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Trifecta 2023 Midyear Readings are a series of 12 extended video readings in which Eric covers the dominant influence of the second half of 2023: Venus retrograde in Leo as it interacts with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and the ongoing transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius (the physical world to the digital). Designed for your Sun and rising sign, and to gain insight into the lives of people you care about, you will find something helpful, useful and intelligent in every video.
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It’s probably tempting to lean in the direction of what is familiar, which may mean you’ve been there before. However, you have a better option, though it may feel more challenging

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Here in the age of the “information superhighway,” people hardly communicate, and their attempted conversations often go nowhere. Think of a real exchange as people going somewhere. For you the question is: where, and in what direction? You seem to be standing at an intersection of many possibilities. There are many feasible directions you can take, and more options than you can handle. If you don’t feel this is true, first think in terms of two main potential realities to choose from, and you will see that those contain others.
It’s probably tempting to lean in the direction of what is familiar, which may mean you’ve been there before. However, you have a better option, though it may feel more challenging. Why, exactly? What you would be rising to meet are your own priorities, which are too often easy to ignore. Yet if there is a time to engage with a particular creative risk, it’s now. You can wait for life to get better. Or you can take an inventory of what you have, and realize how much you’re working with.
Many times in the past you would have been thrilled to find yourself where you are today, with the potential that you possess. You have all the ingredients, but this meal is not going to get up and cook itself. The courage, the initiative and the willingness to invest your time and energy into your own cause are things that you alone can bring. And when you take that step, you’re likely to find you have any help and support that you need. But you must lead the way.

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This is rare enough in our world, especially at this time. Few people will give themselves the luxury of feeling they’re coming from a place of strength, and even fewer from a place of flexibility. You have both going for you right now, if you choose to test out these options.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Jupiter in your sign may feel like an invitation to drop anchor and stay put somewhere for a while. Yet the essence of your current astrology is your capacity to make spontaneous choices. Usually this idea makes you nervous; you usually like to think things through, and have all your homework done before you even try a new restaurant. However, you have sufficient resources to give you room for error, which is also room to benefit from experiments.
This is rare enough in our world, especially at this time. Few people will give themselves the luxury of feeling they’re coming from a place of strength, and even fewer from a place of flexibility. You have both going for you right now, if you choose to test out these options. To get the benefits of your own power, and your own abilities, you will need to push what you thought of as your limits. This will feel good; it usually does. Keep in mind that in the early part of (Northern Hemisphere) summer, you will feel more like getting around.
As the weeks unfold, however, you’re likely to want to settle in a little more. So take your opportunities for new places, sights and sounds as you can. When the upcoming Venus retrograde (which begins in July) starts to draw near, you may decide your backyard or neighborhood is the place to be for a while. Meanwhile, wherever you may be, remember that ideas increase by giving them away, and when you feed someone or something you care about, you feed your soul. The hunger you may be feeling is your reminder that you have one.

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Algorithms don’t go away easily. So take your time and work this out. As you do so, you may discover some wider or deeper connections that you were wondering about.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may find yourself addressing an important issue that you were sure was resolved. Mostly, it is. Whatever may be manifesting is some kind of last gasp, or a matter you may have overlooked. Algorithms don’t go away easily. So take your time and work this out. As you do so, you may discover some wider or deeper connections that you were wondering about.
You don’t have to act on any of this information beyond using it to make personal decisions, though you would be wise to keep it in mind. One thing that has changed is that your responsibilities are no longer strictly private (to the extent that was ever true). You are in a more visible role now, and people are counting on your wisdom.
As Pluto dips back into Capricorn for a few months, you will get to use well-earned lessons about the nature of how so-called reality is pushed on people generally, and on you specifically. Fortunately, you are much older and wiser than you were in 2008, when the journey that is now ending first began. Looking back, that seems like a world or two ago. You could fill several books with what you’ve been through since then, in some of the most challenging areas of living.
Yet if you have not made one particular discovery during this time, you’re in a great position to make it now. You have far more available to you than you think, in terms of both spiritual and material resources. Moreover, you are in a position to manage and allocate the flow of resources within your community — including putting the right people together with one another. You’ve not been accustomed to taking this kind of leadership role any time lately. But using your intelligence suits you well in whatever form you may get to do it.

