You are likely to be looking at the source of the problem if you confront conditioning from your family infused with a little too much power or authority.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is such a thing as too much integrity. That can come in the form of not doing something you truly want to do. It shows up as being too rigid to be spontaneous. It can manifest as hesitation on matters where you know what you’re doing. In other words, fear or guilt disguised as virtue in some form. This is an effect of your ruling planet Mars making a long square (90 degrees, maximum tension) aspect to Chiron.
Mars in Cancer describes some emotional stress that is leading to any potential reluctance to do what you want. I am not talking about what you don’t want, or what you know is detrimental. You are likely to be looking at the source of the problem if you confront conditioning from your family infused with a little too much power or authority. Mars, which represents action and desire, is being pelted with a diversity of family-related emotional trips at the moment. The essence of this astrology is knowing when you’re making up your own mind, and when you’re channeling various ancestors and relatives, some of whom may be in the room with you. Self-actualization is largely about doing what you want to do for your own reasons, having nothing to do with the opinions of anyone else, or their hang-ups.
They have their issues, and you have yours — you don’t need any extras. When it comes time to wage the revolution, that will come in the form of overthrowing guilt and embarrassment and doing what is right for you, because you want to.

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You are being bestowed with extra influence or potentially even power, and for that to work out well, you are responsible for what you know. Consider the tradition of the president of the United States initialing every paragraph of a document he is reading, as proof that he knows what it says.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You tend to like things settled and predictable. Yet, these days you are constantly being prodded to reevaluate just about everything. For you, this feels like living on a dangerous edge. Yet it’s entirely conceptual. Life is and always has been a ride on a soap bubble. Who you are is always a work in progress, whether you notice or not; whether you love that fact, or resist.
However, a significant degree of that resistance can come in the form of not wanting to be exposed to new ideas or actual information — the things that can compel you to change your mind, which is another way of saying that they influence who you think you are. While this is a luxury that some think they can afford, you cannot; you need your mind to be agile, alert and able to take concepts on board without feeling any sense of threat. You may eventually get to the place where you are so in tune with the unfamiliar that anything well-trodden seems boring or pointless. The multiple sign changes of Saturn, Pluto and especially Mars are pushing you to stay alert and notice what you’re both thinking and feeling.
You are being bestowed with extra influence or potentially even power, and for that to work out well, you are responsible for what you know. Consider the tradition of the president of the United States initialing every paragraph of a document he is reading, as proof that he knows what it says. Your authority and power of communication must be supported by the constant embracing of new viewpoints, and the willingness to change your mind and update your files ongoing.
You may feel anger as a gut reaction, but have a value that you will resolve issues without resorting to aggression. Be alert to the fact that you will be inclined to take action whereas in recent months (or even going back much longer) you may have not done so.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars has finally left your sign, after spending seven months there — Aug. 20, 2022 through March 25, 2023. This has not been easy; we might question whether it’s been meaningful, though we both know that it has. You have had to experiment with how to apply your will; how to connect your words to your actions; and most of all, how to work out your conflicts with yourself. On that particular matter, Mars has raised the stakes.
How the twins get along is the most significant ongoing issue for Gemini. On many occasions Mars focused your inner controversy to the point where you had to admit that it exists. Mars in Cancer (along with Venus in Taurus) are both calling you to come from a unified place, emotionally. You are not two people; you are one person who is capable of holding multiple viewpoints at the same time. But that does not mean that they are all true, or that they all work for you. Mars in Cancer, however, cautions against dropping the deliberation process and being impetuous about your choices, or what you determine aligns with your values (or does not). That remains an open question. Values are not necessarily something that you can feel ‘from the gut’.
You may feel anger as a gut reaction, but have a value that you will resolve issues without resorting to aggression. Be alert to the fact that you will be inclined to take action whereas in recent months (or even going back much longer) you may have not done so. It’s still essential that you determine what constitutes right action, and what comports with your most deeply held principles.
