Keep your mind not so much on your work but rather on what you want to do with your talent. Doors will open, and you may find yourself in the presence of wholly unexpected opportunities.
By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is one of those truly rare moments when the world is your oyster, as Jupiter re-enters Aries and the Sun lights up the success angle of your chart. Keep your mind not so much on your work but rather on what you want to do with your talent. Doors will open, and you may find yourself in the presence of wholly unexpected opportunities. However, with Mercury about to turn retrograde (Dec. 29 to Jan. 18, with a margin of error on each side), it is not a good idea to sign and fully commit to anything just yet. Any real proposal will allow you some time to negotiate, prepare and adapt. There may be exceptions, of course; sometimes you just have to pounce on an opportunity, but make sure you get the financials and scope of your involvement right, and determine whether something is a good fit. You have your options open and will likely be choosing from among several potential offers. Meanwhile, you are in the midst of Mars retrograde, which is urging you to think deeply and also to remove outdated agenda items from your plans. Stick to what is real, present and relevant — though the seeming backward movement of Mars is suggesting that you can retrieve an excellent idea from the past, in addition to much that you’ve learned from past activities. Be clear in your communications, and notice when someone speaks and understands your language. Evaluate carefully whether people are genuine with you (for example, do their words match their deeds?), and notice your own level of sincerity and devotion that comes from the heart and soul more than anywhere else.
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If you are on a quest for understanding how to develop your financial potential, your chart suggests above all else that your friends are your most important worldly resource.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Take the long-term view, and do your best to sidestep old ideas you have about yourself that you’ve already figured out are not true. Many of those are based in guilt, which is rarely an accurate metric of anything helpful. Most of that, in turn, has been passed down to you through the generations. In order to truly see your potential, you will need to look at the world through your own eyes and not those of any ancestors whose worldview has been imposed on you. Yet this will require you to have your own personal code of right and wrong, and your understanding of what constitutes a mutually beneficial relationship. If you are on a quest for understanding how to develop your financial potential, your chart suggests above all else that your friends are your most important worldly resource. The greater emphasis is on being at peace with yourself and your desires. Mars retrograde is still encouraging you to study your motives carefully. Regardless of whether any of them are helpful, you want to know exactly what is driving you, as best as you can. Is it more like the need to survive, or is it more like your desire to express your gift to the world? One way that Mars retrograde is serving you is to help you sort out your values and your priorities. Values are your deepest underlying principles, and your priorities are what you might do about them. You have a rare moment when you can thread the needle and get these into alignment. This crucial factor will increase your focus, your power and your ability to succeed.
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. Certain matters that have been clouding your ideas about yourself have burned off like fog or low overcast, and the oppressive heat is cooling off. You may have your first clear view of the horizon in a long time.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars retrograding further and further back in your birth sign may have you feeling stretched like the elastic on a slingshot, waiting for the moment you’re released. However, while you may not be sure who is doing the stretching, you are the one doing the aiming. You are also the thing being aimed. Now is the time to determine what you want to do once you have access to all of the energy that will spring forth when Mars changes directions on January 12th. Maintain your focus until then. Keep steady and do not allow yourself to be distracted by anything irrelevant (which usually means emotional complications or conflicts with others). Certain matters that have been clouding your ideas about yourself have burned off like fog or low overcast, and the oppressive heat is cooling off. You may have your first clear view of the horizon in a long time. It’s crucial that you remember what you’ve learned so far, and what you will learn through the rest of the retrograde cycle (which is fully resolved in late March). The bottom line is being real about what you want. That includes having an understanding with yourself that other people don’t just get to impose their will on you, unless you play along with it. The single most vital message coming from your chart is that your whole spirituality revolves around your talent for moving through the social realm. This will be in rare form through the first half of 2023 and beyond. Place yourself in as many public and private group events as you can. Get out there. Shake hands, meet people and have a little something to offer them, such as an unusually beautiful business card they will want to keep because it’s so nice to look at and hold.
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Get your body out the door. For this purpose, the specificity of audience matters less than on the internet. You can meet anyone anywhere, so therefore look and feel your best and don’t hesitate to crash the Hyacinth Growers of America Conference if it happens to be in a hotel where you’re staying.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your astrology is fully engaged this month, as Jupiter launches a journey clear across the professional and vocational angle of your solar chart. No matter how stuck or stagnant things have seemed the past year or two, you will feel the ground start to vibrate and your energy start to rise. Here is the thing: you must think big — but not too big. Scale or reach in pure numbers is far less important than having contact with the right people, which means those who are interested in what you do. For that to happen, use specific rather than general goals. Maintain a high focus on the quality of your work product, and then place it where people with an interest can find both it and you. In the haze of the internet, we have almost forgotten the importance of making your presence known in person rather than as a digital mirage in some form. Get your body out the door. For this purpose, the specificity of audience matters less than on the internet. You can meet anyone anywhere, so therefore look and feel your best and don’t hesitate to crash the Hyacinth Growers of America Conference if it happens to be in a hotel where you’re staying. Walk up to anyone you feel like saying hello to and strike up a conversation. The random factor works best for you when you are present in the room and can make eye contact and share a cup of coffee. Many unseen forces are working in your favor. Stay close to your intuitive guidance, which means taking the little hints whether to turn left or right when you have no place special to be.