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You will need to take the initiative and walk out the door; check events calendars and find something interesting; and be open to meeting new people — that is a choice. Your inherent makeup prefers what is familiar and settled in the social aspect of your life, as well as the domestic one.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s rare that you wake up and find yourself in a whole new environment. Maybe you’ve had the experience of moving cities with no special plan, and waking up that first morning realizing you can create your life in a whole new way. Well, the cosmos has moved around you. Whole new territories of your life have opened up and been illuminated over the past few weeks.
If you’re the kind of Cancer who stays home a lot, now is the time to get yourself outside. You will find the previously extremely strange social environment to be different from what you remember, but more welcoming than it’s been the past few years. You will need to take the initiative and walk out the door; check events calendars and find something interesting; and be open to meeting new people — that is a choice. Your inherent makeup prefers what is familiar and settled in the social aspect of your life, as well as the domestic one.
You will continue to enter environments that have been deeply affected by the impact of technology. This is inevitable; everyone has. Your interests are what is tactile, warm, emotional and recognizably human. If you keep those senses open, it will be easier to notice who else is doing so. The question is not whether people are technologically obsessed, but whether they are consumers or creators. And if they are creators, how awake are they? How passionate? How conscious of their potential impact are they? How devoted to understanding their world and its interrelations? Thinking about these things will help you take your philosophy of life to a new level. And as you do, you will find little pockets of affinity — intelligent people who consciously create their world.
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This reading is included with Backstage Pass.
You thrive on substance and depth, though these are values that are being wiped away from the new world as it is emerging. So it can seem pointless to make so much effort. Stating this differently, and please note that I am speaking from a personal value here, seeking fame for its own sake is a dangerous activity.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Jupiter is summoning you upward, toward new goals, a bigger vision for your professional life. This involves wanting more recognition for what you do. However, I would draw a line between recognition and reputation. It may seem subtle, but someone giving you an award (recognition) is different from your clients or customers counting on you to do an excellent job (reputation).
You now have the benefit of a yearlong transit of the “greater benefic” Jupiter moving through your house of reputation and responsibility (Jupiter in Taurus, your solar 10th house). You could easily capitalize on this, and I suggest that you do. It’s one of those indicators of many potential advantages and of good luck generally. However, if you take this setup and add your own intent, effort and the desire to be impeccable at what you do, you will see a much greater return. Those are the qualities that would motivate you to learn and develop your craft.
You thrive on substance and depth, though these are values that are being wiped away from the new world as it is emerging. So it can seem pointless to make so much effort. Stating this differently, and please note that I am speaking from a personal value here, seeking fame for its own sake is a dangerous activity. The real work of the 10th house is gradually becoming known for what you’re good at, because you’re good at it. For that to work, you must have a personal investment in what you’re doing. This entirely obviates any form of “fame for its own sake,” which is most of what well-known people are known for. Many factors indicate that you are due for a rise in profile, though this comes from the ground up rather than from the top down.
Pluto is here to stir up your revolutionary tendencies. Yet you will be more likely to succeed if you stay close to your own experience, and understand what has shaped you, and who has pushed you to compromise.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Speaking from long experience working with people as their astrologer, I can tell you that most never get beyond the control of their families. I don’t just mean people who cannot go anywhere without their mother. I’m also speaking of those who cannot quite recognize the box their family put them in, and how it is limiting them from doing the very things they say they want to do. Most of this involves guilt, which is the glue that holds back most progress, creativity and growth.
You have a special sensitivity here, and also, for many years, you’ve been working through this material. You’ve had little choice, with Pluto burning through Capricorn. You’ve had many opportunities to connect with your deepest childhood desires, and to make peace with the person you once were and may feel you’ve lost. You may have even reconnected with this being, who is alive within you, and wants your attention. Pluto is about to make the first of two visits back to Capricorn before entering Aquarius to stay in late 2024.
This is an invitation to review your progress on your inner child work (which includes inner artist work, and your capacity to be spontaneous). The theme to address in these review phases is raw power. It’s about the effect of the family entirely dominating the will, the feelings and the mind of the child. We take this for granted. It’s so prevalent that people hardly notice. And yet it happens, and is central to our experience of becoming adults. This, in turn, translates to how we expect to be treated by society: generally, as infants, and as wards of the state. Pluto is here to stir up your revolutionary tendencies. Yet you will be more likely to succeed if you stay close to your own experience, and understand what has shaped you, and who has pushed you to compromise. Then you will be far less likely to do it again.
