To feel your potential, and to truly feel your existence, you must also have a capacity to experience pain, longing, loss, need and desire.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — That matter may become animated and turn into an amoeba and squirm around in a pond is pretty amazing. Many creatures modify their environment. Yet what would seem to distinguish humanity from everything around us is our capacity for reflective self-awareness. This includes the ability to consciously grow and become, as a choice or act of will, and knowing that we have options for how to respond to the situations that confront us.
Yet this exists mostly in potential. And that potential is extraordinary for you right now — an expanded capacity to be self-aware, to understand yourself, to grow rather than to cave in to your circumstances, and even to grow in the direction that you choose. But this comes at a cost, which is sensitivity. To feel your potential, and to truly feel your existence, you must also have a capacity to experience pain, longing, loss, need and desire. To boldly be yourself also involves moments where you may feel profoundly insecure. To acknowledge your strength implies affirming the ways you have been hurt. And it may be that the most important thing that we humans can do is to take those injuries, engage in a healing process, and learn how to turn them into sources of strength and wisdom.
This, and no less, is what you are summoned to do as the society embarks on this next stage of development. We are at a fulcrum where a small shift at the axis can create a massive difference in the future. You are being invited to lend your awareness to the moment.
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What you get to do is choose how you work with the abilities and opportunities that you are granted.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It would take more than imagination to envision the changes coming into your life, though seeing what does not yet exist would be a good place to start. For most people, this ability was curtailed long ago, which leaves them stuck living in a world invented by others. Yet more important than seeing what might be is seeing what is so right now, within reach of your senses. People who are lodged fully in the present are the ones most adept at creating the future.
There are many reasons for this, though they include the ability to admit your actual circumstances, and see what you have in order to work with it. What changes most significantly is that multiple forces are drawing you into a life where taking on some form of public responsibility will be imperative. This is likely to include both some kind of formal, structured responsibility, and the need to work with a potentized form of informal influence. These changes are going to happen to you. What you get to do is choose how you work with the abilities and opportunities that you are granted.
If you balk entirely, that is an invitation for them to appear in some shadow form that you cannot control and will not be as much fun. It is unlikely that you consider yourself a “public person.” Taureans are renowned for the need for privacy, and for placing nearly all of their emphasis on taking care of themselves. Your practiced ability will serve you well, particularly as you get to do quite a bit less of it when you devote your life to a much larger purpose than you ever have.
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Notice how your perceptions are changing, and what may have seemed real throughout your whole past is suddenly something else. Along these lines, what has seemed vague, foggy, intangible or difficult to grasp may come right into focus, all of a sudden, just like that.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are likely to be feeling the massive changes coming in the world, and you may even recognize that these present you with opportunities. However, the planets warn that you must move slowly and continue to test the bounds of your reality, even as so much seems to be swirling and moving. Some things you know and observe are true; others are not.
You are at a critical stage where you must make decisions based on valid information. You might observe something that seems entirely real, only to discover that it was not. There are going to be times when it’s tempting to just go for it, and that is what I am suggesting you avoid. You have time; what happens in March is just the beginning, not the end, and not a fleeting thing. Your best approach would be to probe your environment all the time. Determine who and what is solid, through experience. Notice how your perceptions are changing, and what may have seemed real throughout your whole past is suddenly something else. Along these lines, what has seemed vague, foggy, intangible or difficult to grasp may come right into focus, all of a sudden, just like that. Yet this is one expression of a much deeper shift in the whole composition of your reality.
And it is in this new reality where you must gain your sea legs, which will take time and experience. In a comparable way to Taurus, you are being summoned to collective service. Yet your superpower is your ability to be social and conversant with anyone, in nearly any environment, under any conditions. That is a special gift, and it will surely come in handy.
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For you, the real fireworks are going on in your house of professional reputation. You are in an extremely bold and pioneering time in your working life; what you’re experiencing now may be the culmination of many years of effort and personal development.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On the long list of unusual events of March 2023, one of them happens in your sign: Mars shows up, entering Cancer on the 25th. Everything else seems to change before then: Saturn will have already entered Pisces, Pluto will already be in Aquarius, and much else will have happened. Yet you must bide your time, which does not mean to wait, but rather to abide in your time. Live fully, meet the challenges that are arriving, and take nothing on belief.