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There are games of chance and games of skill, and you’re best at the kind that combines the two. If you look back at your greatest successes, you are likely to find they all involved taking some type of plunge.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun and other planets now in your fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, are encouraging you to take a bold, experimental and creative approach to whatever you do. Leo, despite its reputation for being brash, often prefers a conservative and measured approach to most matters. The time has arrived to try something new. To conduct an experiment means to conduct a real-world test of an idea or a theory where you don’t know the outcome in advance. To take a creative approach almost always has the feeling of taking a risk of some kind, where it is possible to gain or lose. That is the territory you want to be in, rather than looking for the “sure” win or the predictable outcome. There are games of chance and games of skill, and you’re best at the kind that combines the two. If you look back at your greatest successes, you are likely to find they all involved taking some type of plunge. You like the uncertainty factor and the requirement that you must think on your feet rather than working from a carefully arranged, certified and authorized plan. This raises the value of the fun factor. Your best work is always spiritually relevant, though there must be the element of entertainment or amusement. This has a way of opening a portal to something greater, which often shows up as both a reward of the work and also something that makes it more valuable to whomever your customers or clients are. People love others who are not boring. Surround yourself with the lively kind of people who are curious about themselves, others and existence.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv

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You are close to a breakthrough on a professional matter that involves some kind of integration of two different skill sets, and potentially the merging of two different audiences or client bases.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You seem to have more alterations coming through your life than a dressmaker during prom season. However, in our world of habits and fixed patterns, you have many possible approaches you can take even to the most ordinary projects. And you are likely to have opportunities to try things you’ve never done before, whether they involve business, pleasure or some combination. It happens that each year, the frantic holiday season (which also coincides with year-end wrap-up), is one of your most creatively fruitful times. You might try staying as far out of the fray and from any kind of “obligations” as you can, and claim this year’s fantastic Sagittarius into Capricorn season for yourself. You are close to a breakthrough on a professional matter that involves some kind of integration of two different skill sets, and potentially the merging of two different audiences or client bases. Work with the concept of synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is the formula for life itself (an opera singer, architect or grizzly bear is far more interesting than a pile of carbon and a bucket of water). In a similar way, your ideal gig allows you to draw on all of your talents, assets and professional experience. You need complicated riddles to solve in order to keep your mind engaged and your wits in top shape. The world has more problems than it has people who recognize talented problem-solvers. You have rare abilities, unusual talents and a distinct point of view. Actively use all of these to work for you every day.
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You are the human dream catcher, and you may discover that everything you encounter is interesting. You can hardly have a bad idea right now, which means you will have many good ones.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest your theme song for the month ahead be “I Feel the Earth Move” by Carole King. The planet is moving under your feet, and your life is moving, and so is everything around you. Jupiter is about to return to your 7th house of partnerships, which will open up the possibilities and reflect your potential back to you. Yet at the moment, the single most portable, flexible, creative quality described by your solar chart is your mind. You are the human dream catcher, and you may discover that everything you encounter is interesting. You can hardly have a bad idea right now, which means you will have many good ones. Yet you cannot do everything, and you need a basis for choosing. Given that you have options, there are several ways to evaluate them. What do you want to do the most? What do you want to learn? What do you have to offer? What seems like it will be financially lucrative? Where do most of those intersect in one concept or plan? Your chart is bursting with originality at the moment, and if you’re any kind of writer or artist, you will want to take maximum advantage of that. Writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the chair — then start typing. Right now — in this moment of early Sagittarius — words are the most vital conducting medium of the mind. So whether you are a painter, musician, insurance salesperson, truck driver or ballet dancer, keep your pencil in your hand and write neatly enough to read it back.
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We see that you crave not just bonding with others, but the principle of the cosmic twin or twin soul as the essence of your relationships. And there is the picture of you having points of view that may oppose one another, but managing to hold them both at the same time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars is retrograde in your 8th solar house, Gemini. In the syntax of astrology, this is the most Scorpio-like house in your chart (because Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac). We find in this house the ability to easily converse with others about the intimate details of your life. We see that you crave not just bonding with others, but the principle of the cosmic twin or twin soul as the essence of your relationships. And there is the picture of you having points of view that may oppose one another, but managing to hold them both at the same time. And with Mars now making some unusual maneuvers here, we see you asking real and potentially uncomfortable questions, and analyzing whether your commitments are right for you. Yet ultimately, whatever the analysis might say, you must do what feels right. This is different for different people; feeling is a more reliable mode of guidance for some signs than others. And for you, it is undeniable: what you feel is what is right. When you determine what is right based on a formula of calculations, it’s unusual for the right thing to actually happen. When you have a body-level understanding, you are in a much better position to move with your whole being and take steps that lead to a better life. You are currently working through various levels of denial, self-deception and wishful thinking. One factor to include (which is on the mental spectrum, as it’s based on a simple enough fact) is: how long (as in months or years) have you been saying you want to change one particular thing?
