retreat to a quiet place where you can observe your own psychic mysteries at work.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Right now you are the walking embodiment of “the mysteries.” We all contain a universe within, though yours is making itself known to you in rather bold colors. This might not be in ways you would expect spiritual agency to speak, though its forms might include extremely heightened sexual awareness, intense dream activity, the surfacing of deep fears, and maybe the desire to eat a few grams of mushrooms. It’s as if all of the deepest and usually hidden stuff is coming to the surface. And it’s all here to challenge your small notions of who you are and what your life is about. It’s as if the pot of your personality is boiling over into your soul. You want to keep that pot hot, by which I mean that rather than resist, allow it to keep simmering, spilling and making a mess of your ego life. Take some time out if you must, and retreat to a quiet place where you can observe your own psychic mysteries at work.
Astrology Studio for Capricorn is available for preorder.
The Solstice Point — 2024 Astrology Studio for Capricorn — will be a special edition helping you put the pieces of Pluto in Capricorn together. I will look forward, but this is mostly a review and debriefing of your experience since 2008. I will highlight key dates and take a close look at what this transit has meant. I will include a review of Chiron in Aries as well as new factors now in Capricorn that will be present well into the next decade. This is a distinct reading covering different material than Somewhere In Between for Capricorn.
You must be true to yourself, and that implies a measure of humility. Knowledge is only valid when it’s mixed with sincere and abiding respect for the unknown.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your friends must be your teachers. The sign Aquarius in all of its forms holds itself to be of extremely high intelligence. The only antidote to the potential hubris that might flow from this is that you learn from everyone, all the time. This implies a receptive and pliable state of mind, rather than the usual “fixed” concept that is used to describe Aquarius. Pay special attention to those you disagree with, or who seem to disagree with you. This is where the grist meets the mill; where what was unusable and indigestible before becomes food for the soul. Your mind works in concepts. Reality does not exist in structured thought forms, which are merely like a raft that must be left behind when we reach the other shore. Yes, you must be true to yourself, and that implies a measure of humility. Knowledge is only valid when it’s mixed with sincere and abiding respect for the unknown.
The new year begins with some welcome career news, which you deserve. If your charts mean anything, you have been doing all the step work; you have been balancing personal aspiration with public service; and you are grateful for the people nearby who are helping you get to where you want to be.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The new year begins with some welcome career news, which you deserve. If your charts mean anything, you have been doing all the step work; you have been balancing personal aspiration with public service; and you are grateful for the people nearby who are helping you get to where you want to be. Bear in mind that the social condition of the world is now more important than the “professional environment,” but both must be taken into account. In fact, given the dominance and the obsession with the new media environment, it would be best to emphasize individual people in your plans, rather than what to do with swarms of them. Skip the assumption that customers are disposable; embrace each contact, each person you work with and each that you serve, as an individual who is interested in you because you dare to see them that way.