For you, the real fireworks are going on in your house of professional reputation. You are in an extremely bold and pioneering time in your working life; what you’re experiencing now may be the culmination of many years of effort and personal development. Embrace the moment fully and do what you are called to do — one is fortunate to experience a calling as such, and even more blessed if they have the ability to respond. Whatever this may be about, you can trust that you are uniquely (in the real sense of that word) gifted, able and hopefully willing to be present and available. Your challenges may seem larger than life, and certainly larger than you.
Don’t worry about that; your reality is an expression of who you are, and you will never be asked to do more than you’re capable of. True strength is the ability to grow into your potential by rising to every occasion that presents itself to you. I will leave you with two thoughts. There is an important matter where you are missing key information; you will have more clarity around mid-month. Just hold a space open for that revelation. Second, do not let anyone, particularly women, drag you into conflict. Bob, weave, delay and diffuse until they run out of energy. If someone presents you with the opportunity to go blow-for-blow, it’s a trap.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
You may feel like you have to make significant changes on short notice, though really, all you need is to tune up your affinity for truth. Saturn in Pisces will guide you to the inevitable conclusion that you cannot kid yourself, or keep yourself in the fog, about any intimate partnership situation.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your astrology at the moment is a glorious creative endeavor, as if you are your own art project. Yet art is rarely created by happiness; it’s often the psyche’s response to challenges, struggle and pain. Be grateful that you have ways to express and transform your experiences and turn them into something that you learn from, and into something beautiful, and in this way experience growth and self-actualization.
Because Pluto is coming to your relationship angle later this month, you will need to use every method of remaining grounded in yourself, and in your inner life. Pluto will place emphasis on high-potency situations with others, and for those to work, you must know and honor who you are. That is a commitment — your first commitment — and it’s also a skill that must be maintained on an ongoing basis. There is another significant long-range transit that will have a more immediate effect, which is Saturn entering Pisces, another important relationship house in your chart. This is going to help you get clear in your commitments of all kinds. It will also help you tidy up certain boundary issues to which you may not have given a name.
You may feel like you have to make significant changes on short notice, though really, all you need is to tune up your affinity for truth. Saturn in Pisces will guide you to the inevitable conclusion that you cannot kid yourself, or keep yourself in the fog, about any intimate partnership situation. This includes your approach to long term relationships. There must be tangible, solid mutual ground that you share. This involves a cooperative relationship with Saturn’s most valuable role, the reality principle. In our world today, that would be special.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
You are likely to take a second look at events you didn’t fully understand at the time, and see them in a new light. This transit may come with the feeling of what horoscope writer Patric Walker used to call enforced changes.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Saturn arrives in your opposite sign Pisces on March 7, and I have a hunch this will bring a refreshing change to your life. This of course would depend on your mentality and emotional makeup, though here is my basic reasoning. For 12 years, you’ve been living with Neptune in Pisces, which is your primary relationship house (the 7th). Neptune in the 7th place can be isolating, though this happens in ways that are difficult to pin down (as is everything with Neptune). It also describes scenarios where the line between yourself and others becomes blurry.
It’s almost as if you have been living in a world that is not emotionally waterproof, so there is all kinds of leakage and permeation of your space. Overabundance of Neptune does not present an entirely trustworthy environment. Saturn showing up is a version of the lights coming on, and you may find yourself reassessing many people and scenarios in your life. You are likely to take a second look at events you didn’t fully understand at the time, and see them in a new light. This transit may come with the feeling of what horoscope writer Patric Walker used to call enforced changes. It may be uncomfortable for those whose lives have gradually been smothered in mendacity.
Saturn represents the opposite principle, that of let’s get real. But not everyone can stand this, as it commands them to make too many adjustments, including to their point of view. However, I suggest you go with the flow of the many changes that come to the world in March 2023. If you do your part, they will give you far more than they take away — much of which you’ll discover you did not need.
