![Planet Waves](https://planetwaves.net/astrologynews/images/oct28-2011.jpg)
Classic Article: Tales from the Other Side of Astrology
Dear Friend and Reader:
THURSDAY, Nov. 4 at 5:14 pm EDT, the Moon and the Sun form a conjunction in mid-Scorpio, which is the New Moon. This takes place close to the cross-quarter — the midpoint between equinox and solstice. The Sun passes the cross quarter at 12:59 EDT am on Sunday, Nov. 7. (Note, daylight time ends an hour later.)![](https://planetwaves.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/444web-new-moon.jpg)
Events that occur near the cross-quarter can resonate loudly and have more influence than they otherwise might.
That’s another way of saying that what we are witnessing now is more significant than it seems. While this would only seem to affect those who are paying attention, those who are not are more likely to be blindsided by events as they develop.
The cross-quarter is Samhain (pronounced sah-wen), which shows up in the calendar as Halloween, Days of the Dead, All Soul’s Day and All Saint’s Day. We are in the time of year where “final harvest” celebrations are held. Early August is the time of “first harvest” or “second planting,” which is another cross-quarter called Lughnasadh or Lughnasa (pronounced lunessa).
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Planets in the Mix: Mars, Saturn, Uranus
This New Moon has two additional distinctions, besides the connection to the cross-quarter. The somewhat obvious event is the opposition to Uranus. If this were being covered by The New York Post, the headline would read:
Uranus, the first planet ever officially discovered with a telescope, is the planet of surprises, unexpected turns of events, and developments that carry a before-and-after effect. With an aspect of this nature, I look at the degrees and minutes. This one splits a single degree into very small slices; it’s exact to just seven minutes of arc. Precision matters: this aspect is talking about something specific that is now in motion.
I consider the 1781 discovery of Uranus to be the point of demarcation between “pure science” (that of Isaac Newton) and commercial science (that of the early industrialists, leading to the situation we have in the 21st century).
Saturn is the science of labor and toil, and the invention of logarithms and calculus. Uranus is the bright, shiny object of the electrical era.
Today we assume those we call scientists have the integrity of Sir Isaac. Among later-era inventors, we remember Thomas Edison and we tend to forget Nicola Tesla.
We remember Jonas Salk and we tend to forget Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy (see interview with Katy Bray, who tells the story). There were scientists with integrity in the 19th and 20th century, but they don’t count unless their inventions built an empire traded on the stock exchange.
Anyway — New Moon opposite Uranus can bring news (and direct experience) of science and technology. Here’s a fine idea that just floated into my inbox: allow computers (AI) to diagnose patients and write prescriptions. If Saturn is the planet of boundaries, Uranus is the planet of “there’s no such thing as going too far.”
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Mars Square Saturn, and Opposite Uranus
Mars is now in Scorpio, after making a dramatic curtain call in Libra a few weeks back (Mars passed through the last contact of the Pluto-Eris square with a bang). I have not said enough about Pluto-Eris — spanning January 2020 to October 2021, it’s an aspect integral to the history we’ve lived through (and are living through, mostly unconsciously).
Mars is moving into a square with Saturn (a primary topic of the horoscope column below). That aspect is exact Nov. 10, though with any square, the pressure is gradually doubling, to a point of either frustration, release, or both.
We are under its influence now, and it’s a key factor in this New Moon. However, the Moon and Sun’s opposition to Uranus may describe trying to release the tension and attempt a resolution to a difficult matter too soon for your benefit. Most people cannot deal with tension and will do anything to get out of it.
For its next act, Mars in Scorpio will make an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. That is another one that qualifies for “with a bang,” and it takes place Nov. 17. In my experience, when you mix up Saturn, Uranus, Taurus and Scorpio, you can get an effect on the economy.
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The Real Tension of Mars, Saturn and Uranus
The prevailing theme of the astrology — from many angles — is the individual versus the group. We see this in the Sun and Moon (representing private interests) opposing Uranus (groups). Mostly, though, the group dynamics are represented in our extended moment by Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, which is tending to lock down what would seem to be an intractable position.
