You have your thoughts and feelings. You have what motivates you. You have your ideas about yourself. Mars retrograde in Gemini is designed to take you on a journey of your inner awareness. You do not need content feeds or little telepathic devices to communicate with yourself or with others, to dream, or to know what you want.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — We live in a hall of mirrors. Perhaps we always have; the idea of reality as a reflection is nothing new. I’m talking about our environment of electronic communication, which seems like it’s ‘out there’ and ‘all around us’ but which can also be seen as a mirage that exists within our minds. I’m always reluctant to call all of perception an illusion, though there are times when it seems that way. There are also times when discovering this reveals the truth behind the veil — something more permanent and more meaningful than the fleeting world of pixels and data that our lives have become. Reality is what would be left when the power goes out or the network goes down. If you’re sitting in a dark, quiet room, on top of a mountain, or next to a lake, what do you have? You have your thoughts and feelings. You have what motivates you. You have your ideas about yourself. Mars retrograde in Gemini is designed to take you on a journey of your inner awareness. You do not need content feeds or little telepathic devices to communicate with yourself or with others, to dream, or to know what you want. All of that is contained within you already. And books are beautiful.
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The rare occasion of Mars retrograde in Gemini, in your 2nd house, is calling for a deep and honest re-assessment of your priorities. The real word is values: the principles by which you make your decisions and guide your life. The assumption that you’re being called to challenge is that you know what those values and principles are.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to have transformed from the person whose whole life was built around a long-held concept of stability and security to someone willing to make radical changes — which are likely to be centered around a somewhat different concept of stability and security. However, we live on Planet Forever Changes, where the future is mostly occluded from view. And in our society, we live in a world where people have been pitted against one another in a Hunger Games kind of scenario. We might trace those trends with a pencil and see where the lines go. The rare occasion of Mars retrograde in Gemini, in your 2nd house, is calling for a deep and honest reassessment of your priorities. The real word is values: the principles by which you make your decisions and guide your life. The assumption you’re being called to challenge is that you know what those values and principles are. In true Gemini fashion, there is another side to the story — possibly several others. Mars making a long aspect to Neptune means you will need to see through the haze, cut the grease, or strip off several layers of paint before you get down to the bare surface of what you hold as truly important. There will be some surprising discoveries — some inspiring, some not, though there is one solid benefit: the truth is tangible and therefore, useful as such.
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You might consider moving on from any work that does not serve humanity in a tangible and sincere way. There is an idea going around that to exclusively take care of one’s private needs is a form of world service, which might have had street-cred in another time. This is one of the places where those who care must establish a different pattern, for now and for the future.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Survival is a spiritual matter. It only masquerades as material. Survival depends on awareness, accurate perception, the ability to trust, and understanding that love is the only thing that heals. And these are specifically spiritual skills, and the world teaches them only to those willing to learn. But a little willingness goes a long way. So too, does remembering the important lessons of the past, previously mastered (or close to it) but easily forgotten. You could start with remembering what you’ve learned, then setting the example that both teaches others and reinforces what you have gained. An aspect of this involves the work that you do, and remembering your purpose as one who is called to serve. You might consider moving on from any work that does not serve humanity in a tangible and sincere way. There is an idea going around that to exclusively take care of one’s private needs is a form of world service, which might have had street-cred in another time. This is one of the places where those who care must establish a different pattern, for now and for the future. You may experience resistance from some people around you; mostly, you will experience your own strength, a sense of liberation, and the gratifying feeling of actual connection to others who recognize and rely on you.
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The recent solar eclipse in Scorpio is urging you to honor the creative, sexual and pleasure-seeking side of your nature. This is what’s called a 5th house event: there will be no gains without taking some risks. The corresponding lunar eclipse on Nov. 8 will push you to take a bold approach to your social existence.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Those born under the Cancer Sun or rising are especially sensitive to eclipses. The Moon has unusual power during these times, and the eclipse process marks intervals of significant change and progress. The recent solar eclipse in Scorpio is urging you to honor the creative, sexual and pleasure-seeking side of your nature. This is what’s called a 5th house event: there will be no gains without taking some risks. The corresponding lunar eclipse on Nov. 8 will push you to take a bold approach to your social existence. You are something of a homebody who can go for long periods of time without much ‘public’ interaction with others (meaning parties, going out, or taking day trips), though you’re being called to a new kind of leadership here. This will start with leading yourself out the door and into places that are new and unfamiliar, or where you have not been since (perchance) 2019 or so. All of the crisis that society has been through has lowered your expectations of life, and it’s time to ask for more from your existence. Do not let your fears (or those of others) get the best of you, or even influence you. There are a lot of paranoid people who were wrong the first time, and many still haven’t gotten it right. Dare to experiment and find out for yourself.
