Planet Waves Weekly for Dec. 14, 2023 by Eric Francis

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STARCAST for Dec. 14, 2023

Many different factors — including the opinions of your family — have guided you into a certain view of yourself, and judgment of yourself. Now this is unraveling. You are none of those things; you are not bound by the past.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must tread carefully where belief is a factor. And in the digital age, it almost always is. One of the most significant boundaries that has been all but erased from awareness is the difference between knowledge and belief. This has always been slippery; propaganda has always abounded, and it’s not designed to establish understanding. Belief, however, can be extremely convincing, and as such, it will throw you off the scent of your search for what is true about you and what is not. The current Mercury retrograde is here to help you peel back some layers of the image you project to the world. Pay attention and you will see that this is somewhat complicated, or extremely so. Many different factors — including the opinions of your family — have guided you into a certain view of yourself, and judgment of yourself. Now this is unraveling. You are none of those things; you are not bound by the past. Will it help to know history so you don’t repeat it? Perhaps a little, when it relates to the views of others that you’ve taken on.

At the moment you have a direct line of communication to the ancestral realm, as if you found a hidden tunnel back into history. If you can tap in, listen to what the people there are saying.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If a person does not have defined religious beliefs, something will step in and take their place. I’m not referring to what some call ‘spiritual’ — that’s another matter. Religion allows for contradictions, like a physicist accepting that someone walked on water. There are things that you simply accept because you were conditioned to, or told to, or picked up by example. You are less likely than most to outright rebel and reject them. At the moment you have a direct line of communication to the ancestral realm, as if you found a hidden tunnel back into history. If you can tap in, listen to what the people there are saying. They had reasons to believe what they were told, and those reasons are different from the ones you were given. At the same time, you hold beliefs that have no basis in any evidence. Are they helpful? What purpose does each one serve? You have much more freedom to make personal choices about such matters than your long-gone predecessors — even your own parents.

Presently, there is an extraordinary retrograde of Mercury happening. You might say this event is walking you through a museum of ancient history. If you could really see what’s in there, you would feel very differently about yourself.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — William Faulkner famously wrote in 1951, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” This may seem like a truism, but it sums up one of the most serious spiritual problems that we face: responding to what was as what is true today. This “what was” can go back quite a span of time, as we live out their fears, frustrations, and lack of fulfillment. It can include the sense of obligation they felt, and their drive to self-sacrifice. And then there is the problem of guilt, which is invariably passed through the generations without so little as a meaningful question. Many people live with an odd and unacknowledged sense that they must atone in some way for the misdeeds of those who came before them. Often the feeling is inherited as the feeling that they have personally done something wrong. Presently, there is an extraordinary retrograde of Mercury happening. You might say this event is walking you through a museum of ancient history. If you could really see what’s in there, you would feel very differently about yourself. So take the opportunity.

In an odd way, you may witness an old family scenario unfold in the life of someone close to you. In the process, you can make several discoveries about yourself and your personal history.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You would be wise not to get too drawn into the complications of others. Rather, learn from their experiences. Listen to what they say and offer ideas if you are asked. The astrology describes something being expressed before your eyes that matches something deep in your unconscious or your imagination. You may be experiencing a kind of “playback theater” where you describe a dream and then actors dramatize it so that you can see and feel what it really is and how you feel about it. In an odd way, you may witness an old family scenario unfold in the life of someone close to you. In the process, you can make several discoveries about yourself and your personal history. This may continue through the three-week duration of Mercury retrograde, helping you unravel yourself from elements of your history that have held you back or delayed your progress.

You may understand how important it is that the truth be known and have its impact. The deeper message of these events is that it’s always better not to keep secrets and to be upfront in all of your personal encounters.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may shy away from honesty about a sensitive matter due to the potential consequences to you or someone else. Yet there’s something in there enticing you to be bold and real despite that. And you may understand how important it is that the truth be known and have its impact. The deeper message of these events is that it’s always better not to keep secrets and to be upfront in all of your personal encounters. Few people dare to do this consistently and to some extent, the great majority of people depend on secrecy as a way of keeping their relationships running smoothly. Yet every now and then, reality threatens to erupt. And this tugs on the question about how it’s possible to be happy if one is not sincere. Many find it easier to hold it all in. You may find that difficult or impossible; and you know that though the truth seems to take a toll, it’s better to be free.

It’s likely that your childhood conditions encouraged you to grow up a little too quickly and sacrifice many of the pleasure elements of being young. You may be experiencing an intense focus on unraveling the past and how you came to be the way you are.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What do you do for fun? This may be an idea you need to claim back from those who believed it was better not to have too much of it. That would have been considered ‘temptation’ and also something that potentially violated a work ethic that was necessary in times when day-to-day survival was more of an issue. It’s also likely that your childhood conditions encouraged you to grow up a little too quickly and sacrifice many of the pleasure elements of being young. You may be experiencing an intense focus on unraveling the past and how you came to be the way you are. Some of this exploration can be mental, though you will learn more from the direct exploration of sensuality: feeling, body sensations, pleasure and luxury that someone in your distant past thought were an inappropriate distraction from reality. Now, you get to decide for yourself.