The individual in this equation is (as is often true) represented by Mars. Our closest neighbor (and a relic of the previous solar system) is in Scorpio, where it is soaking in the values of others (a Scorpio theme). That is challenging enough.
Now it’s about to make a square to Saturn in Aquarius, which can feel like the individual slamming into the group, or what is pretending to be a group.
We hear a lot about “others,” “the collective,” “the community” and various pretensions of “we’re all in this together,” but who is calling the shots? Who is setting the terms of this individual versus everyone else game?
Who is the party deemed selfish, because they go against the group? Who decided who is in the in-group, and who is outside? Who stands up for the rights of the minority in a time when the rallying cry is majority rules? These are critical questions, especially when you could end up on the outside on five minutes notice.
It’s fine when you’re on the winning team, or the side that happens to hold power and be in the majority. But we are not living within a strictly defined structure, and the terms are constantly changing.
Recently, firefighters, police officers and nurses were all heroes. This week, we are throwing them under the bus if they do not comply with an experimental medical procedure.
The guy who was, just yesterday, searching the bedrooms in a burning apartment building is now an asshole. Yesterday he was risking his life searching for children and a kitten in a structure about to collapse. Today he is a threat to the health of someone he rescues.
The nurse who lived through two years of a supposed pandemic (and who was the subject of pots, pans and cheering at 7 pm every night) must be fired for not complying. This is evidence of how fast the rules can change, and would best be taken as a warning to all who are willing to go along today. You might not be so willing tomorrow. Uranus is in the picture: today’s heroes are tomorrow’s outcasts and enemies.
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Taurus and Scorpio are About Money
One last idea. We’ve all heard of “cryptocurrency,” though the vast majority of people know nothing about it. What most people do not know is that all money is going digital — or that is the current plan. There are long-standing plans to end cash and the use of conventional dollars, and make all money “smart,” meaning, programmable cryptocurrency.
This is not the original idea of crypto, nor what happens with it today. The concept of crypto is a non-centralized currency that is based on people’s mutual investment in one another, rather than in debt. It has an agreed upon value rather than an arbitrary assigned value. It can be used anonymously, worldwide — wherever there is internet access. Ordinary people can “mine” it, or send it privately to one another without interference.
If you have ever thought there was something inherently criminal about the monetary system, you will find many answers in crypto and the philosophy of those who are invested in it, and who create it.
The new concept for central-bank digital currency (CBDC) is evil. It is subject to total control; it is a perversion of the idea, taking it out of the hands of people, centralizing it rather than allowing a much safer, more useful and freer decentralized form of the concept. Decentralized means there is no central control over the supply or the value. Rather, it is subject to human agreements about its use and value, and transacted with no oversight by the government.
The CBDC version would create a surveillance system rather than an anonymous system. That means that someone whose personal file indicates they are on blood pressure medication could be restricted from eating certain places. It could mean that you may only be able to conduct transactions within so many miles from home. It could mean that your account is turned off if your vaccination record is not up-to-date.
Uranus in Taurus is the perfect image of “computerized money.” The New Moon opposite Uranus is the perfect image of things changing very, very fast. [See interview with financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts.]
Who thinks any of these things Ive mentioned in this article are a good idea? How far is too far? Who is counted in, and who is counted out? Who benefits from the radical division of society? Who benefits when the people lose?
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Your Nov. 2, 2021 Weekly horoscope by Eric Francis
First, make sure that you’re following your own agenda rather than being pushed into doing something by another person. That might resolve matters immediately. Relating to others directly is the far better approach.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Saturn and Chiron are working together in a harmonious way, which is more than we can say about most planets and most people lately. Both the sky and society are largely dominated by what is clashing and competing rather than what is looking for a positive solution, or even open to one, though you do have that option. Considering that potential may be the result of a necessity; for example, if you are determined to accomplish something and run into various blocks, delays or conflicts. First, make sure that you’re following your own agenda rather than being pushed into doing something by another person. That might resolve matters immediately. Relating to others directly is the far better approach. You will relate better to others by taking your own point of view rather than doing anyone else’s bidding. It’s likely that you will get further by standing in your truth than by couching your point of view in any excuses. Note that the primary matter is not financial. Rather, it is more of a therapy exercise, of the 1970s variety: “I am me, and you are you.”