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The world is packed with people who will try to warn you off of your best plans. Do not listen to them. They are merely repeating their own programming to you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Confront any lingering insecurities you may have about your plans for your life. Resolve to never let your self-doubts stop you from acting on your own behalf. Even if you’re not sure whether you’re up to any task, take the chance and see what happens. You are heading into one of the most creatively fertile times in many years. The world is about to go through a massive transformation, which will not be obvious until March. However, you can have a head start by fully engaging your ideas and your aspirations — and resolving to stop at nothing. The world is packed with people who will try to warn you off of your best plans. Do not listen to them. They are merely repeating their own programming to you. While it’s true that there are no guarantees of success, there is one certain assurance of ‘failure’: doing nothing when you feel inspired or called to action. Nearly anything worth doing is preceded by a phase of experimentation. Testing your concepts is essential, as is exploring the mental environment into which you plan to introduce them. These are the two facets essential for any form of creative success, so I suggest you study both and not think that it will be fine if you work in a vacuum. The world is changing and changing fast, though many people will not notice because this seems to be just more of the usual. But it is not; keep your ear to the ground and eavesdrop in local establishments to get a sense of what people are thinking, feeling and doing.
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There is a tendency to overdo things, take long trips, and make many promises. None of this is really necessary, and most of it is about attachment to the past.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pace yourself and take it easy for the next couple of weeks. Try to get some perspective and reconnect with yourself. The pace of your life is about to increase rapidly, and it’s likely to happen just ahead of the solstice and Sun’s ingress into your birth sign on the 21st. This is a reminder to keep your holiday plans as modest as you can. There is a tendency to overdo things, take long trips, and make many promises. None of this is really necessary, and most of it is about attachment to the past. That’s nice when it doesn’t get in the way of what is beckoning you today and tomorrow, which is coming on fast. Be ready to engage with the world and take initiative on the things you want to do. It will take some negotiation to find the meeting place between your creative drive and the needs of anyone you are serving. And at the same time, you are likely to find within yourself a desire to stay home, grounded and comfortable. This will require another meeting place, which is finding a balancing point between what you do at home and what you do outside of your home; equilibrium between matters professional and domestic. The two can support one another rather than compete. Yet you cannot skimp on asserting yourself and your enterprises, no matter how confident or secure you may feel. Your home life is your foundation and base of operations and you will build everything on that. But build you must, and build you will.
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You have to pay close attention nearly all the time, and you cannot be distracted by those who suck up your mental bandwidth (no matter how much you have). It’s also time to review the past three years of Saturn in your birth sign.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are about to have many solutions to pending problems available to you. However, you will need to do the mental work to match them up. This, in turn, calls for an inventory of situations that you are facing which need to be addressed. Therefore, be bold about identifying such circumstances, puzzles and various challenges. Notice how many of them have their roots in two main categories of issues: communication breakdowns, and the failure to notice the obvious. Start with assessing those and you will find that there are fairly easy approaches you can take — though they all involve mindfulness. As you are likely to be in various group situations (groups are everywhere, though this is a tendency for your sign more than for others), you have probably noticed that there are some people who do all the mindfulness for everyone else. It’s those “everyone elses” who you need to make sure do not get in your way, and keep the mindful people near you. You have to pay close attention nearly all the time, and you cannot be distracted by those who suck up your mental bandwidth (no matter how much you have). It’s also time to review the past three years of Saturn in your birth sign. This ends in March, and a whole new era begins: that of Pluto in your birth sign for the next 21 years. Pluto will ramp up the energy, the intensity of your affairs and will also raise the stakes on everything you’re doing. This review is essential, looking at all the major areas of your life: work, finance, relationships and your mental and physical well-being.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
No matter what your state of abundance is, it’s possible to run at a loss due to various forms of waste, many of which do not directly involve money. But plenty does, and this is why your diligent assessment of your priorities is essential.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Sun and its friends Mercury and Venus are now crossing your most aspirational angle, encouraging you to aim your sights high and think not just about this year but where you want to be five years from now. At the same time, Jupiter is spending its last few weeks in Pisces; this visit was a bit of a tease, lasting just under two months. However, Jupiter in Aries is no slouch, and it will spend five months transiting the financial angle of your solar chart. This is your invitation to place much more emphasis on improving your financial situation. However, the astrological key is this: knowing your priorities, your spending patterns, and your allocation of personal resources (attention, creativity, emotional output) must be directed at what you actually want and need. No matter what your state of abundance is, it’s possible to run at a loss due to various forms of waste, many of which do not directly involve money. But plenty does, and this is why your diligent assessment of your priorities is essential. One of the next major points of transition, approaching sooner than you think, is Saturn entering your sign in March. This will call for an approach of full-on discipline that I suggest you get into the groove of before this transit begins. Saturn in your sign can serve as a true blessing, especially for Pisces, which has a tendency to take things as they come. Saturn’s presence can represent a period of achievement and a relief from living in the midst of so many unknowns. Yet, you must do that old-fashioned thing and apply yourself.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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