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So communicate in the style with which others approach you, and listen until you understand their modus operandi and their agenda. Everyone has both; paying attention to this will help ensure that you understand how and why you may be relating to anyone you meet.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From the look of your chart, people will enter your world this month who could become lifelong influences, whether teachers, friends, or partners. Having said that, I would add that when you encounter a new person, it’s essential to set aside your expectations and predictions, and let experience be your teacher. You have many facets of how you can relate to others. You can speak any language, from a social and professional point of view.
So communicate in the style with which others approach you, and listen until you understand their modus operandi and their agenda. Everyone has both; paying attention to this will help ensure that you understand how and why you may be relating to anyone you meet. It’s not necessary to agree with them on everything; liking someone is enough to deserve your interest. In another angle of your chart, Pluto enters your creative, expressive 5th place, Aquarius. This is another expression of the social world as an art form. Pluto will give you the chutzpah and the mental acuity to stand apart from any crowd or collective that would try to influence you, and to take leadership in a bold way — when you know you’re called to do so.
Pluto in the 5th is also the invitation to dive off of the deep end into your creative priorities, making sure that you give yourself time to have openings where nothing else matters. Creative includes the space to explore your feelings, your sexuality, and certain specific group experiences in a way you have long been called to, but have never had the opportunity. Pluto in Aquarius will open up many, many new possibilities for you, as long as you are open to what may seem a little strange or off-menu. So stay flexible and alert, and allow yourself to be inspired.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
One of them involves understanding the way in which your family conditioned you to seek acceptance from them as the highest value. This would be something you take with you into life, as an expectation you set upon yourself.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — For months, I have been tracking the movement of your ruling planet Mars through Gemini. That’s the astrology I’ve been describing about working out certain details of a relationship that involve getting to the bottom of matters. This is a layering process; discovering one’s own reality can be a challenge, especially when it is intertwined with that of another person. Yet March brings the moment of truth, when you see through the situation I am describing, and make many other discoveries.
One of them involves understanding the way in which your family conditioned you to seek acceptance from them as the highest value. This would be something you take with you into life, as an expectation you set upon yourself. When you stand up for yourself, and assert what you want, you may find you get pushback or find yourself stuck in a situation. Events this month conspire to set you free of many different kinds of bonds. Yet the most important among them is the one where you get trapped into believing something that is not true. Though it’s not easy, truth — particularly in intimate situations and those involving money — must be your one and only standard.
That means saying what you really mean, and not accepting it when others do not. If you can align yourself with this idea, the result will be a healing breakthrough of a kind you’ve never experienced. This could feel like an impassioned self-awareness that you understand is at the core of wellness. Once you have touched this state of mind, it’s far less likely that you will allow yourself to compromise, or be compromised in an unhealthy way.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
Listen to a Sample of Your Sagittarius Astrology Studio Reading for 2022-23
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You are being granted an enhancement of your talents and abilities that may take some time to develop. This is a reflexive act: when you speak, listen to what you say, and how someone else might hear it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You were born to express yourself, though it’s much more than that. You could say that art is any activity that changes the artist. And that, in turn, is someone who stays awake and alert with their tools in their hands. All of this is what your astrology says you are now experiencing in a way like never before. This is not necessarily easy, and there is part of you that may be resisting; you are being called on to feel so much, and to respond in a constructive way. As for the intensity of feeling and emotion: this is something around which you need a container, rather than an open moving and mixing of the elements.
Saturn moving into Pisces will provide that for you, and this is also an opportunity to concentrate your energy. If you do this, you will feel safer in the world, and more grounded in your physical space. What I am talking about is the ability to manage your emotions (which means energy in motion) rather than having them throw you around in the way that they often do.
As for expression: in addition to the creative cauldron and self-actualization in Aries, Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius will help you focus your thoughts and distinguish what you are thinking from what everyone else is thinking. Aquarius is your 3rd place, and this calls for expression in language above all else. Yet this must be language that is designed for others to understand, rather than the private internal language in which you are so adept. You are being granted an enhancement of your talents and abilities that may take some time to develop. This is a reflexive act: when you speak, listen to what you say, and how someone else might hear it.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
You have been living under the direct influence of the unstoppable force, and this has taken some time to get acquainted with. And then you come to depend on it, and as the eminent Martha Lang Wescott said, we miss it when it’s gone.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Pluto in your sign since 2008 has driven you through a complete rearrangement and restructuring of your existence, over and over again. You have been living under the direct influence of the unstoppable force, and this has taken some time to get acquainted with. And then you come to depend on it, and as the eminent Martha Lang Wescott said, we miss it when it’s gone.