Any delays may have served you well, and it’s better to wait and make a decision that you have faith in, rather than one that you do not. And this is very much a time for decisions, as a diversity of planets arc across the most powerful and expressive angle of your chart — Aries and your 10th solar house.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be aware of your emotional currents and riptides. Work with them rather than against them. Mars in your sign is something you haven’t experienced for a while, and it comes after seven months of what may have felt as no Mars at all. By this, I mean that for all these months, Mars in Gemini has been floating around a kind of blind spot, having mostly the effect of churning up your doubts and insecurities.
This went on for so long that you forgot that you really do have confidence, especially when you need it. It would be challenging to come up with an example of a more frustrating aspect than what’s gone on the past seven months, because Mars in such a state compromises your will and your ability to make decisions. I reckon that is a lot easier now, and you may recognize that the missing piece was confidence. Any delays may have served you well, and it’s better to wait and make a decision that you have faith in, rather than one that you do not. And this is very much a time for decisions, as a diversity of planets arc across the most powerful and expressive angle of your chart — Aries and your 10th solar house.
Jupiter alone would be enough to put you into a position where your decisions impact others, and can shape the future, and also reflect on your reputation. There are also the Sun, Chiron and Eris in Aries. And Mars is pushing matters along, making decisions inevitable; yet what you decide is up to you. Just keep choosing, and keep going.
Your freedom is in your potential; that in turn is released by your ability to make decisions. And those are always about being right where you are, and making observations about your situation and your environment.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Do you have a conscious vision for yourself? You are being summoned to tune into precisely that. I recognize that it’s hard to have hope or faith in the times we are living in. The difference between 2019 and today is that there seems to be a lot less potential, far less flexibility, and an odd sense that people just don’t seem to care about much. You cannot let what those muggles may think influence you or how you live. There is one thing you have that many people lack, despite any appearances to the contrary. And that thing is meaning.
You know your life is relevant, even if that’s on your own terms (that’s what meaning is). You know you have a purpose, even if you aren’t sure what it may be; that inner awareness is what counts. At the moment, however, the future is a massive reservoir of potential, and much of that is potential for self-discovery. It’s good that you like this, and that you think it’s possible. It has a way of driving your whole existence, though to live in harmony on Earth it helps to connect your self-discovery process to something tangible you do in the world. Both are necessary, and the principle of Dharma suggests you keep them in the same place. You can also bring one to the other. For you, it’s possible to make every action support your self-actualization process in some way. Bring your curiosity and your creativity to every task, project or activity.
Your freedom is in your potential; that in turn is released by your ability to make decisions. And those are always about being right where you are, and making observations about your situation and your environment. Here is a key, courtesy of a fortune cookie: Be humbly who you aspire to be; be resolutely who you are.
Give people the opportunity to accept or reject you. Unless you are boldly honest about your situation, you will never really know where you stand with people. I know that most people live on completely different terms, smothered in mendacity and drowning in withholds.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Broadly speaking, you seem to have two possibilities at the moment: live in the context of a relationship/partnership and its concept of who you are; or make your own choices for your own purposes, which means thinking as an independent person without the encumbrances of the relationship. You may have been at this juncture many times before.
It’s natural for you to seek your reality in the context of others (to some extent we all do, but you’re especially drawn to this). Then as you reach a new level of self-actualization, you outgrow that situation, and need to find yourself other ways. Chiron’s presence in the dynamic is calling for a high degree of awareness of this whole process, and coming up with another way to be. And you’re under some significant pressure to work this out now. There is only one long-term solution — your relationships must accommodate not only who you are at the time you enter them, but also who you may become. In any encounter with another person, on whatever terms, you must leave yourself room to grow.
And when you find yourself in the context of a relationship where your experience of yourself has expanded, you need to figure out what to do. Yet that really simmers down to one thing: tell the truth about your reality. Give people the opportunity to accept or reject you. Unless you are boldly honest about your situation, you will never really know where you stand with people. I know that most people live on completely different terms, smothered in mendacity and drowning in withholds. You’ve had enough success being real that you know it works pretty good most of the time.
One reward of this will be getting over another load of your hesitation and insecurity, nearly all of which comes from your family. Consider a simple formula to make up your mind, in the case of a dilemma. What is the most daring route you can take?