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There’s also something here about how the conditions of your childhood home influence your activities and your feelings today. It’s difficult to grow out of those containers, though you really seem to want more room to be yourself and to feel whatever you feel. If you reflect carefully, you may notice that many of the conditions imposed on your space today are really mental carry-overs from long ago.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What are you free to do and feel in your home? What are you not free to do? I suggest making an honest list, including things that you might not do or think you would never do. I am proposing that you create an absolutely accurate description of your environment and the four walls that contain your physical existence. Do you have room for all of your feelings and all of your desires inside that container? Do you have space for the activities you love? There will be two lists, most likely, one for what is possible and one for what is not. And I’m speaking here not just of the physical structure, which may not leave you room to build a 20-foot-high sculpture, but rather the social and emotional conditions that are part of the space you live within. There’s also something here about how the conditions of your childhood home influence your activities and your feelings today. It’s difficult to grow out of those containers, though you really seem to want more room to be yourself and to feel whatever you feel. If you reflect carefully, you may notice that many of the conditions imposed on your space today are really mental carry-overs from long ago. They are not actually rules you must live by — though one way or another, you will need to stretch.
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Mars is about to station retrograde in Gemini, the sign associated with your professional activities, your reputation, and your true calling. This rare event calls for considering your desires back to when you first decided you wanted to do something, or be someone. Which was it by the way? Were you drawn to the role, or to the activity?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Dust off your résumé(s), your CV(s) and your LinkedIn profile(s) and give them a careful review. By that I mean print them and study them carefully and truly consider what they tell you. Mars is about to station retrograde in Gemini, the sign associated with your professional activities, your reputation, and your true calling. This rare event calls for considering your desires back to when you first decided you wanted to do something, or be someone. Which was it by the way? Were you drawn to the role, or to the activity? By role, I mean what you wanted to be known for; by activity, I mean the daily tasks involved with the work. There’s a difference that many people are not aware of at the time they make their early choices associated with their profession. The question is again relevant today, as those are (one version of) the two sides to your Gemini 10th house: what you do, and who people think you are. There is another version: the two seemingly separate career paths. This is a classic condition for Virgo Sun and rising, long before the day when having multiple lines of work was a necessity. Mars retrograde will help you integrate those seemingly different paths, which will give you confidence, strength and insight.
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You have mighty assets. You also have liabilities, though the positive column far outweighs the negative. It’s crucial now that you do two things. One is to recognize your actual preferences for what you want to do, and move in the direction of emotional fulfillment. The other is that you recognize what has the financial value. There will be some divergence and there will be some overlap. The place where the two circles cross is the zone to focus on.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Getting your financial affairs in order will require making changes to how you see your life, your purpose, and your way of relating to the world in economic terms. You have mighty assets. You also have liabilities, though the positive column far outweighs the negative. It’s crucial now that you do two things. One is to recognize your actual preferences for what you want to do, and move in the direction of emotional fulfillment. The other is that you recognize what has the financial value. There will be some divergence and there will be some overlap. The place where the two circles cross is the zone to focus on. And it is there, no matter how small it may seem. Meanwhile, keep in mind the old line from the Talking Heads song, “As we economize, efficiency is multiplied.” This counts for cash flow, allocation of time, and the use of your spiritual and other personal resources. Act like a dolphin. Run all of your autonomic systems fully and consciously. Notice what feels good, notice your preferences, and follow your creative inspiration. You are going for net-positive results in all things, and the best way to get there is to stay close to yourself and to take up the most important tasks in your life with bare hands, so you can feel the substances you’re working with.
