Preorder Your Future. Your Life.
Insightful, accurate personal astrology for an affordable price — from Eric Francis and Planet Waves.
The Planet Waves midyear reading is for your Sun and rising sign, and to gain insight into the lives of people you care about. Called Your Future. Your Life., it is a series of 12, thirty-minute-plus video readings, where Eric will cover all of the astrology out to the end of the year: Jupiter in Aries; the power-sextile between Saturn, Neptune and Eris; Mars retrograde in Gemini; the autumn solar eclipses; and more. You will find something helpful, useful and intelligent in every video. Moreover, we provide free access Planets in Motion 2022, Eric’s new, e-book with information you can only get from a professional reading — if the astrologer sees the aspects and can read them. You can preorder now at the lowest price with a promo code. Write to us if you want a promo code! with “promo code” in the email header, using this email address: cs@planetwaves.net
You may experience this as déjà vu, as remembering your sleeping dreams in an usually vivid way at odd times during the day, or having the feeling that you’re in two places at once. Speaking of dreams, your activity on the subtle planes at night will continue to be unusually rich and equally informative.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Just like that, Jupiter is about to enter your sign. This will magnify or expand all things in your world, and give you a much better sense that you belong on the planet. Its arrival in just a few weeks will let off pressure; you may feel your ears pop and be able to hear things much more clearly — so listen. Yet you may also feel like you’re walking around in two worlds at once, a dreamlike astral world, in parallel to the world you can see. You may experience this as déjà vu, as remembering your sleeping dreams in an usually vivid way at odd times during the day, or having the feeling that you’re in two places at once. Speaking of dreams, your activity on the subtle planes at night will continue to be unusually rich and equally informative. Consider it a form of normal consciousness, even though the rules are a little different. There are many spiritual theories which hold that all we perceive is a dream, and if true, this implies that you are the dreamer. The art of dreaming is sublime, and is initially based on observing that you are doing so. That is what those subtle clues (such as déjà vu and parallel world experiences) suggest. Now, the question is, how to direct and influence your experience. Jupiter will bestow on you the power of attraction. Your mere presence in any situation will bend space and time. You do not need to say much. Notice carefully who and what is drawn in your direction.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
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“If I admit that to myself, then I will need to admit that other thing, and that other thing.” Then where will it end? Better to stay away. Or, “If I admit this to myself, then I will need to take that action.”

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Where do you begin? You may begin anywhere. You choose any situation you want to resolve, and observe what it’s made of, and how you feel about it. When you are aware of a need for healing, the first thing to do is listen to yourself — and be honest with yourself. This is often the most serious obstacle, owing to an equation: “If I admit that to myself, then I will need to admit that other thing, and that other thing.” Then where will it end? Better to stay away. Or, “If I admit this to myself, then I will need to take that action.” Or, “If I seek help for something, then I must admit that it happened.” Therefore it seems easier to not make the admission or come to the understanding. Yet this is how lives are smothered in denial; and denial takes energy to sustain, and that translates to lost time. You have reached the moment where you must live uncompromisingly in your truth, and do nothing else. I know this is not easy: many live with the sensation their life is a house of cards, and they must tiptoe around within their own existence, never letting on what they really feel, or really want. If you think you have concerns about self-esteem, depression, or are feeling stuck, this is a place you can explore. The theme of your chart for this solar return — the next four seasons of your life — is resolving unresolved business so that you may get on with your life, particularly where your emotional reality is concerned. Yet in this we have little support from society at large; and we live in an era where honesty is often punished. And often, our friends are not interested in the quest either. That leaves you, and as you will know, it’s time to listen to yourself, no matter how softly you may speak.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
Pre-order Taurus Astrology Studio here!