You are likely to be more flexible and adaptable than many people around you. And at this stage it may seem like you’re the only one who knows what an idea is. So be prepared to exist as the sole source of these things for a while.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are wide open for new ideas and a new approach to what you do. However, the environment around all of us right now is not so flexible, not so open to adaptation, and not especially optimistic. So you must bring all of these things to the equation; you are like an undersea visitor who must bring your own air. But perhaps car travel is the better, more accessible metaphor. You can think of yourself as traveling with your own environment, your own supplies, and your own maps — and then determining where it is that you want to go. However, be aware that in all of these gestures, you are likely to be more flexible and adaptable than many people around you. And at this stage it may seem like you’re the only one who knows what an idea is. So be prepared to exist as the sole source of these things for a while.

Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for instant access.

This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

This is truly a time of profound revelation for you, and of coming to a much deeper understanding of yourself. You might have one trusted friend or intimate with whom you can share your developing and evolving thoughts.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You would be wise to reserve your opinion for a while and, generally, say less rather than more. Mercury has just stationed retrograde in Capricorn, and suggests strongly that you should keep your plans, your thoughts, and your ideas to yourself. They are not fully formed, and you are not fully informed. You might consider this three to four week phase of time as being the perfect time for a fact-finding mission. You can make many necessary discoveries about your family, your childhood circumstances, your community and even your own business affairs. This is truly a time of profound revelation for you, and of coming to a much deeper understanding of yourself. You might have one trusted friend or intimate with whom you can share your developing and evolving thoughts. But no more.

Astrology Studio for Scorpio is now available for instant access.

Listen to the audio preview below.

This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

With the Mercury retrograde that began this week, you have an opportunity to adjust your relationship to money. Yet it’s more than just about finances. The wider theme is where your values meet your priorities.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — With the Mercury retrograde that began this week, you have an opportunity to adjust your relationship to money. Yet it’s more than just about finances. The wider theme is where your values meet your priorities. That is, do your choices reflect the things you hold to be the most dear to you? That is its own topic, worthy of its own notebook. Then there is another matter: to what extent are your choices and values dictated by people who lived long before you? Tradition is one thing; being unconsciously caught in a multi-generational rut is another. You may want to create your own life, and yet at the same time feel some loyalty or allegiance to the past that keeps drawing you back. But being true to your mother and your father (whether living or deceased) cannot coexist with living your life your way — unless you decide they would in truth be happy that you are doing so. None of this changes the fact that only you can live your life, however.

Astrology Studio for Sagittarius is now available.

Due to the problem of taboo, most people never map out their own sexuality — and the thought of doing so is usually unappealing or extremely frightening. There can be a lot “down there” that many do not want to know.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Due to the problem of taboo, most people never map out their own sexuality — and the thought of doing so is usually unappealing or extremely frightening. There can be a lot “down there” that many do not want to know. Yet right now, you are being called to the awareness of something deep in your nature. You may find it appealing that to turn your attention here may be challenging, though there will be a profound sense of relief, pleasure and contact with what feels like a long-forgotten aspect of yourself. This denied or forgotten facet of your being has kept you tethered to a stick, flying in circles. It’s connected to something that is true of all of humanity, due to our common origin, yet few people have the courage to get there even if they know this region exists. You may now have the strength and courage to swim into that place and make contact with who you are, which is also an expression of who we all are.

You don’t need to exert much energy to get excellent or at least interesting results. They may not be exactly what you were predicting, though if you can ease back and allow developments to unfold, you will be happy with what happens over the next few weeks.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You don’t need to exert much energy to get excellent or at least interesting results. They may not be exactly what you were predicting, though if you can ease back and allow developments to unfold, you will be happy with what happens over the next few weeks. Yet it’s essential that your approach be gentle, as if you have the telepathic ability to assert your creative design without saying a word. You may feel like you’re doing nothing; that’s better than feeling like you’re doing something, or anything other than emitting a kind of signal into your social environment. Also, there is a woman with whom you need to harmonize and potentially seek her assistance in holding a calm, steady position. One way you may recognize her is an unusual sexual appeal that seems to emanate from her mind. She knows something that will be helpful to you.

You do not need to press forward now, and this is an excellent time of year to ease back on the throttle of activity. You have accomplished most of what you need to do this year and a little beyond.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Hold steady, and conduct a review of your recent activities. You do not need to press forward now, and this is an excellent time of year to ease back on the throttle of activity. You have accomplished most of what you need to do this year and a little beyond. Do what you can to ensure that any projects or tasks have a minimal sense of pressure. Trust that you bring quality to whatever you do. And with that said, get among friends and relatives, especially your elders. If you’re up in the north, appreciate the beauty of the dark of winter. It’s as distinct as any feature of the planet we live on, and we’re about to enter the season of your birth. The unusual astrology of this time in your life is an invitation to feel how at home you are in the world, even as strange as the global situation is right now. Act as if you quietly know something nobody else does, even if you’re not aware what it is. This ensures you don’t reveal the secret.

Somewhere in Between presale available now.

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