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There is plenty going on that seems plenty important, which could distract you from your true mission. The distractions are related to the thing you want to focus on, but the difference is that there is a self-serving dimension to your true calling — it’s as much about you as it is about whatever you’re doing.
This means focusing elements of your reputation, financial rewards, and building the future in a conscious way. Your daily activities may be similar under either approach. Yet the difference I am talking about is making sure that you come out ahead in the process. You are normally so devoted to doing things for their own sake that this does not occur to you. But now would be a good time to focus on this priority. There is so much energy moving through your world, you can harness a little of it to rise up in the world. One reward of this will be getting over another load of your hesitation and insecurity, nearly all of which comes from your family. Consider a simple formula to make up your mind, in the case of a dilemma. What is the most daring route you can take? Given several options, which is the one that requires courage, and also comes at a greater risk? That’s where you’ll have the most fun and stand to reap the greatest rewards. Pluto in Aquarius will not be a barrel of laughs for everyone, though you are specially poised to gain the greatest rewards.
Yet this requires invoking a certain boldness and willingness to challenge the social status quo. In other words, risking what some call “unpopularity” will work well for you, especially if you keep your deeper policy of doing things because they are the thing to do.
Under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, one of the central questions you face is that between needing acceptance and wanting independence. If you want to have both at the same time, there’s only one way to do that, which is to do what you think (or know) is right, and then leave it to people to make their choices about you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your challenge is to invest your faith in what you think (or know) is right, without allowing the insecurities of others to dissuade you. Look closely and you may decide that this quest is the story of your life. You have confidence, others have anxiety, and they somehow signal that they won’t accept you if you don’t imbibe their fears. This is seen as a form of camaraderie. Under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, one of the central questions you face is that between needing acceptance and wanting independence.
If you want to have both at the same time, there’s only one way to do that, which is to do what you think (or know) is right, and then leave it to people to make their choices about you. If you do what they think is right, you will never know. If you never test their position, or yours, you cannot build confidence. Confidence is not given; it’s earned through acting on your own volition and seeing the results that you get. This of necessity will involve going against what others think you should do.
Most of your relatives did not do this; they took what they thought of as the safe route, specifically because they didn’t want to risk the judgment of others. Yet there may have been one person in your family who refused to play this game. Think carefully. She was way ahead of her times, she did what she thought was right, and she had the respect of others for doing so. Somewhere in your life, there is an example of how to be yourself under all conditions at all times.
The creative process is often self-absorbed and somewhat aggressive. The work of assisting others must be centered on them and conducted in a spirit of nurturing and caring. The balance and interweaving of these themes is in your chart, and will be for the foreseeable future.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is in rare form right now, glowing and resonating from your fellow fire sign Aries. And it’s hanging out close to another Sagittarian planet, Chiron. Jimi Hendrix, one of the greats born under your sign, once asked the true question: Are you experienced? This combination of factors is urging you to convert your curiosity into action by actually exploring and experimenting.
The action is taking place in the 5th place of your chart, the one where you specialize in having fun (to quote another Saggie rock star). Yet this is not where your astrology ends; you are being encouraged in all ways to be productive, and to accomplish solid things for yourself and for others. Ideally this happens in a spirit of gaining direct experience rather than thinking in theory. The emphasis is equally on experimentation with the method and the delivery of something tangible and essential. There is a hot/cool blend here. The hot part is the bold quest. The cool part is how you put what you know to work for others. Preferably, this is done without attachment on your part, yet at the same time you will need to work to ensure that you are addressing specific needs of those around you. For many people, this is a difficult balance to attain.
The creative process is often self-absorbed and somewhat aggressive. The work of assisting others must be centered on them and conducted in a spirit of nurturing and caring. The balance and interweaving of these themes is in your chart, and will be for the foreseeable future. And the two add up to a whole greater than the sum of the parts.
For the next 18 months, you will have a series of opportunities to consolidate your knowledge through various practical endeavors, putting it to work. The emphasis of your chart is, during this time, shifting to the social realm, though this may have turned you off the past few years, as you figured out how many people sacrificed their intelligence to the god of conformity.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – The central question of Pluto working the territory between Capricorn and Aquarius is, for you, what action is the fruit of your knowledge? You have learned so much, plenty of it from experiences that you did not want at the time but today would not trade for anything.