While it’s possible to know a great deal about some facets of life, there are others where a definitive answer is not possible, or — perhaps more significantly — not helpful. So while we have one picture in your solar chart of a hyperfocus on one thing, the rest of the planets describe a more circumspect approach to your days, and to what you want to accomplish.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be tempted to seek proof about something that pertains to you personally. If that becomes the thing you must verify or validate at all costs, then the price will be high. If you seek understanding, you will gradually acquire that. While it’s possible to know a great deal about some facets of life, there are others where a definitive answer is not possible, or — perhaps more significantly — not helpful. So while we have one picture in your solar chart of a hyperfocus on one thing, the rest of the planets describe a more circumspect approach to your days, and to what you want to accomplish. ‘Circumspect’ means to look around and explore. It would be helpful at this time to not focus on gaining a reputation for something, or aspiring to a single goal. Rather, explore the possibilities, including any sense of uncertainty about your direction. The uncertainty factor is your friend, or something to make peace with. In this, you can make contact with where you are, without engaging the need to change anything. I know this can be disquieting. You may discover that there are a number of unknowns, which you will start to get a sense of when your mind is a bit quieter, and when you’re not striving for anything much. It’s true, there always seems to be some urgency. In terms of what you might want, I would suggest that a good question is worth much more than any kind of answer. Yet if you find one, pause there for a while.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
All this effort consumes most of the oxygen in our environment — the blood fuel of motivation, curiosity, and the sense of inner quest. Most of all, it blots out the delicate thing known as meaning.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The heart of the matter is spiritual. Yet this would seem to have little relevance when the affairs of the world all drive toward the appearance of success and acquisition as a means to happiness. Then there is the urgency of escaping and eluding fear, rather than addressing it. All this effort consumes most of the oxygen in our environment — the blood fuel of motivation, curiosity, and the sense of inner quest. Most of all, it blots out the delicate thing known as meaning. To have that, it’s necessary to be receptive, and to reflect. You are unlikely to get the instantly satisfying sensation of a nut screwing perfectly into a bolt. Yet you’re not a hard object, nor are you in any way definitive. Your nature is water, and water is the dominant element in the sky at the moment. Take advantage of this while it lasts: get as much quiet time as you can arrange, and as much time alone. You can stop and relax for a while, even if you think you cannot. The more you turn your awareness inward, the more you will want to continue doing so. There is a timing factor — early in the new month, watery elements become fiery ones (in particular, Jupiter and Venus, now in Pisces, enter Aries). That alone will feel like a call to action, and my suggestion is that you be inwardly prepared. Your outer world will beckon in entirely new ways, sooner than you imagine. For that to help you, it’s essential that you be in alignment with yourself.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
You might have everything — money, other resources, talent, experience and good people around you. Yet if you don’t have a sense of possibility that is all your own, you can’t make use of any of it; you’re unlikely to notice what you’ve got available.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It has been difficult to see over some limitation, boundary, or blockages, but help is on the way. This comes in the form of a sudden, perhaps stunning change of perspective: a sense of possibility opening up. You might have everything — money, other resources, talent, experience and good people around you. Yet if you don’t have a sense of possibility that is all your own, you can’t make use of any of it; you’re unlikely to notice what you’ve got available. Being aware not just of potential (which is an abstraction) but of actual possibility — that is the activating factor. So state of mind is everything, including how you feel. Get ready to go beyond the expectations of others — and far beyond your own previous notions of what was possible. Jupiter in your 9th solar house Aries, which happens just every 12 years, is your calling to adventure. Yet this is about an adventure of self-discovery. If you cross the great stream, you are going to meet yourself. If you journey across the mountains to the sacred temple, you are going to encounter yourself. If you receive Darshan from a great guru, you will be looking into a mirror. The purpose of your life at this time is to fully engage in your quest toward self-discovery. Remember that you’re sensitive to the influences of others; be careful not to take on their assessments or judgments, negative or positive, nor to allow anyone to dissuade your search for true understanding. You are about to be in possession of the golden ticket. Use it boldly.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