For the next 18 months or so, Pluto will be working its way from your sign into Aquarius. This will be an important transition, and at no time will you lose the power of this most amazing planetary system. Yet there will be a shift in emphasis; when a planet moves from the 1st place to the 2nd place (i.e., from your own sign to the next), the calling is to recognize your true priorities. That means knowing what comes above all else, and acting on that knowledge. The emphasis shifts from self-knowledge to what you do about it. If there have been many times in recent years, by which I mean a long swath of the past, where you just could not focus your thoughts, Saturn entering Pisces will help. Neptune lingering here for many years has made it difficult to determine what is true and what is not; Saturn will drop a lens in front of your perception and you are likely to see the world in a whole new way.
Yet because it represents the reality principle, you may need to come to terms with past errors in judgment, some of them serious. Most of us accept that it’s unethical to deceive another person, though there is little comment on the ethics of believing what is not true. Just remember to leave the window open for possibilities that you may not understand. None of this is about belief; it’s about your process of recognizing the truth.
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This will become more difficult with every passing year, as we live in an environment that is dehumanizing in nearly every way. But you will have a superpower, in the form of a soul-level drive to exist.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — We’ve arrived at a place that I’ve long been contemplating how I would handle; what I would say to you at this time. That moment is the arrival of Pluto in your sign or rising sign — something that has not happened since 1777, long before anyone knew what Pluto was (and it lasts for 20 years). This is revolutionary astrology, but for you it’s deeply personal, and a call to awakening. It is an urgent invitation to put your growth and evolution above all else, in a way that you never have.
Yet this is not sitting alone in meditation, or taking a seminar at Omega Institute. Pluto is a driving force of nature, powerful beyond human conception. Aquarius is one of the most important signs that represents society itself, and it’s your sign. What Pluto is likely to do is focus your relationship to the people around you in a whole new way. You will feel their impact on you, but moreover, you will feel your impact on them. In other words, Pluto entering your sign is a shift in the total dynamic of your personal environment, and it will make you into a different person. The quest of the digital age is to remain human, and celebrate your humanity.
This will become more difficult with every passing year, as we live in an environment that is dehumanizing in nearly every way. But you will have a superpower, in the form of a soul-level drive to exist. This is a moment of complete redefinition; but it’s also a make-or-break point. When Pluto says jump, it is necessary to ask how high. Or rather, how deep, because this transit is calling on you to access your deepest core and express your existence from the inside out, all the time.
I have much more to say about this in Astrology Studio for Aquarius.
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I know this is not very popular these days, but ultimately, Saturn represents the ability to work upward from the bottom line. Its presence is an urgent answer to having lived with Neptune in your sign since 2011 — what you might call the fantasy principle.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst many other changes that both you and the world will experience this month, Saturn is entering your birth sign for the first time since 1993. You will read mixed reviews about this, though I take a positive view of Saturn as the representative of the reality principle. I know this is not very popular these days, but ultimately, Saturn represents the ability to work upward from the bottom line. Its presence is an urgent answer to having lived with Neptune in your sign since 2011 — what you might call the fantasy principle. Neptune also has the effect of making you more vulnerable to outside influences, and it can cloud your perception and your judgment.
Most significantly, it often has an isolating feeling. Saturn drops a whole new lens in front of your perception of the world, and your self-concept. Allow its presence to redefine you as a serious, practical person. This is associated with both commitment, and tapping your inner authority, instead of having to rely on outer authority to keep you in place. Another part of the Saturn principle is being your own boss to the point where you have mastery over your affairs. And it will provide you with a firm boundary between yourself and all who choose to influence you in some way.
You have needed this for a while: a kind of sealant around your psychic doors and windows, and a more substantial definition of yourself that you honor. While there will be plenty of adjustments to make, those are long overdue. So, too, is a period of building and expansion — which in this world may seem to be against insurmountable odds. Saturn is offering you something you can work with, and you have many other factors working in your favor, particularly a newfound depth of self-respect.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio33