It’s not enough to focus on what is new; you have important matters to resolve as you make one of the most important transitions of your life during the next year.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s now time to wrap up old business, which includes retiring expired plans and ambitions. These things have a way of laying around and consuming space, time and energy, your most important resources. It’s not enough to focus on what is new; you have important matters to resolve as you make one of the most important transitions of your life during the next year. This is associated with Pluto moving out of Capricorn and off of your cross of the heavens (the cardinal cross, consisting of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Cap). If you maintain a sense of the past, the present and the future, you will handle this transition deftly. Yet this requires focusing on things other than blazing forward with your many ideas. While you might think of resolving certain matters of the past as a delay, they will give you time to size up your current plans and ambitions, and winnow them down to what you want the most. At this stage of your life, you must be strategic. And it’s essential that you account for the qualities that make you and your creative work different from others. Any truly valid life plan will honor your distinctions, especially now as they are coming to the forefront under the influence of Chiron in your sign. Certain elements of your new phase of existence have already begun. You are entering a time that will be distinguished by your social involvement rather than professional aspirations. Your work-related life will follow this trend. The past 14 years of Pluto in Capricorn have been a wild ride, as you have navigated your way through various elements of ‘straight’ society. You are almost done with that, though not quite. So keep your focus on the present, and take every opportunity to resolve any past matter that could hold you back. From there, the way forward will be much easier to see and feel.
This will test your commitment to your work, your relationships, your sense of purpose and your faith in yourself. Take it in stride: you now know there will be a succession of such challenges in a very short time (by my count, four).

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are about to experience the wisdom of “less is more.” This is particularly true where your most cherished goals are concerned, and the work you are doing to build your reputation. One by one, a series of planets are about to form conjunctions to Saturn. This will test your commitment to your work, your relationships, your sense of purpose and your faith in yourself. Take it in stride: you now know there will be a succession of such challenges in a very short time (by my count, four). The last of these occurs around the time of your birthday, on May 7, which is Vesta conjunct Saturn. This reduces the equation to one question, which is more of a thought exercise. What is the one thing for which you would give up everything else? That is what becomes your highest priority. I can give you a few clues from the identikit known as astrology. First, it’s unlikely to be a sexual relationship. It is likely to involve work you do that is in some way humanitarian, or for the common benefit. It is unlikely to be something designed for you to gain personally, at least other than a sense of fulfillment from work well done. Where other people are involved, you are likely to be a facilitator rather than one doing the actual labor. Part of your role is to set parameters and definitions. Does any of this sound familiar? The other quality is a profound sense of personal responsibility. I suggest you apply this to everything you do, and everyone you encounter. There is no longer room in anyone’s life, least of all yours, for partial commitment, hesitancy, or putting off important priorities for the future. The future has arrived, and though I recognize it was not the one we wanted or were expecting, it is the one we have, and it is calling for profound moral leadership.
Not everyone is interested in acting on the ones they have. Not everyone cares about making the world a better place.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you are not already getting the message, allow me to speak for the Universe: it is time to focus your highest ideals into tangible action. While this could be a good suggestion any day of the year, not everyone has ideals. Not everyone is interested in acting on the ones they have. Not everyone cares about making the world a better place. However, you are under influences now that are calling on you to do something real, and relevant — and you know it. Motivation is pushing outward from your spiritual core, and is filtering out into the waking world. Influences like this do not arrive every year or even every decade; sometimes they occur just once in a lifetime. I suggest, however, that you do nothing for the sake of appearances, except maybe dress appropriately for any situation you’re in. It would be easy to present an image to the people you encounter and coast along on that, though you would be undermining your own purpose. You are driven by concerns and the need to address conflicts that are coming from a deep place. It is fair to say you are discovering you care, much more than you ever thought, about issues that affect many people. Therefore, the only suitable response is sincerity in all that you do, and offering yourself the very best that you can. This is a turning point in your life, and you can plan to not only be here for the long run, but also to be drawn deeper as this astrology develops over the next two years. We live in times when there is much to be concerned about and many people needing help. We are also confronting a kind of nihilism, that is to say, profound a defeatism — that is profoundly disturbing to anyone with a soul. Do not fall for this. You are on Earth for a reason
In the past, you are likely to have favored deep levels of mutual involvement that hold much less interest for you now. It’s not that you’re disinterested in people — you remain curious and concerned about them.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Who and what is left of your relationship life has stood the tests of time, stress and endurance. More significant is what has become of your prior expectations about the ways that partnerships should be. It is fair to say that you’re a much more independent person than you ever were. In the past, you are likely to have favored deep levels of mutual involvement that hold much less interest for you now. It’s not that you’re disinterested in people — you remain curious and concerned about them. It’s just that you need a longer tether, or no tether at all, and also the freedom to choose your depth of entanglement. You are learning that you need equal involvements with a diversity of people, not just one. And most of all, as may become evident over the next few weeks, your relationships are healthier and more resilient when they get to go through transitions and come out in a new place. The lesson of the moment is that your involvements with others must be lived on your terms. This does not exclude mutual arrangements; yet to have any fulfillment or peace of mind, you must honor your own bottom lines. Of these, the first is that you are your own person. Who you are is not subject to modification or adjustment by others. I am not implying being selfish or inflexible; I mean holding your center. I mean recognizing when others have an agenda for you that does not include your point of view, and sidestepping that. At this time in your journey, your goals must be paramount in your own life. You have done your part taking on the burdens and the responsibilities of others. Honor your own dharma, and celebrate this fact when you are reminded it’s what you are called to do. In truth, nothing else matters.