Too often, you start with plenty, and then there is not enough left for you. You will need to be logical about how you figure this out, keeping count of both money and time. While love cannot be measured, whether someone holds a balanced place in your life must be subjected to evaluation. This can seem cold; not everyone wants to go here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The seeming complexity of your financial affairs will soon give way to a much simpler picture. Yet you will need to keep making decisions to reduce, remove, scale down and let go of what is not working. By that I mean really working, at least paying its own way and not causing too much trouble. From time to time this is a necessary exercise. Now with Jupiter providing you with opportunity and potentially with people interested in what you’re doing, you must free up the bandwidth for that to manifest.
This is the “decrease” suggestion from the I Ching, the more important even if you may be in a state of relative abundance. While you’re decreasing on the material level — and there is plenty you can subject to this idea — I suggest you look around for people and activities that are a time drain. We usually think of profits in terms of dollars earned over costs. I suggest you think of profit another way: as the liberation of hours and days previously occupied by something else.
At this stage of your life, you face a special challenge: unraveling the many ways that other people have dibs on your personal resources, of all kinds. Too often, you start with plenty, and then there is not enough left for you. You will need to be logical about how you figure this out, keeping count of both money and time. While love cannot be measured, whether someone holds a balanced place in your life must be subjected to evaluation. This can seem cold; not everyone wants to go there. Yet is it not a fact that your life is your own? It’s worth asking why every person who has access to you has that possibility open to them. It’s worth questioning every dollar, pound or euro that you spend, and making sure you get something back for your investment; or let it be a charitable donation.
No matter what their agenda — whether now or in the distant past — you’re truly on your own. Yet many before you have been through the territory of inner reclaiming.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have time to change your mind about a few things. Thanks to the recent brief experiment of Pluto in Aquarius, you have broached some emotional topics that have long been out of your grasp. You have learned enough over the past two months to give you not only plenty to think about, but the awareness that it’s time to think deeply and make some decisions.
Most of these involve your family and how you respond to their influences. You may be discovering how much their idea of you has been internalized. Once an emotional pattern is part of your makeup, those who were initially involved have little role in changing it. It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that they must change in some way, or make amends, so that you can have access to your own thoughts and feelings. No matter what their agenda — whether now or in the distant past — you’re truly on your own. Yet many before you have been through the territory of inner reclaiming.
So, not really alone, but needing to work out this mystery of how to rectify having had your inner reality “peer pressured” by people with the “best intentions,” who might even love you. This is about something else. The fundamental question is: how do people get power over you? Why and how does that keep happening? You might say that they convince you of something, though it’s something you already believe. This can be confronted logically. One experiment that might help is to make a list of everything you believe about yourself, and your abilities. Then slowly, thoughtfully, account for how you got to that particular opinion. Remember: the goal here is freedom.
he ultimate question, though, is your basis for determining whether something is true, especially about you. If the “thought” process in determining anything about you involved a robot or algorithm of any kind, you can assume that there is a problem.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Have you noticed that the lead story these days, in what passes for the news, is how artificial intelligence is going to take over our jobs and our lives? Yet there is nothing mentioned about the state of mind that we are being forced to endure in a world that is run by “artificial and enhanced reality.” You’re likely to want natural, ordinary reality; it’s weird enough and you do well here. This would be an excellent time to get a sense of how you may have been compromised and what you can do to stay grounded in the world of flesh and spirit.
This is about more than refusing to allow every activity to be taken over by some form of a computer application, though that is important. It helps to do things the old way. Use touchstones that connect you to the world in which we were all fully human. Think of these as actual stones that you touch, and make contact with something that is as old as a rock — and let this remind you who you were, and still are.
To stay at least partly out of the Meta-maze, it helps to read physical books, and to notice your state of mind when you do so. Books move slowly. For them to work, you must bring your imagination. This is a real exercise in 2023. They point you inward; you may notice that your inner space needs some dusting off. The ultimate question, though, is your basis for determining whether something is true, especially about you. If the “thought” process in determining anything about you involved a robot or algorithm of any kind, you can assume that there is a problem. You don’t need to be told who you are; you already know.