For the next 18 months, you will have a series of opportunities to consolidate your knowledge through various practical endeavors, putting it to work. The emphasis of your chart is, during this time, shifting to the social realm, though this may have turned you off the past few years, as you figured out how many people sacrificed their intelligence to the god of conformity. But note that the social realm is changing rapidly and there are various levers, wedges and blasting zones where the established, entrenched pecking order is going to split apart and unravel. People who are living their lives and conducting business with the ethics more suited to Twitter are in for a cold awakening. Under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, many people are getting the message that they were brainwashed, though this may first show up as the recognition that everyone else seems to have succumbed.
Therefore, there are openings for you to explore new social territory, and to assert your individuality in ways that seemed impossible or painful three years ago. The gradual departure of Pluto from your sign means that you must begin to provide your own evolutionary impulse; your own drive to change and grow as a voluntary act, rather than as something you are forced to do based on your circumstances.
You must know, at all times, whether you accept something is true because you understand it to be true, or because other people believe it. This will no longer be a safe refuge. It never was safe, but now you have the power to boldly challenge alleged collective views and therefore interfere with the way they can get a grip on you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Pluto in your sign will provide you with an endless stream of discoveries and revelations, though let’s start with what feels like a quickening. The speed of time, if not specific events, seems to have picked up, like a river running through narrow rapids. The social order to which you’ve grown accustomed is unraveling or even reversing itself (whether you liked it or not; whether you benefitted or not).
Quite a few people have settled into a kind of routine, and have been convinced they are on the winning team. Many adopted a certain viewpoint for this reason alone, sticking with popular people, following trendy influencers, and living in seeming ignorance of all the new pins that have been placed on the map. Pluto demands a big-picture view. It is going to transform Aquarius from the sign of social pressure, in-groups and dissidents to the sign of whole-system thinking. Many of the seemingly solid roads and tracks laid down by previous outer-planet transits (most of them rooted in digital hypnosis) are going to be dug up. Elements of our lives long taken for granted will seem to go off-road and into the wilderness. Here is where original thinking will come in handy, which will often take the form of “what’s the best use of this problem or circumstance that seems to be out of my control?”
However, the core focus of your evolutionary drive becomes something most people find extremely difficult to perceive. You must know, at all times, whether you accept something is true because you understand it to be true, or because other people believe it. This will no longer be a safe refuge. It never was safe, but now you have the power to boldly challenge alleged collective views and therefore interfere with the way they can get a grip on you.

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Keep track of others in your life who are willing to take responsibility for the world around them, and delegate some tasks to them. You are seeing that you need to manage your workload and life flow consciously and carefully, and attend to many personal details you have overlooked in the past.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Saturn is gradually helping you get a grip on your time and on your life. Stage one of this may be the awakening to how difficult this has been, for how long. It’s been five years since Chiron left your sign, which provided you with a kind of lens or filter through which you could see and manage your affairs. It’s been difficult living without this, though now the rising tide of fantasy (Neptune) has been joined by the reality principle (Saturn).
To get the maximum benefit from Saturn, work with its core elements: honoring the passage of time, respect for when things must happen, taking authority over all matters of personal business, and reminding yourself there is a line where you end and others begin. This last one may be the most significant of them all. It’s something that every Pisces I know struggles with, which is because Pisces is the delta of Venus, the ocean that refuses no river. It’s why you care enough about animals in distress to actually help them; it’s why you will open your home to someone who you know needs a refuge. These are essential healing elements in the human condition we are in, though you need to erect a fence around your garden, and make sure that your door locks work properly. It will help if you slow down the time between when you’re asked for something and when you say yes.
Keep track of others in your life who are willing to take responsibility for the world around them, and delegate some tasks to them. You are seeing that you need to manage your workload and life flow consciously and carefully, and attend to many personal details you have overlooked in the past. With this approach, Saturn always gives more than it takes away, and helps eliminate much that was not serving you.