Your current assignment is to stand in the full power of your talent and ability, while standing on level ground with everyone. This includes those who deem themselves among the mighty and the infallible, and those who seem to be the least among your brethren.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — We are equal beings. Yet how does that actually manifest, except as birth and death? All day long, you will hear people in both public and private life asserting that they are better or someone else is less worthy. The justifications go on and on. Yet you know this is not true, and that these are judgments that carry considerable karma. Your current assignment is to stand in the full power of your talent and ability, while standing on level ground with everyone. This includes those who deem themselves among the mighty and the infallible, and those who seem to be the least among your brethren. Presently, you have access to resources you can use to help many people. You possess talents and abilities that equal those who are considered the notable in their field. So do not count yourself out of anything, nor make the mistake of deciding in advance that there is not room for you in the world. It is true that there are places where you will feel crowded out, or like there is some elite conspiracy to prevent newcomers from getting involved. Where you feel you have a legitimate purpose, you can persist, though never for the sake of rebellion. Your mere presence is likely to push some buttons, and in these years you must take care not to provoke people needlessly. Part of equality means not giving anyone an unfair advantage over you. As part of your social experiment in these months, be aware of false, self-effacing attitudes, whether yours or those of anyone else. And recognize the inherent hypocrisy of anyone calling anyone else selfish. With the Sun about to make its way across your powerful 10th house of recognition for your accomplishments, it’s essential that you stand at your full stature at all times.
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Make some distance between yourself and those who are prone to discord. You may notice that this comes with an aversion to being productive — that is the essence of conflict.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are discovering that you’re not so isolated after all. Neptune making its seemingly endless trip across the Pisces ocean — your relationship house — can create the illusion that nobody can sees you, or if they do, they do not bother to notice your existence. When did that start to change? Anyway, you’re in a different place, and Neptune has a different role, which is to create a sense of shared purpose, harmony and even a spiritual affiliation. While it’s true that there are some sources of conflict (for you, associated with a series of conjunctions by other planets to Saturn in Aquarius), don’t let them distract you. Make some distance between yourself and those who are prone to discord. You may notice that this comes with an aversion to being productive — that is the essence of conflict. Be mindful of people whose lives are one long health drama, and also, do your best to take care of yourself. That all said, you are welcome to take advantage of your improved social freedom. This comes with an environment that is overall more favorable to the kinds of things you love to do the most. However, if there is a catch, it is that you must take the initiative; your decisions and your choices are what lead the way forward for you. If you find yourself waiting for someone else to make the first move, do it yourself. If you want to make an improvement in some aspect of your life, be decisive and take action. You are in an environment where what you focus on will grow. This is why it’s essential to emphasize the positive with your choices and your actions, and sidestep those whose middle name is “Friction.”