Therefore, I suggest you engage in an exercise of calmly noting when you or someone close to you has a need; and then assume that you have or can acquire the means to meet that need. Now, this is always true on some level, though often it doesn’t seem that way.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your astrology looks like that of someone about to receive an inheritance, or to come into possession of a trust fund. There are many possibilities, though the thing to remember is that you have resources available. Therefore, I suggest you engage in an exercise of calmly noting when you or someone close to you has a need; and then assume that you have or can acquire the means to meet that need. Now, this is always true on some level, though often it doesn’t seem that way. In most ways, the world is described by lack, not abundance. Yet astrology calls attention to different things at different times, and Jupiter is moving into the realm of shared resources. You need to trust yourself enough to use other people’s money. It is likely that they already trust you, and while you must not take that for granted, I suggest you practice having confidence in that fact. One thing is essential: that you know a warning when you hear it. While you don’t need to let others decide what you should fear, I suggest you take all cautionary words under advisement for long enough to evaluate them and perhaps seek a second opinion. Be especially alert when dealing with people in power: bosses, higher-ups, government agencies and Indian chiefs of every variety. Make no assumptions. Proceed consciously and on the basis of facts, rather than of rumors. And remember, who you know is as important as what you know. Both count for extra these days.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
This is partly about Jupiter about to manifest in your ever-important 7th house — the one that describes your environment and your partnerships. Jupiter, the fat and happy boss of all the planets, makes its way into this region of your chart in a few weeks.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may soon feel like your life is divinely guided. That would be nice. We have lived through a long time when the world has felt bereft of potential, overrun by fear and fearful people, and where so many good things are vanishing into the past. Yet for you, this seems likely to reverse. This is partly about Jupiter about to manifest in your ever-important 7th house — the one that describes your environment and your partnerships. Jupiter, the fat and happy boss of all the planets, makes its way into this region of your chart in a few weeks. This would be helpful enough, though there are two other factors you can work with. One is that your ruling planet Venus is also on the way, and is in rare form at all times this month. Therefore, position yourself for success: follow your guidance where to go and what to do. Let yourself gravitate toward those with influence, and make your existence known to them. Yet there is a deeper factor at work. Both Venus and Jupiter will make conjunctions to a subtle planet called Manwe, named for the chief of the gods in the legendarium of J. R. R. Tolkien. Powerful forces are at work right behind the ones you can see and feel. Stay in tune with those influences, and pay attention to who in the earthly realm represents someone from the deeper world.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
In recent years, Chiron has been helping you get underneath anything that has been troubling you. This of course may have enhanced the feeling that you need to pay attention to your health, and by that, I don’t mean watching Dr. Sanjay Gupta reruns all night on CNN

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The key to life is feeling good. It’s difficult to figure this out in a world where it seems like everyone and everything is so committed to feeling shitty, and where so many people take for granted that they are depressed and uninspired. In recent years, Chiron has been helping you get underneath anything that has been troubling you. This of course may have enhanced the feeling that you need to pay attention to your health, and by that, I don’t mean watching Dr. Sanjay Gupta reruns all night on CNN. It’s essential that you think of your health holistically, meaning paying attention to how everything influences everything, including you. Rather than looking for a ‘magical cure’, or persisting in any form of hygiene theater, take the effort to sort out what is helpful and what is harmful. Consider food, water, air, activity, your behavior, and who you associate with — all included. Yet there is one other factor that is perhaps the single most important factor in the life of a Scorpio besides an abundant supply of sex, and that is work you can relate to. By relate to, I mean work that expresses who you are, and feeds your self-development. I mean work that you are happy doing, where you can express some creativity, and most of all, that does not negatively impact your health. Perhaps you think this is more you can ask from life, though the planets say otherwise.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
These are the two missing elements in the lives of most of the population: confidence that you can make what you need, or solve a problem using your inventive nature; and the courage to dare. Both of these are personal commodities that are increasing in value.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to make a bold move, entering a fire sign for the first time in several years. That would be Aries, which is your solar 5th house — the realm of creativity, and your ability to actually take risks and have something good come of them. These are the two missing elements in the lives of most of the population: confidence that you can make what you need, or solve a problem using your inventive nature; and the courage to dare. Both of these are personal commodities that are increasing in value. And frankly, you don’t have much competition in a world of people who tie their shoes to one another before they go out for a walk. While it may seem that in many ways, opportunities have been disappearing, for you, there are more than ever — though it may take a month or so before you notice this in full force. The key to all of your success will be direct experience: using what you have, and gaining what you may lack. That alone will serve your cultivation of self-esteem and confidence. This is a gift of Chiron, which has been moving through this area of your chart for the past few years and will be greatly enhanced by the presence of both Venus and Jupiter. It is time to test the limits of what is possible. It is time to consider your curiosity as a form of inspiration. Stand boldly in your sex appeal, your artistic vision and your status as the zodiac’s certified bold explorer of the unknown.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
