Background on the Capricorn group I talk about in STARCAST — The Family Hunger Game from June 2024.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You can do the work you love, or love the work you do. Either is a viable option. You would be surprised how many successful people make a conscious choice to fully engage with their responsibilities even if it’s not their preference. This change in perspective can make all the difference. You might discover your love of a certain task if you approach it positively, or with the spirit of doing it as well as you possibly can. This, in turn, can lead to a creative breakthrough — and one way or another, something like that is coming. But with Mercury retrograde, it’s not likely to happen in a planned or expected way. This is why you want to take a curious and intelligent approach to all that you do, no matter how insignificant it may seem. It only seems like the topic the mind is considering is the issue; but really, your state of mind — whatever you’re doing — is what makes a difference.
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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is a self-limiting idea you’re working to overthrow, which to you feels like an actual limit. Once you figure out that it’s a concept, it will suddenly transform from a problem to an asset. Such is a typical transfiguration in the creative process, which is not just about clay or paint. Your existence is a self-creative journey; you are your art and your artist. The way you’ll know you’ve got your finger on the right pulse is that the feeling of being alive will come with a slight sense of danger. Just a little hint of oh my god what if?, or I can’t do that, it’s making me nervous. Just a whiff of worrying about who you might offend. That’s the very thing you want to play with — that’s where the juice is, and where the fun is. You may be the only one who understands what you’re doing. That’s the point.
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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may experience a moment of understanding and even certainty, which is then obscured by doubt. Which is true? Whatever you may have figured out, your doubt has a source — and you may be able to identify it. There might be a relationship between your discovery and your doubts about it (and the relationship is unlikely to be how the discovery is untrue). It’s as if a tape is playing — as if you call yourself and instead of answering your inner phone, you hear an old message on an answering machine. You can tell from the way the sound is warped and fuzzy that this is what used to be called “playing a tape.” For example, someone judged you or said something to you long ago that stuck in your mind. Then under certain circumstances, the tape replays and you mistake that for a true message about the current moment. That is the thing to question.
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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The emphasis of your astrology continues to be about a potential streak of genius you might not recognize as such. This may come down to a specific idea that you throw away because you judge it to be useless. However, move slowly here and remember that great books have been rescued from the fire or from the waste paper basket (authors James Joyce and Stephen King come to mind). If you’re paying attention you will notice that you’ve internalized the judgment of limited thinking of someone you once pretended holds authority over you. Maybe they said something brilliant and original like, “People with short fingers can’t play the piano!” or perhaps, “You can’t even spell. What makes you think you can write?” I could keep giving examples; I have at least one from every client I’ve worked with, and could write a book. Know it when you see it.
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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The most significant thing people keep quiet about is their priorities. It may seem like the contentious secrets are the ones about sexual trysts and love affairs, though that’s a scrim or social game. Values and principles are more often the thing kept in the locked box. And one motive for this is likely to be concealing a potential fundamental disagreement. This is of the “what I want to do with my life” variety. You might even conceal such a thing from yourself. You could start there — admitting to full awareness of what is true about you. You might say this is a form of coming out of denial. Maybe so, though you could also describe it as coming to terms with your own personal bottom line. From there, you might be inspired to take action. And therein lies the potential struggle. In any event, you will be much happier if you’re honest with yourself. And at the moment that should be pretty easy.
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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Do your best to be conscious of the ‘self-critical’ factor of your sign, because it could get in the way of rather good ideas — and your best plans. You have no reason to take anything away from yourself. Nor must you do the bidding of others in the past who were merely jealous or narrow-minded — not the superlative geniuses they mostly convinced you that they were. Listen for who your inner critic’s voice reminds you of — who, specifically. And if you’re looking at any situation through some kind of a lens, make sure it’s not turned around backwards, showing you a much smaller world than exists. The only small thing in the universe is consciousness, which seems large and grandiose if one is either very close to it or existing inside of it. This is the nature of what we call the mind, but there are other qualities. Take a few steps back and get some perspective. Meditate on the mantra, “Over, through or around.”