If you want to have more fun and live a more creative existence, the current astrology is providing you with plenty of opportunity to claim that space and establish that pattern.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are gradually learning to take more (and better) risks, and to not send out the press release about how cautious you are. If you want to have more fun and live a more creative existence, the current astrology is providing you with plenty of opportunity to claim that space and establish that pattern. Particularly where fun, art, adventure and romance are concerned, the pattern is essential. I am sorry there is not a better word that I can think of, so I’ll explain. Tendencies exist both within you and as part of the environment you create in your life. Both are essential when it comes to the facts of your life pertaining to pleasure. The result you get is usually the result that you have set up in advance. Then, like learning how to write, draw or play an instrument, the more you do it, the better you get. Yet the deeper challenge seems to involve not overthinking your desires or your experience. Aquarius is involved in this angle of your solar chart. So where feeling would serve you, ideas have a way of dominating. Where you strive to be solitary, social realities somehow impose themselves. At the moment, your creative theme is collaboration. If you want to play, you get to play with others. Yet choose well, because you won’t be compatible with everyone who shows up. The point of division may be about commitment to going deep, and sticking with the creative process. One by one, people are likely to fall away, and then you can see who you’re left with. The truth is, you don’t need anyone else, for you to do your thing. You only need to return to the work every day, and to find the place where you are happy indulging your curiosity and probing into the unfamiliar and the unknown.
Apollo is a facilitator of success. You are doing better than most people these days, and everyone knows it. While the modern thing to do is to keep this to yourself, you will only enhance your good fortune if you are generous with others.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I was explaining to someone born under your sign today that Scorpio is one of the reasons people are made nervous about astrology. It’s also considered proof that astrology is real. Yet those Scorpionic tendencies exist mostly in rumor. These days, you are a point of contact, warmth and gathering more than anything else. A hidden planet called Apollo is making its way through your sign, so slowly as to represent a permanent feature (it is a new arrival, and will be with you for decades). Apollo is a facilitator of success. You are doing better than most people these days, and everyone knows it. While the modern thing to do is to keep this to yourself, you will only enhance your good fortune if you are generous with others. What you have, and the talents you may offer, are only meaningful if they expand. If you treat them with an energy of contraction or concealment, you will diminish the very best of what life is offering to you. At the same time, I can see that there are a few different sources of either emotional conflict that may be riling you up, some of which are coming from your family or household. You may not feel like you have much in common with your family these days (which for a Scorpio Sun or rising is a positive development, as it will encourage you to be more independent). And there seems to be a disruptive factor in your relationships that sparks up when you least expect it. All of this can work together toward a rather timely goal: you are the founder of a tribe, or perhaps more accurately, a family of choice. Yet unlike most other groups, one attribute I suggest you cultivate and even insist upon is the right of people to be individuals: to act and think and choose freely. There is room for everyone in your life, whether or not you like them. That matters less than everyone thinks.
Yet excess of strife, irritation or conflict are not helpful, though of the two, most people find mental and emotional conflict to be more ‘inspiring’. They often seem more real, or necessary; at least you can document their existence

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Feeling safe, secure and protected are nice, though they don’t usually result in much success or personal growth. And such sensations are often an illusion. Yet excess of strife, irritation or conflict are not helpful, though of the two, most people find mental and emotional conflict to be more ‘inspiring’. They often seem more real, or necessary; at least you can document their existence. I suggest doing some sorting out here. There is a split in your chart, right along the imaginary line that divides the mental and the emotional. Yet in this equation, the negative will tend to dominate, unless you are able to get a handle on it. Fortunately, there is a filtering process going on, and this will help you set some priorities. For this to work in your favor, here is what I suggest: recognize every point of tension or conflict as a point of decision — and don’t shy away from the need to make a conscious choice. It is too easy to pretend you don’t really need to do anything, and the pressure will come off sooner or later without you needing to do or decide much. Yet your learning process now is about getting a handle on making decisions, and recognizing why this is such an urgently necessary skill. Though few people like it; few have the gumption to confront life so directly as one does when it all comes down to making a choice about something that really matters. So I suggest you practice, on matters large and small. Keep asking yourself: what are my options here? What hurts me and what hinders me? What helps someone important to me, and what hinders them? Moreover, the real question is: what is the basis of my decision? On what grounds am I making these determinations? Those are called values, and honoring yours is essential at this time.