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You merely need to observe and listen to yourself. You have the intelligence to resolve any pending matters and the resourcefulness to make it happen. All you need is the patience and the understanding that this may take some time, though you would be wise to set some limits there. Using astrology as a kind of clock, three to five months comes to mind.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You are discovering that you cannot control your relationships. Nor should they control you. The whole matter of possession, of ownership and of financial involvement dictating or even influencing the path of intimacy is so far past its shelf life that it’s astounding anyone still finds it useful. Yet, it may seem like the changes necessary to unravel any complications are out of reach. You are about to find out that you have alternatives. These are largely based on shifting your point of view, which will happen if you can loosen up your perceptions and be a bit more psychically mobile. The key here is that the answers do not come from a relationship or from a situation but rather from within yourself. You don’t need to convince anyone of anything. Nobody has to agree with you. I would dare say there is nothing you even have to figure out — you merely need to observe and listen to yourself. You have the intelligence to resolve any pending matters and the resourcefulness to make it happen. All you need is the patience and the understanding that this may take some time, though you would be wise to set some limits there. Using astrology as a kind of clock, three to five months comes to mind.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: h2jgsewb
Mars retrograde in your opposite sign Gemini is a reminder to take some time to review the past few years of your relationship life. Consider your experience, and consider that of your partner(s), doing your best to get into their socks and feel what it’s like to walk around inside their reality. This reassessment will help you renew your relationships and partnerships — and the more honest with yourself you are, the deeper that will go.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Do what you can to remove the element of survivalism from your relationships. By this, I mean it would be wholesome to take a gentler and more easygoing approach and to recognize that you can live without anyone, but it’s nice to have them in your life. That is not the usual way of things, which tends to be the attempt at total dependency. You are too independent for this, and the calling of your soul is not the same as that of any other person. The meeting places between people, when they occur, are something to value and appreciate, recognizing that all of life is a fleeting moment. Mars retrograde in your opposite sign Gemini is a reminder to take some time to review the past few years of your relationship life. Consider your experience, and consider that of your partner(s), doing your best to get into their socks and feel what it’s like to walk around inside their reality. This reassessment will help you renew your relationships and partnerships — and the more honest with yourself you are, the deeper that will go. Meanwhile, it’s essential that you look after your health. That means studying where the mental and emotional planes intersect with the physical plane. You have a strong constitution; stress is the one thing that can weaken you. Find its sources, and cast them off.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: mkgkbhgz
The planets are reminding you that you need grass, trees and physical experiences. You need eye contact and the feeling of cloth and skin. You need to share food and quiet time with people. The revolution of these past few years has not completely vanquished our humanity. And it has not vanquished yours. You remain a physical person, and no version of a robot.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have a creative side that is closely related to your true sexuality, and this is at the very core of your being as an earth sign. You like tangible substances such as leather, metal, cloth and wood. You like digging in the dirt, helping plants grow, and working with real materials such as paint and clay. The sexual angle here is that for these reasons, the digital realm does absolutely nothing for you. You cannot feel yourself there, and you cannot feel anyone else there. Yet we live in a world increasingly dominated by electronics, which tends to mean relationships at a distance, conducted through devices. The planets are reminding you that you need grass, trees and physical experiences. You need eye contact and the feeling of cloth and skin. You need to share food and quiet time with people. The revolution of these past few years has not completely vanquished our humanity. And it has not vanquished yours. You remain a physical person, and no version of a robot. You have struggled for every ounce and gram of your right to exist as you are. In the coming months Pluto will make its first sweep through the last degrees of your birth sign before beginning its 18-month transition into Aquarius. It’s vitally important that you use this time to deepen your commitment to yourself and your personal truth.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Do not assume you know — anything. Turn every statement of fact into a question. Identify and challenge your beliefs. Insist to yourself that you have a factual basis for what you think is true. It may seem like the heat is on, though what we are experiencing now is merely a warm-up for Pluto arriving in your sign on March 23. Flex and strengthen your growth muscles. You will need them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The next few weeks are likely to bring more questions than answers; and a good question gets you half the way to what you want to know. Without actually asking, you cannot have a meaningful response. Therefore, any sincere inquiry is an excellent investment of your time and thought. But you must also challenge your assumptions, which block answers. In my experience, Aquarius is the sign that most needs to know when it does not know. Aware of your own intelligence, you can push the limits of your own observations. And at times you skip asking the real questions because you know that the answer might compel you to rethink your whole approach to an important issue, or to your whole way of living. There will be revelations over the next two weeks (into and beyond the total lunar eclipse of Nov. 8) and the next few months (of Mars retrograde, though January and beyond). Do not assume you know — anything. Turn every statement of fact into a question. Identify and challenge your beliefs. Insist to yourself that you have a factual basis for what you think is true. It may seem like the heat is on, though what we are experiencing now is merely a warm-up for Pluto arriving in your sign on March 23. Flex and strengthen your growth muscles. You will need them.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
You need places of softness and comfort; you need to disconnect from the electrical realm and spend time in nature. More than anything, your chart is calling on you to create a new vision for your life. That is the true meaning of an eclipse in Scorpio. The forthcoming eclipse in Taurus will show you how to revise and reorganize your thoughts and even to think in entirely new ways.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter arriving for one last visit to your sign, and the recent eclipse in Scorpio, are offering you plenty of energy to draw on. Do so wisely, by which I mean take your opportunities to rest, recharge, repair — and to work in a way that nourishes you. If you are feeling stressed, slow down. Nearly everything can wait. Make sure that you give yourself the necessary nutrients for a Pisces, and feed your pleasure-seeking and hedonistic side. Pisces is an extraordinarily sensitive sign and one that is most challenged by the competitive, fiery nature of the world at this time. You need places of softness and comfort; you need to disconnect from the electrical realm and spend time in nature. More than anything, your chart is calling on you to create a new vision for your life. That is the true meaning of an eclipse in Scorpio. The forthcoming eclipse in Taurus will show you how to revise and reorganize your thoughts and even to think in entirely new ways. Take the ride and allow yourself to experience a revolution in how you experience the power of your own mind. You are fortunate to be born under the sign blessed with the greatest gift of flexibility, which includes your ability to see the world, and yourself, from many points of view. Take full advantage of those abilities.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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