You will benefit from challenging any belief that you discover you are holding: this will keep your mind alive and young. The fact that Aquarius is involved means that, as you embark on the next phase of your life, you must remain mentally flexible.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Pluto returns to your sign this month, where it spent most of 2008 through early 2023. There will be two such visits, through the second half of 2023, and in late 2024. Then Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next two decades. The two retrogrades into Capricorn represent important phases of completion. One thing you’re wrapping up is what you’ve learned about the world. Your observations have led you to certain conclusions that you simply cannot deny. Yet you will benefit from asking questions.
You will benefit from challenging any belief that you discover you are holding: this will keep your mind alive and young. The fact that Aquarius is involved means that, as you embark on the next phase of your life, you must remain mentally flexible. Keep your priorities limber. Allow yourself to rearrange your agenda periodically. This is for two reasons. Any emphasis on Aquarius will come with a certain degree of things crystallizing. Any emphasis on Pluto has a potentially destructive effect.
The combination of factors says to keep your molecules dancing freely rather than growing dense and concentrated. As time goes on, it will be tempting to think of everything as a matter of power. This has been one of your most important areas of study. Yet that is not true. What we think of as power is merely a distortion. The natural world runs without electricity, petroleum or politics. The tides move; the seasons change; the light plays beautifully upon the Earth. That is your world.
Are you making changes when you figure out that it’s time? Are you looking at issues and situations from multiple viewpoints? Are you discarding external descriptions and definitions of who you are, in place of what you discover organically?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What have you experienced over the past two months, since late March? That’s an important bellwether of how the next few years will unfold. Are you making changes when you figure out that it’s time? Are you looking at issues and situations from multiple viewpoints? Are you discarding external descriptions and definitions of who you are, in place of what you discover organically? Those would all be signs of positive progress.
I am seeing renewed discussion of whether humanity is entering the “astrological age” named for your sign. The information is right in front of us; this isn’t groovy, but the Aquarian Age is about humanity’s struggle with artificial intelligence and synthetic reality. These extremely seductive developments have their hooks into nearly every person on the planet. It all started the first time you used Google. The danger of anything Aquarian is that it becomes a solid pattern, not considered subject to change. This, in turn, is a setup for demolition by Pluto — sooner or later.
These are exceedingly personal matters for you. They are about how you experience your existence and your inner reality. That you have a strong Aquarian signature in your charts means two things. One is that you must make a conscious effort to preserve your humanity; to not submit to control of any kind. Second, you are in a position of leadership. The particular flame you are running with is that of group initiation. Nearly all spiritual efforts are focused on individual transformation and not on groups of people taking leaps of progress. Individual journeys are still essential, though we need greater efficiency. Yet anyone who has not addressed their hazy inner material cannot be trusted as an exemplar or leader of any kind. That is always the pitfall. The next few months will once again call you inwardly, to do more deep work, and learn how to be available for others on a similar journey. Inevitably, you will be in the role of teacher. This will happen whether you’re ready or not — so you may as well be.

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You will need to bring continuity to your thoughts (rather than submitting to the chaos of digital conditions). And if you can do these things, and have a touch of faith in yourself, you will blaze a path made of small, meaningful steps.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your ruling planet Jupiter has taken up residence in the angle of your chart associated with ideas, written communication, commerce and community. This is Taurus, your 3rd solar house. For as airy-fairy as people think Pisces is (and many pick this up as self-image), you like your ideas practical, solid and most of all, beautiful. That the Pisces planet has arrived here suggests that you’re also the factor bringing wisdom and imagination. To put it mildly, all matters regarding the 3rd house will receive some of this nourishment — drops of Jupiter, quoting an old song.
I realize the world is not exactly handing out encouragement for people who are involved in anything so sublime as an idea, or something made by hand. Yet you have a special pass right now. Yes, you will need to maintain your focus from day to day. You will need to bring continuity to your thoughts (rather than submitting to the chaos of digital conditions). And if you can do these things, and have a touch of faith in yourself, you will blaze a path made of small, meaningful steps.
Because Taurus is involved, that brings in what is called preserver energy. Maintain what you’ve gained so far; honor what you’ve earned; give yourself double credit for having accomplished anything meaningful during our near-total drought of wisdom. Focus your goals on specific things you want to do, rather than wanting to be known for anything. Glamor, including being starstruck, are two of the most serious pitfalls that can afflict a sincere person. There is always the temptation to “be special.” You don’t need to worry about that at all; you already are, and you’re also seen that way. Skip that part in favor of being real, and focusing only on what you know comes from your creative essence. The world will catch up with you sooner or later.