You are the person who can be trusted with artifacts, physical and spiritual. Yet the past has in many ways been demolished in recent years, on nearly every level, and this has been deeply disorienting for everyone.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The past looms large in any matter related to Capricorn, and in the lives of its natives. Of the past, you are one of its keepers, its librarians, and its curators. You are the person who can be trusted with artifacts, physical and spiritual. Yet the past has in many ways been demolished in recent years, on nearly every level, and this has been deeply disorienting for everyone. There has been a similar up-ending in your own life as Pluto has worked its way through your sign. Consider that the effect has been to remove the crust over the true wisdom of the ancestors, the deepest lessons from your own individual and family history, and to reveal something more important than what passes for knowledge or information today. I don’t know how this might sound to a reader living in the digital world, though that is largely an illusion and a matter of where you fix your awareness. You are a creature of the Earth, destined to be here for all of your days. Now is the time to deepen and understand your relationship to the physical ground beneath you. It is the source of all sustenance, wealth, shelter and wisdom. Yet you may only realize this by choice. Study your relationship to the land you are on. Ask yourself the ways you identify with the place you inhabit on the planet: the land, the plants, the animals. This is a profound aspect of your healing process. With Saturn and so many other planets now transiting Aquarius, you may be considering your financial status from the perspective of ideas and technology. That will serve you, to a point. Yet you must also be grounded on the physical plane and the physical planet. All wealth comes from the Earth.
This is the perfect setup for a mental rollercoaster that you may already be experiencing. It will help immensely if you can guide your attention to a deeper level of awareness, and tap into your spiritual nature and healing abilities.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Through late March and into early April, a series of planets make conjunctions to Saturn in your sign. This is the perfect setup for a mental rollercoaster that you may already be experiencing. It will help immensely if you can guide your attention to a deeper level of awareness, and tap into your spiritual nature and healing abilities. You have access to these areas of your consciousness, though they possess a quality different from what is currently dominating the world, and that quality is silence. Moreover, you need to allow yourself to be guided by your inner sensibilities rather than by image or appearance. Even if you think you usually take this approach, it’s not the one that is supported or welcomed by the current digitally-driven world. We have all been thrust into a kind of marketplace that is imposing a public-relations approach to everything. Words and images have been reduced to commodities, and as such, nearly all expressions carry a commercial inflection. We are at a stage where every form of communication can be considered a form of advertising. Stranger yet is nearly everyone thinks this is fine. Sometimes for fun I ask people if they remember before YouTube had ads, and so far, I cannot find anyone who does. Activity in your adjoining sign Pisces is encouraging you to subvert all of this through a modest, quiet approach to life, and to offering what you do. Honoring the values of generosity, empathy and friendship are the ones to encourage. The spirit I am describing is that of taking care of an abandoned cat or dog. The purpose of doing so is never for profit, gain or even paying your way. Your true purpose is to help any critter who needs your kindness, love and attention.
Your mind may be cooking up various worst-case scenarios, even though you’re standing on solid ground and have your priorities in order.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The forthcoming (once-in-a-lifetime) Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in your birth sign is the closest thing to cosmic reassurance available in all of astrology. Your mind may be cooking up various worst-case scenarios, even though you’re standing on solid ground and have your priorities in order. While fear can be a warning system, it is not reality — particularly in our current time of high anxiety, and the way that it’s showing up in your chart. Therefore, do what you can to address any angst you’re feeling on your terms rather than its terms. For example, rather than scrambling to fix or address the thing you’re concerned about, size up your mental and emotional state. Look closely at the facts and figures. Evaluate other factors that could be leading to how you feel, or what you think. And consider all the influences working in your favor. The way your current solar chart is set up, you get a choice. In fact you get many choices; everything hinges on the decision of who and what you think you are. Meanwhile, fear is a profound form of stress, and you are being given an opportunity to learn how to process it. If you focus on this as a spiritual growth project, you will learn plenty; you are definitely experiencing some form of inner shift. It’s as if you’re processing some ancient karma that has little to do with your current circumstances, or even your current lifetime. There is an ancestral level to your situation. This calls for noticing how you may be responding as if you’re living in the distant past, or within the reality frame of someone long gone from the planet. Yes, this is an appropriate time to address certain financial matters, though the deeper scenario there is self-respect and finding the confidence to do exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it. I would say put your faith in the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, though that is saying to put your faith in yourself and your higher power.
Wow! I am Blown away with this April, in Taurus reading. It makes plenty of sense now. Also, I’m a Cancer moon and Virgo Rising, and it all fits in some way, shape, or form.
Thank you,
Fabulous, Amanda — I just replied to your email re: rising sign. Place of birth matters in calculating that, so just reply with where you were born and we’ll get back to you asap.