Someone may choose you as a muse, either that, or you possess a spark that ignites them in some way. Karma matters, but if someone sees your face and writes an epic poem, that’s not your fault. If you’re wearing a stunning hat and someone drives into a parked car, they needed to drive a little more carefully.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have an effect on people that you’re not expecting, though you don’t need to feel shocked or guilty or wonder what you did. Someone may choose you as a muse, either that, or you possess a spark that ignites them in some way. Karma matters, but if someone sees your face and writes an epic poem, that’s not your fault. If you’re wearing a stunning hat and someone drives into a parked car, they needed to drive a little more carefully. Where you are seeking an impact is where you must be careful, particularly if you have a plan to change another person, or in some way alter or disrupt the course of his or her life. You may see some of your own drive for independence mirrored back at you, so that’s an indication to be more accepting when others don’t do what you’re expecting. Thursday’s New Moon in your opposite sign Scorpio could have a separating effect on certain relationships, though this will be mitigated if you take a light touch and postpone offering any complaints for a few days. You may decide that someone who seemed to inconvenience you actually helped you.
You tend to do the same thing, no matter what you consciously intend. Yet you have some extra motivation now, and it may come in the form of being backed into a corner, or forced to make a decision that you really don’t want to make. The good thing is that you have a choice.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s time to wake up to the real issues of health and wellness — not what you see on CNN, or are advised to do by a sign hanging in the pharmacy. You may feel driven to get your act together where nutrition, moving your body, or getting the toxins out of your environment are concerned. It’s not easy for you to make those adaptations, given that this sector of your chart is covered by the fixed sign Scorpio. You tend to do the same thing, no matter what you consciously intend. Yet you have some extra motivation now, and it may come in the form of being backed into a corner, or forced to make a decision that you really don’t want to make. The good thing is that you have a choice. You can, of course, go along to get along, though here in the digital age, we tend not to think about what we learned in the past, or how something that you do today might influence the future. This argues against merely opting for short-term convenience, or supposed medium-term security. You need to treat every health matter as a decision that can potentially affect your whole life.
This is the key to creativity: not so much playing scales but making music; not so much writing every day but the joy of seeing your ideas come to life. Fun is the essence of the matter, and what will keep you coming back to your ideas.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For maximum fun, stay where people can see, hear and feel you. This week’s New Moon in Scorpio stretches across the most dynamic angle of your solar chart — the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which is about friendship, creativity and taking some chances. It’s true that yours is one of the more risk-averse signs, but you have your moments of suspending disbelief in danger. However, while there may be a party to be had socially, this is a fine time to dislodge yourself from any creative or artistic blocks you may have experienced lately. That will come in the form of an experiment, though set yourself up for success by committing not just to being creative but rather to feeling good. This is the key to creativity: not so much playing scales but making music; not so much writing every day but the joy of seeing your ideas come to life. Fun is the essence of the matter, and what will keep you coming back to your ideas. Your New Moon inspiration could be fleeting, though not if you allow it to change you just a little. Keep your sketchbook on your desk right near your phone, but a little closer to you. And in all things, work with the element of surprise or of spontaneity.
You’re not really gullible, but you can be persuaded more easily than most using false arguments that appeal to your sense of duty. This leaves you vulnerable to self-serving agendas.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You don’t need to cling to any concept of security, though you may think that’s what will serve you best. In fact that seems to be going around, or at least some counterfeit of the notion of what it means to be safe. Lately, that can lead to strange places, which one could not rightly call helpful. One puzzle of your existence now involves where you look for stability and guidance. It’s more likely to come from your peers than from above, though there is still the issue of people running their agendas on you. You are likely to fall for various forms of the “be a good citizen” argument, though you might want to do some work and find out whether there are any facts behind it. You’re not really gullible, but you can be persuaded more easily than most using false arguments that appeal to your sense of duty. This leaves you vulnerable to self-serving agendas. It is therefore essential that you make up your own mind about what is right for you, and know when others are trying to nudge you into a position that does not help you, and could even be detrimental.
Slow Motion Flash Sale! Planets in Motion 2022
What’s happening in your astrology right now? What year were you born? That says as much about you as your Sun, Moon and rising sign. Your year of birth is the true focus of your growth process and the opportunities that you have. Dear Friend and Reader: My approach to astrology is based on what is happening right now. I have just completed Planets in Motion, an e-Book that covers about 20 transits happening to people ages 1-84. This is an easy introduction to using astrology in practical ways. I write in clear language and bring your astrology to life. It comes with an audio introduction to the topic to help you get oriented and learn the value of transits. Thank you for your business and your trust.
If you find that you cannot figure it out, then you might consider withdrawing your point of view until you can formulate something that you are actually confident in. For everyone though especially for you, enormous pressures are being brought to bear in all aspects of your life involving work, wellness and healing.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Keeping an open mind is a challenge lately, especially in jurisdictions where thinking has been outlawed. However, one technique that may work for you is asking everyone to present specifics when they have a viewpoint or an opinion — especially if they claim it involves you. You can also do this for yourself: any time you assert an opinion or point of view, ask yourself how you got there. By that I mean trace your steps to your conclusion, and see if you can find the point of origin of the path that got you there. If you find that you cannot figure it out, then you might consider withdrawing your point of view until you can formulate something that you are actually confident in. For everyone though especially for you, enormous pressures are being brought to bear in all aspects of your life involving work, wellness and healing. What I suggest you write on your mirror is, “What works for other people might not work for me.” Nobody should need to be told this in the 21st century — we figured this out a long time ago.
There’s a time and a place for everything, and the current circumstances call for allowing your investments to pay off rather than trying to make them do so. And if they don’t, wait a while and you’ll make back any losses fairly soon
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You could make a windfall on an investment this week. However, I would suggest not pushing your luck unless you know what you’re doing. This knowledge had best be from a source inside yourself rather than from any advice you get, or from following the example of someone who may seem just brilliant. There’s a time and a place for everything, and the current circumstances call for allowing your investments to pay off rather than trying to make them do so. And if they don’t, wait a while and you’ll make back any losses fairly soon. This is all a spiritual metaphor for the value that you place upon yourself. This has to start with you. Except under rare circumstances, your relationship to yourself will be knocked off-kilter by others. You don’t want to depend on them for inspiration or for stability. That is inherently uninspired and unstable. Yes, there are times when others may give you a tap or a bump or write you a check — though those cannot be determinative factors. Even when they are, to develop even the best idea requires a real degree of drive that comes from you.
You might be feeling some unusual pressure to do so now, or experiencing the false aspiration to be some bright, shiny thing. You have plenty going for you, and in truth you can never aspire to someone’s image; that is a hollow notion.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This week’s New Moon in your birth sign will help you catch up on the changes and movements in your relationships during the past couple of years. It may be one of those moments when the lights come on and you make a discovery that was looking at you all along. It is difficult in nearly any relationship to withdraw your projections and see a person for who they actually are. It works the other way too. You might take on the perspective or expectations that another person has of you, and try to live up to those ideas. You might be feeling some unusual pressure to do so now, or experiencing the false aspiration to be some bright, shiny thing. You have plenty going for you, and in truth you can never aspire to someone’s image; that is a hollow notion. All that said, the thing to do now is be open to learning from what you observe. Consider every encounter an experiment. Anyone and everything can provoke your growth — when you least expect it.