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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There may be something you’re determined to show is false or irrelevant when it may be the thing that — if true — will be the most helpful to you. And even if ‘false’, you will have a reference point for what is true. This is partly a matter of perspective; yours may be way too close to give you an accurate view of your situation — or of your ideas about it. It would seem that you are fixated on the seeming importance of something that may not have even been true in the past, but you are sure it’s become true today (or back then). Anyway, pay attention to what you’re resisting, avoiding or denying. There is something there for you — something helpful that will feel like a brand-new idea worth taking action on, though you’ve thought of it many times before.
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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You still feel like you’re living in the dark, though you will feel better when you firmly dedicate your life to what you want rather than what you think someone else wants. Perhaps this seems selfish, though your perceptions of a close partner’s needs or desires are unlikely to have much accuracy or validity. The same is true for your friends. Any obsession or focus on their supposed intentions is merely the avoidance of confronting your own confusion about what you want your life to be about. Much of this confusion is bubbling over from various ancient family controversies that existed long before you were born. That’s why it’s so confusing; there seems to be no point of origin — except for your own mind. That’s not where the disturbance is coming from, or rather, it only is if you allow it to be. If you notice that the seeming crisis belongs entirely to someone else, it will be far less disturbing to your peace of mind, and your relationships.
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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You appear to have an important goal, though I suggest you evaluate it carefully and get a sense of what is driving you toward it. There is a power source. Yet it may not have anything to do with you. It seems to be coming from a source in the past so distant you cannot even name the people from whom certain principles originate. You can claim them as your own, though what makes you think that these are the correct ones? You are more likely to believe that certain ideas you have are original when they are no such thing. Yet they can take up space that interferes with you having your own ideas — and you do. They’re more likely to challenge the values and beliefs of people who came before you. This may be a bit nerve-wracking and stir up some guilt; if so, you’re on the right path.
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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It all comes down to what is tossed off as spiritual. By that I am describing your relationship to existence, which is a reflection of who you are. However, we are taught (and here, I am politely using the passive voice but accusing someone specific in your past) that the purpose of your existence is either irrelevant, or designed to serve some narrow purpose outside of your desires, natural gifts and intentions. Sorry, that’s a long sentence. But it’s all in there. Who was this person? What was the ‘teaching’? What is this idea that chokes you and holds you to the past? What is the force allegedly dictating how far you can or cannot go from your home? When you come up with meaning, WHO responds with some form of meaningless or irrelevant? What do you think is funny? Especially the stuff you would prefer people not know about. That will tell you nearly everything you need to know about who you are.
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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Listen carefully to what people say. If you do, you’ll learn a lot. No matter what the context of the relationship, people will reveal themselves to you, and you’ll be able to respond appropriately. However, you must not assume that you know before you find out. Take the time to listen, to read, to mull things over, and to put the pieces together. Be cautious if you or anyone takes a narrow view of an issue, such as claiming everything is all about one thing. This is either a mistake, a distraction or a ruse. In any such event, treat the matter the same way: so what else is going on? What’s happening in the background? Take a broad view, looking behind the curtain. Size up the situation and see if you can figure out who is benefiting from the current state of affairs? Sometimes highly specific statements are a kind of legalese that obscures a greater (and often obvious) truth.
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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Any disagreement with another person is likely to involve miscommunication, not a real issue. However, it may take some patience to sort out what that is — and it will be helpful if you stick to the known facts. You don’t want to surmise or rely on assumptions, or on memories. Take careful notes on all transactions, commitments, and promises that you or anyone makes. Mindfully keep track of your money, and make only small moves. Save the larger ones for when Mercury is direct. More than anything, orient yourself on your peace of mind. This is rarely a personal goal in our times, and few remember the concept. But you do, though it requires continuous daily devotion. You might think of that as your true Dharma Yoga for this time in your life, and far beyond. Every day, every hour of every day. Write it on your hand: peace of mind. Do what you must.