Actually, you understand that your professional reputation and most of your achievements are attained through mutually beneficial relationships rather than through competition. Yet as for what you identify with, and what you mean when you say I, me or my own — that’s often about the ground you stand on and the building you live in.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Home is the highest priority in your life. Like many things involving Capricorn and its opposite sign Cancer, I think astrology has this backwards. Capricorns are often accused of being ruthless professional climbers, while Cancerians want to sit home and make fruit salad. Actually, you understand that your professional reputation and most of your achievements are attained through mutually beneficial relationships rather than through competition. Yet as for what you identify with, and what you mean when you say I, me or my own — that’s often about the ground you stand on and the building you live in. These are so integrally connected to your identity that they are one and the same. Jupiter is about to make its once-per-12-year visit to Aries, your solar 4th house. This is the feather-your-nest aspect, though there is something more important. Use the power of Chiron in Aries to deepen your roots, and the power of Jupiter to expand your base. The presence of Chiron adds an ancestral dimension to this quest — though significantly, the more or less permanent conjunction of Pholus and Quaoar in your sign (exact contacts through 2030, and very close contacts through 2038) means you are one with the ancestors, and one with the land. This is not merely metaphorical or symbolic: this will work out to be a central theme of this lifetime, and a core point of orientation and bottom line for anything vaguely or precisely resembling reality.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
While it is true that Aquarius is the sign of groups, what makes you dependably and persistently social is the presence of Aries in your 3rd solar house. You identify with the human activity around you, whether it’s recreational or commercial — you are keen in your understanding how closely related these are.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Jupiter’s ingress into Aries will be highly supportive of your efforts to do business, particularly locally — and to deepen your involvement with your community. While it is true that Aquarius is the sign of groups, what makes you dependably and persistently social is the presence of Aries in your 3rd solar house. You identify with the human activity around you, whether it’s recreational or commercial — you are keen in your understanding how closely related these are. Venus spends most of the month here, though Jupiter will be around for a year. This is your cue to make contact in person with everyone you possibly can. Pretend you’re running for mayor. Turn shopping locally into a personal religion. Be the person who knows everyone, and who can refer people to the right place. Spend cash. Leave something behind — a business card, a gift, a favor. In any ‘usual’ time in history, this is an excellent practice of Dharma — acting as if to hold the world together. In our time, you’re more like the one surviving marathon runner carrying the sacred torch, though the more apt metaphor is that you are re-weaving both your psyche and your physical reality. The real culprits in this mess are all digital, and our tendency to let it substitute for the actual gathering of humans to fraternize, trade and take care of one another. Going shopping was never so spiritual.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.
This extends to how you use your money, and all of your resources. You are bound by a higher law, or perhaps more aware of this fact than most people, and this is one of the defining features of your lifetime.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter making its move into Aries, the money angle of your chart, is your reminder to ensure that your priorities are in alignment with your finances. While this is the best transit anyone could dream of for improving their cash flow (and it happens just once per 12 years), you in particular have a need to be wholly in accord with what you do to earn your living. This extends to how you use your money, and all of your resources. You are bound by a higher law, or perhaps are more aware of this fact than most people, and this is one of the defining features of your lifetime. There’s no pretending here: your blessings depend upon your daily choice to do the right thing. This includes plenty of leeway for experimentation (in fact, this is essential). It specifically excludes doing what you know is not right for you, what you don’t believe in, or what in any way lacks social or creative value. Be bold about this. Stand fully in who you are, and what you know is true. Give yourself permission to act on long-delayed desires. Mean what you make down to your bones. You are granted an unusual degree of both talent, and confidence by others, and currently you’re at your most persuasive. These are extraordinary powers, and privileges, in a world that is running on very little faith or trust.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: RRDZNW9X.