Your mind has been holding a pattern for many months, and it’s boxing you in. You are in a great position to let yourself get shocked, jolted or illuminated into a new point of view. You might make a general guideline of avoiding methods and approaches you’ve used many times.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may feel like you need to sort everything out and make everything add up in neat columns, though I would suggest going in another direction. Immerse yourself in the world of feeling, and give your rational mind a break. You may feel like this will be destabilizing, which I reckon will be helpful. Your mind has been holding a pattern for many months, and it’s boxing you in. You are in a great position to let yourself get shocked, jolted or illuminated into a new point of view. You might make a general guideline of avoiding methods and approaches you’ve used many times. Introduce some variation into all of your activities. It’s good to do things a little differently for its own sake. There are some areas of your life where this will occur naturally, particularly around work-related routines. You can reconsider the meaning of anything you have previously said would be “good for you” or “bad for you” — those definitions are likely to change and might do so on rather short notice. It is vital that you listen to your body, which will tell you something different every day, if you’re paying attention.
Place some distance between your own views and what others think you should think or do. In part, that is the source of the pressure you’re under, though for that to work, you would need to cooperate in some way. The therapy issue here is: are you entitled to your own point of view, and what does that mean in reality?
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may feel so as if you’re wound so tight that about to pop. You might want to unwind gently. You are set up to be triggered, by any one of a series of events that may knock you out of sorts. Place some distance between your own views and what others think you should think or do. In part, that is the source of the pressure you’re under, though for that to work, you would need to cooperate in some way. The therapy issue here is: are you entitled to your own point of view, and what does that mean in reality? Second, what internal factors would in some way dissuade you from standing in your truth? Well, we live in a time when just about every issue is waged with power rather than persuasion or choice. As a society, we do not, in our time, honor the right to dissent — even though all Western “democracies” are based on this principle. Yet to have your own position is not to exist in a safe zone; far from it. So you may be feeling like your efforts are frustrated, or like you must stand up to the whole world. I assure you that you are not alone, though it’s up to you to welcome those who would help.
Time is of the essence. It always is, for an Aquarian. In any matter involving structure, professional duty, or all-around dharma, when something is done is equal to how it is done. On all matters that pertain directly to you, you’re responsible for the when and the how.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You must be your own authority, and part of what that means is staying ahead of all obligations and important commitments. Time is of the essence. It always is, for an Aquarian. In any matter involving structure, professional duty, or all-around dharma, when something is done is equal to how it is done. On all matters that pertain directly to you, you’re responsible for the when and the how. Those may conflict this week, as time pressure seems to be on high, and you are likely have pressure coming from bosses or clients. However, the timing is the thing to watch carefully. Is it really necessary to move so fast? Is there a safety issue in any sense of the word? You have a good argument for slowing down the clock a little; you can suggest that it will be worth proceeding with some care and caution rather than rushing matters, especially if there are some arbitrary deadlines floating around. Meanwhile, prepare for unexpected developments with this week’s New Moon opposite Uranus. The ball you’re looking at might not be the one you have to swing at.
Though it may not feel that way, there are many factors working to your advantage. One is that the Sun moving through your 9th house tends to expand your perspective.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are among those capable of being egalitarian, though the meaning of that idea is lost if you count yourself out. This time of year, with the Sun (and so many other planets) in water sign Scorpio, that’s easier than ever, though you must take the steps. Nobody is going to do it for you, though they are more likely to cooperate if you state your intentions and ask for cooperation — then take your space and time and do what you need to do. Though it may not feel that way, there are many factors working to your advantage. One is that the Sun moving through your 9th house tends to expand your perspective. This is helpful on its own, and it provides an advantage over those who are looking at the world through a cardboard tube. There is also an inner shift taking place that is allowing you to come into alignment with your self-respect. That could manifest as awareness of your value, or just feeling better about yourself. Most of this is based on inner adjustments that do not necessarily lend themselves to easy description, nor can you account for them with ordinary observations of the world. Yet feel inside and you will notice that something significant is shifting for you.